The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 817: Blood-washed sky

Just when Jiang Yun arranged this sword array, in his dantian, Su Yang, which was originally inside the black cloud cover of Huo Yanghui, was lying on the ground with a sullen face. Erlang's legs, with an unknown little tune in the mouth!

A few days ago, he had successfully won the body of Ralink, so that he finally had the flesh again after a few years.

This naturally makes him extremely excited, and he rarely gives himself a few days off, not practicing, but enjoying the long-lost body.

But at this moment, his ear suddenly sounded like a voice with endless vicissitudes: "Su Yang!"

Upon hearing this voice, Su Yang’s lying body smashed directly from the ground.

Then, after a soft knee, he fell to the ground, his head was attached to the ground, and the voice trembled: "Lord, master!"

This voice is not from Jiang Yun, but from another one hidden in Jiang Yun's body. It is almost exactly the same as Jiang Yun, but it has a powerful soul!

At that time, when Su Yang was preparing to win Jiang Yun, it was because he saw this soul, not only let him immediately give up the idea of ​​winning Jiang Yun, but also took the initiative to recognize Jiang Yun.

Since then, he has never seen this soul again, and has not heard the voice of the other party, but he never imagined that he had just had a flesh, and the other party had a rare opening speech.

He doesn't know what the other party has in mind, but the only thing he can do is to show his loyalty as much as possible: "Master, what do you have to order, the old slaves must go through the fire, never die!"

After a few moments, Su Yang suddenly raised his head, with an incredible color on his face: "On this matter?"


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Su Yang suddenly took a shot of his own chest, and made a loud noise of "咚", full of impassioned words: "Master assured, this little thing, the old slave must do well!"

After that, Su Yang waited for a moment with his ears, and finally confirmed that the other party’s voice would not ring again. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and touched his heart: "Scared me! Really, obviously the same Soul, why don’t you communicate, and I have to send a message on my behalf. I really don’t understand it, I don’t understand it!”

"However, I must do this thing well. If something goes wrong, I am afraid that the body I just got will be lost again!"


After seeing the swordsmanship of Joe Xiangrong manipulating the sword, Jiang Yun had a bold idea.

If you can make every sword contain swords, even if there is only one trace, then gathering together will be extremely majestic;

If you can make these swords combined into a matrix, even if there is only one change in each sword, after gathering together, it is tens of thousands of changes!

No one knows that in the three years of Liu’s retreat, Jiang Yun’s remaining time is trying to make his own ideas come true.

In the end, he did it.

He was able to transfer his sword meaning to the sword, and then he would form the sword.

With the power of the array, let each sword get nine more changes, plus a sword, that is ten changes!

Although this is still a long way from his expectations, after all, his vision is a sword, but he is already very satisfied with this sword array.

The most important thing is that this sword array has no relationship with the identity of the owner of the **** world, so that he can perform even if he leaves the **** world.

And this is also a big killer that he has always hidden so far!

Nowadays, in the face of the criminal demon, it can continue to combine, but it does not have much power, and the magical method of being able to control multiple souls, so that he finally used the sword array!

Above the sky, the sword array consisting of nearly a thousand swords surrounded the black daggers of more than 8,000. This scene deeply shocked everyone, even the criminal demon.

As the voice of Jiang Yun fell, the sword array suddenly began to work.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth are filled with the sound of crisp metal and the sound of screaming.

The entire sky is completely covered by the Jianguang, which is open and horizontal!

It was only a short time, and the world was restored.

Above the sky, the sword array consisting of nearly a thousand swords is intact, and the black sword of more than eight thousand handles has disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, the sword array, winning!

At this moment, even the criminal demon is wide-eyed, watching the sword array, his face reveals an incredible color!

Even if the soul is good, the little sword is worth it, it does not have much power.

But every soul, every small sword, needs him to refine himself in a special way. It took him nearly a hundred years to have so many swords and souls.

Now, all of this has been completely destroyed by Jiang Yun in a while!

Gradually, the shocking color on the face of the criminal demon turned into a deep anger, and screamed at Jiang Yun: "Jiang Yun, you finally angered me. I didn't know how to deal with you. But now I decided, I want to catch you and let you taste all my punishment!"


There was a strong breath on the body of the criminal demon.

In the previous fight, he did not put Jiang Yun in his eyes, and as he said, he never knew how to deal with Jiang Yun, so naturally he did not use all the strength.

But now, he finally broke out the true strength of his own late stage!

Under the suppression of the temperament of the criminal demon, Jiang Yun suddenly felt the pressure of terror.

Even with the constant influx of the **** world, it still makes it impossible to compete with this force.

The criminal demon did not even use any technique at all, but with the breath of his own body, he had already taken a step and walked toward Jiang Yun.

Looking at the criminal devil who is getting closer and closer to himself, Jiang Yun’s heart couldn’t help but sigh: “It seems that you can only use the last trick!”

Jiang Yun’s eyes filled with blood, revealing the color of decisiveness, and deeply watching the criminal demon: "This world, although named the **** world, but I did not see the blood!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s body suddenly burst into endless blood.

In the blood, he raised his hand, toward the bottom, toward the countless creatures of the entire bloodway, volley.

With his grasp, the countless creatures in the entire **** world, whether it is the strong gods, or the ordinary beasts that have not been born, even feel their own eyebrows.

Then, I saw a drop of blood, flew out of their eyebrows uncontrollably and flew into the air.

A drop of blood is naturally insignificant, but the number of creatures in the entire bloodway sector exceeds hundreds of millions.

Hundreds of millions of drops of blood gathered in the air, which formed a vast expanse of blood.

Looking up, this **** sea is like replacing the sky in the **** world and becoming the second day.

Seeing this scene, the criminal demon's face filled with anger, finally revealed a touch of fear, blurted out and debut: "Impossible, you can not cast this trick!"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Under the reflection of the blood, the face of Jiang Yun turned out to be extremely embarrassing, with a cold smile on his face and a vomiting of four words.

"Blood washed the sky!"

Along with the sound of these four words, a **** light, like the same drop of humanoid blood like Jiang Yun, step by step, mixed with the blood of the **** world, and fell into the blood!

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