The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 845: Believe it is true

"If it is the mortal, then the revenge of Luo Xin, there is still some trouble!" Luo Wenyan's face showed a sinking color.

Nan Yunruo has never dealt with other people because he has lived in a long history. All that he knows is from her master, so she is not very clear about many things.

However, the old disciples in Tianluozong almost know that these "good-qualified" mortals brought back every time have a very special status in the Zong.

When the gods fall to the elders and go down to the disciples, they are not strictly prohibited from shooting them, but they must also protect their safety and not let them suffer the slightest harm.

Unless they can't pass the check, it is called the elimination!

Even if they are eliminated, they will be taken to the Sovereign, and the Sovereign will personally fall and fall. Others have no chance to take them.

Therefore, Luo Wenyan is very clear in his heart, if the mortal around Nan Yunruo killed his grandson, then he did not have any way to take him.

After all, Losin’s death, although heavily heavy in his own eyes, is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the sovereign!

It is absolutely impossible for the sovereign to kill the mortal because of the death of Losin.

Unless the mortal can't pass the check, by that time, he may be able to ask the lord, give the person to himself, and avenge his death.

"It’s still too early to think about killing him. After all, it’s not certain that he is the murderer, but anyway, I’m going to see this person!”

Then, in the eyes of Luo Wenyan, there was a slap in the face: "However, if Nan Yunruo must be buried with Xiner!"

"Not to mention, in the hands of Nan Yunruo, there are things that Lu Lun left behind!"

"Xiner can't get it, then I can only pick it up!"

When the voice fell, Luo Wenyan stepped out and the body shape disappeared without a trace.

At the same time that Luo Wenyan disappeared, the old-fashioned old man who was sitting on the top of the hills of Tianlu Mountain, however, opened his eyes and swung his sleeves.

I saw a halo in front of him, and there was a scene in the halo, which was the whole process of killing Luo Xin by Jiang Yun!

Looking at these pictures, the old man said to himself: "A mortal who does not have the slightest repair, can actually kill Luo Xin, which does prove that his physical strength is extremely powerful, it may be... ”

However, the old man shook his head and said: "Just, even if the strength of the flesh is strong, swallowing so many remedies should have more or less effects."

"But there is still no slight aura in his body. In this case, I saw it for the first time and made me a little bit unacceptable."

"Exactly, this time, by the hand of Luo Wenyan, check him again!"

"If he really doesn't have the slightest aura, only the strength of the flesh, then let him live."

"But if he has aura... then let Luo Wenyan kill him, but it is the pain of his lost grandson!"

Jiang Yun, who lives in Lulun’s residence, has a pair of eyes, but his face is full of joy.

Because of his body, the huge aura of nine sacred sacred sacred sects, like the smashing of the waves, is constantly slamming the huge fingers.

The roar of the body filled with him gave him a strong sense of foreboding. The nine auras of the Taoist dynasty could destroy this finger a little.

In this way, you can use the aura, you can use the gods, you can open the storage device, you can summon Suyang!

From the mouth of Bai Ze, after knowing the fact that the strong in the sky is like a cloud, Jiang Yun is more urgent to quickly recover.

Although even if his repairs are all restored, it is not likely to be the opponent of the strong demon, such as the demon, but it is at least to make him feel a little more realistic.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a huge pressure from the sky, shrouded in his body!


Although there is no blink of an eye, Jiang Yun is very clear that this pressure is from the strong of Tianyou.

And suddenly there will be a place here, the power of the gods who exert their power to control themselves, may only be --- Luo Wenyan!

Luo Wenyan finally found it here!

‘Look|Genuine pW chapter?

With the appearance of this pressure, the shape of Nanyun Ruo in the small building has already rushed out.

However, she had just stepped out of the house and stood in the courtyard. Her body shape had been suppressed and could not be moved. She could barely raise her head and saw Luo Wenyan standing in the air and expressionless.

If Nan Yun’s face is pale, he bites his teeth and bends down slightly. He said: “Disciple, see Luo Elder!”

In the face of Nan Yunruo's salute, Luo Wenyan saw it as if she hadn't seen it. She just looked at her and looked at Jiang Yun, who didn't even open her eyes. She said coldly, "Fang Wei!"

These two words, like two thunderings, hit a lot of Jiang Yun's body, let Jiang Yun's mouth suddenly spit out a blood, finally opened his eyes and looked up at Luo Wenyan.

Luo Wenyan’s eyes flashed coldly and slowly raised his hand: “I know, my grandson, Luo Xin, is what you killed. Now, I will kill you and give my grandson a life!”

Still waiting for Jiang Yun to respond, Nan Yunruo on the side has already changed his face and tried his best. He took a step forward and shouted out loudly: "Luo elder, Luo Xin is killing me. There is no relationship with this person!"

The words of Nan Yunruo caused Luo Wenyan’s eyes to suddenly rise, but they also let Jiang Yun, who opened his eyes, sigh with a long sigh.

For Luo Wenyan's arrival, Jiang Yun was not surprised, even he was very clear that Luo Wenyan was taking his words to test himself.

If he really determines that he is killing Luo Xin’s murderer, he will use his full strength when he just shouted his name.

And he deliberately pretends not to know, in order to delay the time, waiting for the vast aura of his body to destroy the finger as much as possible, so that he can recover a little repair.

However, Nan Yunruo is obviously believed to be true, and this is anxious to stand up and take responsibility to her head!

In this way, it is equivalent to let Luo Wenyan understand the truth of the matter, you can be sure that Luo Xin is dead in his own hands!

Although the heart is helpless, but at this moment, Jiang Yun can not blame Nan Yunru, after all, she is also kind.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun slowly stood up and looked calmly at Luo Wendao: "Oh, Luo Wenyan, you don't have to try it here, your grandson Losin, it is indeed me!"

Luo Wenyan looked at Jiang Yun's gaze and has revealed endless killings. I really want to make Jiang Yun a bolognese.

But he couldn't shoot at all, so he bit his teeth, cold and cold: "Reassured, you can't run!"

After that, he actually ignored Jiang Yun, but turned to look at Nan Yunruo: "Nan Yunruo, I know that you can not kill Luo Xin by your strength, but the death of Luo Xin, you must also have responsibility!"

"However, look at Lu Lun's face, as long as you hand over the things he left for you, I can spare you a life!"

Luo Wenyan’s actions and his words made Jiang Yun’s heart move!

Obviously knowing that he killed Luo Xin, this Luo Wenyan did not care about himself, but went to Nanyun to ask for something.

There are only two possibilities for this approach.

The first possibility is that Luo Wenyan is sure that he can't run, and for him, Lu Lun is more important to Nan Yunruo's things, even surpassing Luo Xin's life, so he wants to get that kind of thing first.

The second possibility is that Luo Wenyan has scruples and does not dare to kill himself!

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