The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 857: Reward

For the image of Jiang Yun and Nan Yunruo that suddenly appeared in the sky, everyone who can see is confused. I don't understand what is going on.

However, immediately, the sound of the sky also sounded: "I am falling!"

These four words alone make everyone's heart a big jump.

The voice of the sky continued: "The two men, named Fang Wei and Nan Yunruo, have a deep hatred with Tian, ​​and now they have escaped from the sky and I don’t know where to go."

"Therefore, Tian is here to ask your friends, who can help Tian find the whereabouts of these two people."

"If you find these two people, even if you just tell the news, Tianmou will send a copy of the Tao;"

"If you can make it oysters, hand it to Tianmou, Tianmou, help him become enlightened!"

"If you can't give birth to it, you can kill it, and the dead body will be handed over to Tianmou, and Tian will send one world!"

In the vast land of the world, only the sound of the sky is constantly echoing in the ears of everyone, and everyone is stunned and can hardly believe their ears.

The sky is falling, that is the top powerhouse in the land of the world, no one dares to offend him.

But now someone has formed a deep hatred with him, and he has escaped from the bottom of the world, that is, under his eyes, so that he now has to give a reward to the two men.

This makes everyone really unimaginable!

However, I have to say that the bounty that is set off in the sky is really tempting.

Those who are born and squatted, Tianlu will personally help and help them become enlightened;

If you hand over the dead body, you can get a world, even if you just tell the news, you can get a realization!

In an instant, the whole world is completely boiling!

Every creature in the incomplete world begins to go crazy and look for Jiang Yun and Nan Yunruo!

It is also a figure that flies out from one world and flies in all directions.

Since these figures can leave the world and are in the seams, they are at least the strongest of the heavens!

For all of this, the sky is clear and clear, and it makes him look up and gradually converges on the cold road in his eyes: "Fang Wei, I have to see, how can you escape, the whole world Hunting!"

Of course, not everyone has no doubts about the weather, such as the more than a dozen people who had negotiated with Tianlu.

Then one voice, one after another, was introduced into the ears of the sky.

"The sky is falling. When the sacred sacred objects appeared in the past, you will not hesitate to close the heavens and the world. Now they are killing these two people with great fanfare. Are you discovering something?"

"They are two of them, are we looking for someone?"

"You must give us a satisfactory explanation for this matter!"

For the sounds in these incoming ears, Tianlu simply responded with a sentence: "I want to know the answer, send that square to me!"


Jiang Yun is completely ignorant of what he wants to do on his own.

Because at this moment, he and Nan Yunru have been in an unknown area.

How big is this area, Jiang Yun does not know, but the sights are dark.

Only a myriad of stones of varying sizes float in the darkness, slowly rotating in place according to a special trajectory.

These stones are small in size, but large, but there are about a few squares.

The surface of each stone is covered with potholes, extremely uneven, and the distance between them is also different.

At this moment, where Jiang Yun and Nan Yun are in the middle, it is a stone of a hundred feet in size. It is also a pothole, like a beach after being attacked by heavy rain.

Although the stone is also rotating, but on it, there is no feeling.

In addition, there is no other person or thing in this place, and there is no even the slightest vitality and aura fluctuations, a dead!

Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully examined everything around him.

He has been to a place like this, the piece of nothingness that he has to experience before entering prison in the **** world.

However, among the nothingness there, there are countless pieces of blood crystal floating, and here it is turned into stone.

Moreover, the distribution of these stones seems to be disorganized, but in fact, it is arranged into a battle!

Even the complexity of this method exceeds all the arrays that Jiang Yun has seen so far.

Even the illusion that Hou Muran had trapped Yue Qing at the beginning, if it is complicated, it is not comparable to this.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun slowly said: "Lu Lun, a friend of the road, is a friend of Nan Yunruo, can you come out and see it!"

For Lu Lun, after knowing that he had hidden the drug in the soul of Nan Yunruo, Jiang Yun thought that he was not a good person, and even his disciple's life was not in his heart.

However, when Jiang Yun took out the medicinal herb and found that there was a presence in the soul of Nan Yunruo that even Nan Yun did not know, the view changed.

Obviously, when someone takes out the drug, I am afraid that even if it touches the drug, the transmission array will start immediately and send Nanyunru away.

Such an approach is naturally a kind of protection for Nan Yunruo.

It can be seen that Lu Lun’s life for Nan Yunruo is still very important!

Then, the place where the transmission array will send Nanyun Ruo should be a hiding place that Lu Lun has arranged in advance.

In addition to being able to protect Nan Yunruo, he is also likely to be hiding here.

However, these are just Jiang Yun’s speculations. He is not sure that Lu Lun must be here.

After all, Lu Lun's special medicinal herbs, which were made from eight kinds of materials, were left to Nan Yunruo's message, including two sentences.

The first sentence is, be careful.

In the second sentence, Jiang Yun did not know, but when the relics of the abandonment appeared, the voice told Jiang Yun that he was qualified to enter the nine places, and let Jiang Yun understand -----

The second sentence left by Lu Lun should be that the nine places will be destroyed!

Although it seems to be a certain qualification to enter the ruined nine places, but since he can get it, then Lu Lun can also get it.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun showed his identity, his heart was also rapidly turning his thoughts.

If Lu Lun is not here, then what should I do next!

Although the finger in his body has been worn away by more than 30%, his repairs have been restored to the blessed land.

However, such a repair is still not enough for him to use too much knowledge.

Although he also painted his own first ridiculous pattern, but the abandonian people have no knowledge of God, he does not know, anyway, he is not there anyway!

This made him unable to analyze the current array, so that he did not dare to act rashly.

Waiting quietly for a moment, there is still a dead silence.

Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment, and took out the mud ball from his arms: "Although I took it out, I didn't intend to take it for myself. I can return it to the original owner!"

However, in the past, there is still no movement around!

“Is it really empty here?”

"If that's the case, then it's trouble!"

Jiang Yun could not help but frowned.

The relics of the abandonment did not say when the stagnation of the nine places will occur. I don’t know if they are within this array after they appear, whether they can still condense into a bridge through the atmosphere of the body and enter the nine places.

But in short, I can't stay here all the time!

"Try again last time!"

Jiang Yunxin read the electricity, above the top of his head, he has also recovered 30% of the blessed land.

An incomplete sea of ​​enclaves, wrapped in an incomplete mountain, emerged.

"Look at the "2 version |! chapter on uT

"One mountain, one sea, one world, I, from the mountains and seas!"

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