The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 865: Yaede Dojo

"This is... the power of chaos!"

In Lulen’s almost nightmare voice, the chaotic force that emerged from Jiang Yun’s body has condensed directly into the vortex above Jiang Yun’s head.

Within it, there is a human form that is slowly gestating.

Just a moment later, there was a small black man!

Chaos and Tao Ling!

"No wonder I can't always see through the situation in this child. It turns out that his body will have a chaotic force!"

"This is also the reason why he has improved his cultivation and why he does not need aura. As long as he has the power of chaos, he will be able to successfully breed a chaotic spirit..."

Speaking of this, Lu Lun’s face suddenly changed, using only the voice he could hear: “But where is his chaotic power coming from?”

"If you want to use the power of chaos to breed the Tao, the amount you need is also extremely large..."

"It's hard to be done, his body has a chaotic sun..."

When the words were not finished, Lu Lun suddenly stopped, and his eyes fixed on Jiang Yun’s chaotic spirit.

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If you look closely, you will find that at the moment Lu Lun’s eyes are deep, there is a hint of fear that is not easy to detect.

However, this fear quickly dissipated. Instead, it is the color of doubt: "I don't know if that person knows about it, I want to come, I should know it!"

"Just, this son has already entered the Taoist territory, and it must have given birth to the Tao."

"But why, now, in just a few months, he actually gave birth to two spirits at the same time?"

Lu Lun's two eyebrows have been tightly screwed together, because the situation on Jiang Yun is really beyond his expectations, making him a fog.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Do not, his Tao Ling, there is more than one!"

If Lu Lun can see Dan Tian in Jiang Yun's body, he will find that in the Dantian, which is as vast as the world, there are seven Tao Ling who close their eyes and sit on their knees.

Even Jiang Yun did not think that after he had completed the birth of the Taoist spirit, he would have bred a chaotic spirit at the same time.

Moreover, the brooding of this chaotic spirit is like a chaotic force that breeds itself, and has no relationship with itself!

However, after a series of unexpected surprises, Jiang Yun did not continue to ponder over this issue.

After the chaotic Tao Ling was born in Dantian, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes.

Naturally, the first thing he saw was Lu Lun, who had already stretched out his brow and had a smile on his face.

Even though Lu Lun’s heart has more doubts, in his capacity, it is impossible to go straight to Jiang Yun’s question, so he deliberately pretends to know nothing, just ask: “Fang Daoyou, this second copy of Lu’s Thin gift, still satisfied?"

Jiang Yun stood up and bowed to Lu Lun’s solemn fist: "Thank you!"

Although Lu Lun gave her a gift because she had to make a deal with herself, but it took nearly a year to get along with it, and let Jiang Yun finally be sure that Lu Lun really did not have the slightest malice to himself.

Otherwise, he has countless opportunities to attack himself when he destroys his fingers or when he is bred.

Even if he doesn't need to take it out himself, as long as he withdraws his body and exposes himself, then those who are tempted by the sky will find themselves.

Therefore, now Jiang Yun also dispelled the hostility to Lu Lun, and this channel Xie is also sincere.

Lu Lun is waving his hand: "Don't rush to thank me, I ask you, what are you doing now?"

Jiang Yun did not hesitate: "The spirit is eight!"

When he wanted to come, Lu Lun could know even the fingers in his body, so he did not have to hide the real cultivation.

"Then, the third gift that Lumou sent you is to let you reach the peak of the Taoist world."

"As for the protection of the environment, you need to use the power of the earth as a guide, this I can't help you!"

The Taoist nine-fold situation, for Jiang Yun, also has a great temptation.

Because he really wants to see, when he has nine spirits, how strong can the real strength!

However, at this moment, after hehe hesitated, Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Lv Daoyou, I think you should tell me first, what you are going to trade with me!"

Lu Lun’s gift to himself was too expensive, so that Jiang Yun would not dare to accept his gift unless he could complete the transaction with him.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun is really guilty of this kind of privilege.


Lu Lun couldn't help but laugh. Obviously, she knew Jiang Yun's thought: "You can rest assured that it is not difficult for me to trade with you."

"I just want you to take care of Yun Ruo for me, and if you have the chance to leave this land, I hope you can leave with her!"

Jiang Yun suddenly looked at him and looked at Nan Yunruo lying next to him.

Only then did he realize that Nan Yunru had never been awake during his resumption of cultivation for more than a year. It was obviously what Lu Lun did.

But for Lulun’s proposed transaction, Jiang Yun was surprised to say: “Just this?”

"this one!"

Jiang Yun slightly frowned: "But, with Lu Daoyou's cultivation, it seems easier than me to do this?"

Even with the help of Lu Lun, I have reached the peak of the spiritual realm and even reached the local protection. It is nothing compared to Lu Lun.

And if Nan Yun is a disciple of Lu Lun, Lu Lun wants to take care of her, it is really easy.

However, Lu Lun sighed: "Fang Daoyou, I know what you are thinking, but I can't say something about it."

"You feel that if I have the ability to take care of her, why should I leave her alone in the sky?"

This is indeed a problem that Jiang Yun always can't figure out.

With Lu Lun’s cultivation, even if it’s not an opponent of the sky, but it’s not difficult to take away Nan Yunru, but he wants to throw Nan Yun Ruo in Tianduzong.

"One day, you will understand my unspeakable, now, I only ask you, this transaction, you can't agree!"

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun tried hard and said: "I promised!"

"In this case, tell me, what do you need to cultivate to the peak of the Tao?"

"Gold power, huge gold power!"

"This is simple!"

The voice of Lu Lun fell, and the countless stones around him began to rotate again. It is obvious that Lu Lun urged the formation and continued to shuttle through different worlds.

It took a long time to spend this time. After about two or three hours, Lu Lun said: "We are here!"

As he waved his hand, the array disappeared, revealing the surrounding scene, and Jiang Yun could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of him, he is already in a world with a small area and only a square.

However, the world’s heavens and the earth, even in the void, but wherever the eyes can see, there is a sharp cut of the cold blade!

These sharp edges, obviously from a variety of different weapons, are densely packed and inexhaustible.

The feeling for Jiang Yun is like being inside an egg, and outside the egg, it is pierced by numerous weapons, pierced, and all the tips are aimed at himself.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to ask what kind of world it was, his ears, Lu Lun’s ear, and even the ears of everyone in the entire border, suddenly sounded aloud at the same time.

"After a thousand days, the nine places will be destroyed, open!"

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