The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 873: Netting

The mountains and seas are also a prison. The monks within them are either deceived to prison after entering the heavens or left in the mountains and seas.

However, now that Jiang Yun thinks of the wind, this realizes that in fact, the monks in the mountains and seas are not all these two endings, there are exceptions.

For example, the Xuezu, such as the Eighteen Ghosts, which was taken away by the Taikoo Yaozu, is like a wind!

These people have left the mountains and seas when they have not reached the heavenly border. So, now, have they really traveled to other worlds, or have they been sent to prison?

If it is the latter, then naturally there is no meaning;

But if it is the former, it means that even if it is a prison, the mountains and seas have a way to leave.

However, the answer to this question, Jiang Yun knows that Lu Lun can not answer, so did not ask.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun said: "The reincarnation is still there, and it is also the head of the five major sects in the mountains and seas, and juxtaposed with the drug gods."

"Although I have encountered a little trouble now, I think they will definitely pass it!"

Jiang Yun’s answer is more euphemistic, and Lu Lun’s experience can’t be heard.

However, he just looked at Jiang Yun and didn't go to the bottom of his question. He just laughed and said: It is hard to survive today, and the small troubles in the district are nothing. ”

"Well, Fang Wei, you are also a matter of concern in my heart, I am leaving!"

In the big laughter, Lu Lun’s big sleeves were raised, and the Nan Yunruo on the ground was directly rolled up. With his array of methods, it disappeared directly.

Lu Lun did not actually go, but under the protection of his law, he was outside the world and stared at Jiang Yun silently.

After knowing that Jiang Yun’s body has the power of chaos and the existence of the wild lines, let him make up his mind and give Jiang Yun a gift!

However, before that, he also has to look at what Jiang Yun has to rely on, dare to use one person's strength to face the strong people above the heavens of the whole world!

After all, he still doesn't understand Jiang Yun's past and Jiang Yun's strength.

Just taking this opportunity to observe it, Jiang Yun is not worth accepting his fourth gift.

No, this is not a thin gift, but a real gift!

With the departure of Lulun, Jiang Yun bowed to the position where Lu Lun had previously stood.

When he got up straight, he didn't rush to arrange all kinds of preparations at once, but sat down on his knees.

In Lu Lun’s mind, it is unrealistic to think that Jiang Yun’s idea of ​​killing and killing is unrealistic, but where does he know that Jiang Yun dared to meet Yue Qing’s situation before he entered the Taoist world.

Needless to say, the current Jiang Yun, not only has its own strength reached the peak of the Tao Ling, but also has a lot of treasures.

In particular, there is also Su Yang’s “loyalty”, which has completely completed the existence of the old slaves.

For those who are strong in heaven, Jiang Yun, it is not difficult to kill!

As for the strongman who asked the three realms, although Jiang Yun is definitely not an opponent, but he has two of the biggest killer, lock soul incense and scattered whip!

Under the combination of the two, even if it is the strongest of the three realms, Jiang Yun has the opportunity to kill him.

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However, what Jiang Yun really needs to seriously consider is how to deal with the sky and the Taoist avatar!

These two people, even if Jiang Yun blew himself up, I am afraid that he couldn’t hurt it. Therefore, he can only find a way to let the two men compete and take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

"The situation of Tao Zun in the land of this world should be the same as mine. Once he reveals his identity, he will be attacked by the monks here."

"As for the sky, there is not much chance of killing me. His purpose should be to catch me, and then through the power of asylum I have, I will enter the nine places!"

"Plus, they simply can't know my specific location, and this is my biggest advantage."

Although the sudden onset of the Jiuzu Daofeng must be from the hands of Tao Zun, but Jiang Yun believes that as long as he does not hit the realm, then the Jiu Dao Road will not attack.

Naturally, the Taoist avatar is just like the sky, and I don’t know my specific location!

If Tao Zun can really sense the Jiuzu Road seal at any time, he should come to himself when he is in the mountains and seas.

"So, in fact, if you enter the ruin of the nine places, it would be more advantageous for me!"

"In this case, then fight, while walking, while delaying the time, wait until the silence is open!"

As Jiang Yun finally made a decision, on top of his body, the Thunder walked out of the body, and after a few steps, it disappeared.


Seeing the figure of the golden thunder, Lu Lun’s face flashed a trace of surprise.

It turns out that Jiang Yun still has a Taoist body, and it seems that the thunder is surrounded by the thunder.

It is indeed a thunder, but as long as Jiang Yun is willing, these thunder will instantly turn into robbery.

Even if it is the land of the world, as long as it is a monk, there is almost no fear of robbery.

Then, in the body of Jiang Yun, there were countless swords flying out of the world, flying toward the world in all directions, and disappeared in the same instant.

"This is, sword array!"

Looking at the position where the nearly 10,000 swords disappeared, Lu Lun couldn't help but **** a cold breath again.

It is no wonder that Jiang Yun just wanted to learn the layout of his own array of methods. He turned out to be proficient in the formation.

After finishing these two preparations, Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept to the storage device.

Within the **** world, he snatched many people's storage implements, but he never had time to look at it.

Now it’s time to take a chance to see if there are any things that you can use right now.

After a while, Jiang Yun’s wrist turned over and a piece of jade appeared in the palm.

After reading the contents of Yu Jian, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly appeared, and a black mist appeared on the other palm.

Look closely, these black fog is a combination of countless black flying insects.

This is what Jiang Yun got from Yue Qing. At that time, he only knew that the bug seemed to have the ability to search.

However, among the jade slips, the method of deworming is described, and the true effects of these bugs are described in detail.

"With these bugs, it is really helpful for me now!"

It turns out that these bugs are called empty worms.

Their role is not only to be able to search, but to have a special ability to use their own body as a door.

Within a certain range, as long as the empty worm is located, the monk can make himself appear in the position of the worm by virtue of the knowledge attached to his body.

In short, these bugs are themselves a door to space, allowing the monks to completely ignore the spatial distance.

At the beginning, Yue Qing also passed this role. Immediately after the discovery of the position of Jiang Yun by a worm, it appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

Moreover, the bodies of these empty worms are extremely hard and can even survive in the boundaries.

Jiang Yun squeezed out a drop of blood and turned it into a blood mist, completely covering all the bugs.

And when the blood mist disappears, that is, after being absorbed by these insects, they become their own.


After Jiang Yun’s order, the worms immediately flew away and scattered in various parts of the world.

And that little body is like dust, unless it is deliberately looking for it, otherwise it will not cause anyone's attention.

"Almost, let them catch me!"

As the voice fell, the breath above Jiang Yun’s body began to suddenly drift away from the world.

He is like a spider and has already made a net.

Now, it is necessary to use your own breath as a bait to attract the monks who want to catch him in the land of the world.

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