The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 916: Uncultivated

This silk stems from the temperament of the Tao, and Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng, who are nervous, are unaware of it, but the surrounding monsters are trembled.

Then, the sound of “plopping” began to sound one after another.

In the stunned stun of Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng, all the monsters immediately smashed their limbs, and almost the entire body was attached to the ground.

Both Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng are considered to have been killed for a long time. They have experienced many wars and have seen many strange things.

But at this moment, the scene presented to them is beyond their cognition!

These are more than a hundred, and the strongest of them, even the two monsters whose strengths are comparable, are all omnipotent servants on the ground.

Moreover, their bodies are trembling slightly, their heads are tightly attached to the ground, and they don't dare to carry them. It is obviously full of fear.

What are they afraid of?

Naturally, I am not afraid of myself. Is that ......

With the emergence of this thought, the eyes of Yizheng both looked at Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun also passed through the middle of the two, and walked toward the group of monsters.

Every step of Jiang Yun takes a step, and the tremors of those monsters will increase by one point.

By the time the distance between Jiang Yun and the beast is less than a few feet, the degree of trembling of these monsters has reached the limit.

At this time, Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng finally understood that these monsters are afraid, it is Jiang Yun!

Even if Jiang Yun is not a refining sorcerer, his scorpio is a enchanting genius from the chaotic family.

The chaotic atmosphere alone is enough to easily shock these monsters.

In fact, according to Jiang Yun’s original intention, he was prepared to send Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng into the top of the black cloud to prevent them from seeing this scene.

However, the reason why Jiang Yun took the two people to perform the task is to trust them and intend to help them to be strong. Then they should be appropriate to let them know some of their secrets.

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the shock of Yizheng and his eyes. He watched the most powerful monster and sent his voice into the other's mind.

"Tell me, about the world, and why do you suddenly rush toward us?"

However, as Jiang Yun’s voice fell, his brow was wrinkled, and his face was once again shocked!

And his shock this time is far more than just now!


At the end of the jungle, the desert came out, looking calm and unharmed, apparently he was not attacked by any monsters.

Looking at the jungle behind him, the desert smiled coldly: "Jiang Yun, although the monsters here can't kill you, but how much will make you suffer a bit, so that it can just let me see how much you have. powerful."

After that, the desert trail sat down on a flat stone and sat down, closing his eyes and waiting for Jiang Yun to appear.

The desert is indeed supported by the wasteland Yongfeng, and it is necessary to kill Jiang Yun with this mission.

The reason why Wild Yongfeng will send him is because he has a unique advantage in this wild world.

Only for the strength of Jiang Yun, the desert is invisible, and does not dare to rush, so this decided to use the monster to test Jiang Yun.

Thinking of the desert, he has secretly led nearly a thousand monsters in this jungle to Jiang Yun and the three of them.

Even if you can't kill three people, but the three people want to solve those monsters smoothly, they have to pay a certain price and spend a lot of time.

However, what he did not think was that just after he had just sat down for a while, the figure in front of the jungle came out of the three figures of Jiang Yun!

Moreover, the three people are also unscathed.

Even Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng are still talking and laughing, and it is not like someone who has just experienced a desperate war.

Seeing the desert, Jiang Yun’s face also showed a smile: “I was still worried that there would be an accident in the sorrowful brother. Now I see that the ridiculous brother is safe and sound, and finally let me down.”

Xn latest % chapter festival -o';

On the side of Yi Zheng smiled and said: "Adult, I said you care more!"

"The strength of the desert is unfathomable, and the body is fast as a meteor. How can it be possible!"

Of course, the desert can hear the sarcasm in Yizheng, but he can't take care of it, just staring at Jiang Yundao: "Ginger brother has solved those monsters?"

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head: "The ridiculous brother is too much to see me. There are too many monsters. We dare to fight with them, but they are also squatting and escaping all the way!"

To be honest, for Jiang Yun’s explanation, the desert is a word that does not believe.

Among those monsters, some are good at speed.

Needless to say, even if Jiang Yun is very fast, but with Yizheng, you can go wherever you are!

But he also knows that Jiang Yun is impossible to tell himself a lot of things, so his face gradually returned to calm, and even revealed a smile: "It is good to escape safely, let us go!"

"it is good!"

Next, the desert is still in the front, and Jiang Yun three people are behind, led by the desert, and rushed to the secret base of the desert in this world.

All the way up, the desert from time to time pay attention to the reaction of the three people behind, found that in addition to Jiang Yun is always expressionless, that Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng are two people are interested!

While whispering from time to time, I looked at the scenery around me with interest.

The way of relaxation is not like coming here to carry out dangerous missions. It is more like sightseeing.

Where did he know that after the Yizheng had seen the behavior of the demon beast in front of Jiang Yun, the fear in his heart had already been swept away, and now it is really a state of mind.

There is Jiang Yun, they don’t have to worry about anything at all.

As for Jiang Yun, it seems to be calm, but there are doubts in my heart.

Because he just wanted to ask some useful news from their mouths after he deterred those monsters, he accidentally discovered that they could not talk to themselves at all!

Even if it is a monster in a natural environment, it is impossible to use human language and cannot communicate with itself.

Even if Jiang Yun wants to search for their souls with his knowledge, he has nothing to gain.

In short, these monsters are really like the desert, they are not civilized, they only rely on instinct to act.

In this case, Jiang Yun is actually no stranger, because he has encountered it!

It is in the clear and turbid wilderness connected by the tower, where the monster can not spit out words, but it can be cultivated, and is not called a monster, but is called a beast!

However, there is a reason for this phenomenon, because there is a blood robe refining the demon, the seal of the demon seals the world's big demon turbid, so that there can not be born out of the demon.

However, in this wild world, in the body of those monsters, Jiang Yun did not notice any seals.

What's more, there is no refining sorcerer in this era!

Therefore, Jiang Yun Committee really can't figure out what is going on.

As for the desert, Jiang Yun can be sure that the monsters are driven by him, but he also does not know how he did it.

In addition, the desert clearly knows something that the three of them do not know, so Jiang Yun did not tear his face with him for a while, and pretended to be unaware.

In any case, with the help of Jiang Yun’s scorpion and the sorcerer’s identity, he is able to make a living in this wild world that is extremely dangerous for others.

"I would like to see if the Yaozu here is afraid of your desert or afraid of me Jiang Yun!"

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