The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 921: The only way

Jiang Yun’s speed has been applied to the extreme, and he immediately caught up with the Suyang trio.

In order to speed up the escape, he and Su Yang simply took Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng, respectively, and continued to rush forward.

In the process of escape, Jiang Yun is constantly trying to communicate with the storage tools and dark clouds in Dantian.

Under the current circumstances, only by opening the storage device and sending all the Suyang three into the top of the black cloud, they have the hope of fleeing.

Unfortunately, after flying nearly 10,000 miles away, Jiang Yun still couldn't open the storage device, which made his face more and more ugly.

"I am afraid that the demon has blocked the entire wild world!"

However, Jiang Yun has always covered the surrounding gods, only to see the chasing in all directions, and the increasing number of Yaozu.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a demon.

This also made him realize that the demon is powerful, but it should be restricted. He can't personally chase himself and others, so he can only block the whole world, and then let the demon people under him carry out the chase. kill.

Otherwise, the demon shot, you can kill all of them in an instant, where you need such trouble.

Although this is good news for Jiang Yun, at least for a short period of time, there is no need to worry about safety issues, but such escape is not a long-term solution.

Time drags on for too long, and the more disadvantageous you are to yourself.

And Jiang Yun also believes that the Yaozu in this world will never let go of himself and others.

Because the news that was said in the wild, it was too amazing.

The remnant of one of the nine ethnic groups who died, turned out to be a traitor, colluding with the temple of 弑!

If you change yourself to be a demon in this wild world, you must also destroy all those who know the news.

I can't think of any good way to get away, Jiang Yun can only continue to speed up and continue to move forward.

Under this escape, the aura of Jiang Yun's body also had a large amount of consumption, which slowed him down.

After all, in addition to carrying Yizheng, he still has a desert in his hand, and an aura is carrying the wild.

As for the desert, it is not Jiang Yun who wants to protect him, but simply can't get time to take out his body, so he can only carry it all the time.

At this time, Yi Yun on the back of Jiang Yun said: "Adult, you will kill the desert, then let me down, save some aura!"


Mo Fancheng, who was on the back of Suyang, also said at the same time: "Without our drag, you still have the opportunity to escape. If you take us, I am afraid that no one can escape."

Jiang Yun looked calm and said: "Since I am here with you, then naturally I will take you back safely!"

Don't look at Jiang Yun saying that there is a way, but in fact there is really no way.

In the past, Jiang Yun had never cared about the problem of aura. After all, he had a lot of medicinal herbs and Lingshi.

But now, even if there is still aura in this wild world, they have not stopped to absorb the time, and they are unable to open the storage device to remove the Lingshi and the medicinal herbs, so his words are just to comfort Yizheng. .

Suddenly, Jiang Yun’s ear rang a weak voice: “Light is escape, we cannot escape.”

"The only way now is to contact the family and let the family send a master to rescue!"

The nature of speaking is absurd.

Just because Jiang Yun was going to show the scorpion, he had to stun it. Now, after such a flight, she has already woke up on her own.

When he heard the ridiculous words, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "The whole wild world has been blocked by the demon. I can't even open the storage device, I believe that your news can not be sent back to the desert."

The ridiculous scorpion continued: "It seems that he has blocked the whole world, but after the Chinese attacked this world, in order to prevent the rebellion from happening, the ambush was secretly laid in several places."

"As long as we can get to one of them, I am sure I can send the news back to the desert."

This sentence suddenly made Jiang Yun's heart move, but he asked quietly: "Even if the news is sent back to the abandonment, the abandon will send someone to save us?"

Since the abandoned people used millions of troops to attack the wild world, now even if they know the rebellious world of the wilderness, they may not come for these few people.

Therefore, the real purpose of Jiang Yun’s sentence is to test the identity of the absurd.

The ridiculous cockroach apparently heard it, and a pale smile on his pale face: "Reassured, the family should not care about my life and death!"

Jiang Yunwei said: "Well, where is the nearest location to us?"

The barren greens struggled to lift up and looked around. The smile on his face was a bit more bitter: "A bit far, nearly a million miles away!"


Yi Zheng and others suddenly took a breath!

Millions of distances, even without any threat, they will take months to get there, not to mention the fact that there are still a lot of demon people behind them.

Even Jiang Yun is a slight glimpse, I did not expect that there will be such a far.

However, he also knows that within a vast wild world, the distance of a million miles is not far.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun nodded: "Well, Suyang, you take them to the place, I will stay to help you get some time!"

Upon hearing this, Yi Zheng hurriedly shouted: "No, adults, you can't stay alone, it's too dangerous..."

Before waiting for Jiang Yun to open, Su Yang has been anxiously interrupted: "The kid, you have less nonsense, the master is repairing the sky, there will be nothing, but you three, if you stay, it is dangerous!"

At the same time of speaking, Su Yang has one hand, and Yizheng and the ridiculous scorpion are caught in their hands. The face of the solemn color is against Jiang Yundao: "The owner is assured that after sending the three of them to a safe place, the old slave must be Will come back to help the owner."

However, the ridiculous scorpion once again said: "Wait, can you give me the desert, I can swallow his wild lines, and recover from the injury, at least help."

"Swallowing the wilderness?" Jiang Yun was a little surprised, but he did not expect that there was such a power.

The ridiculous nod of nodded and said: "I have known what the desert has done."

"Although he is indeed damn, but after all, you are a foreigner's repair, killing my abandonian people, how much will be a little trouble, it would be better to let me kill him."

The words of the ridiculous, suddenly let Jiang Yun realize that this woman is not simple.

Not only is the status of the abandoned family not low, but the mind is also extremely delicate.

A few words that seem to be understated, but they can not find a reason for rebuttal.

However, since the wilderness can rest assured that she will be alone in this wild world, she must have its own uniqueness.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun nodded: "Okay, but the things on him are going to be me!"

"You take it all, I don't want it!"

Jiang Yun was also polite, and directly reached out to take away all the pieces of storage in the desert, until it was determined that nothing was left in the other party, which threw him to the wild.

Q\\ update most * fast on ☆, RS

Then, Jiang Yun said to Suyang Road: "You can do it to protect the three of them. You don't have to come back to help me, go!"

While talking, Jiang Yun has another voice: "If the woman wants to save the desert, or if there is any misconduct, then kill her!"

Su Yang tried hard and nodded, "The master, the old slave will definitely come back!"

But before he could fall, he had already turned into a blue smoke, and took the three people to go quickly, leaving Jiang Yun alone to face a large number of demon people coming soon...

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