The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 944: High morale

Thirteen deserted chiefs represent the 13 strongest teams under the wilderness.

In the case that the wild feathers have made a clear statement and refused the challenge of Jiang Yun, at the moment they stood up and asked for a battle with Jiang Yun. The fact is that the wild feathers will not come to Taiwan.

However, the wild feathers understand.

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Although these savage chiefs are their own men, it is reasonable to say that they should be enemies with Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun is a foreigner after all.

Previously, Jiang Yun’s behavior of driving away from the desert has already made them dissatisfied. Now they are so arrogant that they can’t swallow this breath, so they are scolded by themselves and they must fight with Jiang Yun and come out with the evil spirits!

It’s just the wild feathers but they really don’t want them to be enemies with Jiang Yun.

But before she can open the door to appease the people, the old man has already said one step at a time: "Now it is a test of hundreds of teams, so naturally every lord has the power to decide."

An understatement of a sentence, I will block the words that Yu Yu wants to say.

Therefore, the final result is that in addition to the rejection of the wild feathers, the other 48 teams all agreed to the challenge of Jiang Yun!

The old man once again looks at Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, my abandon army encourages competition, I will give you a chance to complete the challenge!"

"And, since this challenge is raised by you, and your team is also at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, I will give you some help. You can choose to keep it, it is attack!"

In the crowd, even Yi Zheng and others want to come. Under such circumstances, it is definitely better to choose to keep.

After all, they used to hold the pile of Lingshan mountains with nine people, blocking the attack of thousands of people.

However, Jiang Yun is again unexpectedly saying: "Then I chose to attack!"

Ten thousand people face nearly half a million people, and they even choose to attack. This makes the people watching the game do not know whether it is the courage to admire Jiang Yun, or whether Jiang Yun is really looking for death.

The old man nodded and said: "Well, the Jiang Yun team chose to attack, and the other 48 teams are responsible."

"You each go back to prepare, after three hours, start the test!"

Although the old man let everyone go back, but the forty-eight ridiculous chiefs gathered together, whispered deliberation.

These savage long, everyone has a certain experience, so they are very clear, although they occupy a great advantage in the number of people, but they do not dare to despise the nine blood chain.

If their forty-eight teams are only fighting each other, each team only pays attention to their own defenses, and does not cooperate with other teams, so it is likely to be broken by Jiang Yun.

Therefore, what they have to do now is to concentrate the 480,000 people under their means!

As for Jiang Yun, naturally he returned to his own team.

Looking at the hustle and bustle of the faces of everyone including Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng, Jiang Yun just smiled slightly: "Don't think so much, how do you usually train, how do you fight for a while, everything has me !"

After that, Jiang Yun closed his eyes and sat down, not even preparing at all.

Compared with the forty-eight ridiculous long-term arrogance, Jiang Yun’s calmness has once again aroused the sigh of the onlookers.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yun is ultimately defeated or defeated, this calm and calm is not something that ordinary people can match.

However, Jiang Yun’s men’s team is not calm.

Although they have confidence in Jiang Yun, they also have confidence in the nine blood chain.

But to be honest, when they heard that Jiang Yun wanted to let his 10,000 people challenge 48 people, the heart was inevitably confused and upset.

Because this is a battle that must be lost when anyone wants to come.

Within these three hours, they simply did not have the mind to recharge their batteries, to wait for the beginning of the battle, and have been waiting for fear.

There are even people who want to flinch.

In this way, three hours passed quickly, and Jiang Yun opened his eyes.

However, on the platform at the moment, Wild Wong Fung and others have already stepped into it.

Because Jiang Yun chose to attack, then the 480,000 people will have to arrange the defensive formation first.

Although it is time to arrive, the entire array of 480,000 people has spent more than an hour.

In fact, it didn't take so long, it was deliberately done by Wild Wong Fung and others.

In order to delay the time, Jiang Yun and his team are getting more and more pressure!

If there is no Jiang Yun, then their practice will indeed have an effect. Under the long wait, it is very likely that the morale of the Jiang Yun team will gradually become low or even disappear.

But looking at the face is always calm, there is no change in the Jiang Yun, feeling the kind of innate calmness above his body, but it is also let the tens of thousands of soldiers also become calm.

In particular, Jiang Yun’s words made their morale not only low, but also become more high.

“How long they spend on the array, it shows how deep they fear us!”

Finally, 480,000 people completed the arrangement of their formations, and watching the arrays they arranged, everyone could not help but be speechless.

Because they arranged it, it was not long ago, the wasteland was prepared to let Yizheng arrange them...;...; Tortoiseshell!

Tortoise A, although it sounds a bit shameful, but has to say that the defense of this array is extremely powerful.

Especially in the face of the number of enemies is not as good as their own, it is almost impossible to be broken.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that although Yan Yongfeng and Jiang Yun have hatred, Jiang Yun is also full of anger, but they really did not despise Jiang Yun, did not despise the nine blood even circle.

Their purpose is also very clear, that is, in any case, Jiang Yun can not be allowed to break through their defenses, thus winning the victory, so I chose this most secure method.

As the old man indicated that Jiang Yun could start to break, Jiang Yun’s eyes slowly swept through the tens of thousands of peasants in front of him and screamed.

"Brothers, if this battle is defeated, we will take the name of the waste squad."

"If you win, we will be famous in the world!"

The simple sentence of Jiang Yun not only calmed the hearts of the people, but also let their blood boil again.

Famous in the world!

Yi Zheng said loudly: "Yes, let them see who is the real waste team!"

Mo Fancheng followed: "Yes, if we are a waste squad, then the other squads are even worse than waste!"

"Ha ha ha!"

In the laughter, tens of thousands of squadrons all stood up, one by one, and the morale was high!

Jiang Yun’s big hand waved: “Play!”

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun himself took the lead, and the 10,000 squadrons maintained the formation of the nine blood linings, and followed closely!

This moment is the real eye-catching!

Everyone was all spirited, widened their eyes, let go of the gods, waiting for the next big battle to be staged.

In such a big war, they don’t say anything, they haven’t even heard of it.

In the midst of the military power of the abandonment, this is the first time that a small team has challenged nearly 50 squads.

Although few of them believe that Jiang Yun will eventually win, at least they will be satisfied.

Especially in this big battle, Jiang Yun finally led the team personally, and also made everyone look forward to it.

As the general of Jiang Yun, as the main actor of this array of law, with his participation, the power of this law will change.

Yi Zheng waited for 10,000 squadrons, although the war was high, but if it was not nervous, it was impossible, and at this moment, Jiang Yun’s voice was ringing again in each of their ears.

"You don't have to be nervous. You just have to follow my orders and do the exercises in the weekdays."

"When necessary, I will temporarily gain control of your body and let you win without defeat!"

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