The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 950: Wilderness

With the name of the wilderness shouted in the ritual, everyone's eyes were naturally concentrated on the tall man who was filled with spirits and gourds, even if Jiang Yun was no exception.

Jiang Yun naturally saw the wilderness and recognized it.

However, after contact with the illusory old man of the Mozu, Jiang Yun has already understood this illusion, so there is not much surprise for the emergence of the wilderness.

Coupled with the return of Jiang Yun, he has been in the middle of the battle, and the wilderness is under the hands of the ridiculous Yongfeng, so Jiang Yun has never had any contact with him.

The wilderness was shouted out by the rituals and became the second person to embark on the Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness. It also made all people look forward to it.

After all, the wild and brutal style of the wild, the powerful strength, so that his reputation has not been weaker than the wild Yongfeng.

Even the faintness is even stronger. It can be said that no one knows no one.

What's more important is that the wilderness is not only the repair of foreigners, but it is no secret that he has repaired the Tao.

He is the highest of the fifty people if he is a single realm.

Therefore, everyone wants to see, this most powerful foreigner's repair, set foot on the five peaks of the wilderness, how many steps can be passed!

When I heard that I was being sacrificed, the wilderness did not have the slightest accident and nervousness. It was still habitual to grab the wine gourd behind me and poured a large mouthful of spirits into my mouth.

Then the spirits went into the belly, and the wilderness hit a loud wine cellar. Haha smiled and said: "Happy!"

When the voice fell, he had already stepped out and walked toward the Great Five Peaks.

As he walked, the audience couldn't help but start guessing how many steps he could finally climb.

"The Taoist environment is equivalent to the eight wilderness of the abandoned people. At least it should be able to climb 50 steps."

"Not necessarily, the more the five peaks of the Great Wilderness go up, the greater the difficulty, and the stronger the power contained within them."

"Just the ridiculous search is only the six wilderness, but he also has aura, comparable to the strong, but even so, it is only 30 steps."

"I think that this wilderness can be ten more than him."

"The search for the waste is because the second step was injured. Otherwise, it may be no problem to climb the forty steps with the strength of the waste."

In short, everyone feels that with the strength of the wilderness, the number of steps that can be climbed will not exceed half of the number.

"All shut up to Laozi!"

Suddenly, there was a roar in the mouth of the wilderness, and the voice was astonishing, like a thunder, and it was heard throughout the space, and many people’s ears were creaking.

Then look at the wilderness has stopped, wide-eyed and impatient, and looked at the people who talked about it: "I am going to climb this mountain, not you, one by one, like a fly." Screaming!"

"What qualifications do you have for commenting on Laozi!"

"There is the ability to fight down with Laozi, as long as you win the Laozi, how do you like to say how!"

"If not, shut up Laozi!"

I have to say that the character of this wilderness is really as human as its name, brutal and arrogant.

For his screaming, although many people are dissatisfied, but no one dares to go out and single-handedly with him, but also all closed their mouths.

"Hey, a bunch of people are not planted!"

After a heavy sip of the ground to the ground, the wilderness continued to make strides. After a few steps, it was already under the peak of the Great Wilderness.

Unlike the wilderness, the wilderness did not stop at all, nor did he adjust the body's breath, and set foot on the first step.

This time, within the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, there was no more storms, and the wilderness continued to move and embarked on the second step.

I saw his body trembled and shook a bit.

Then, the wilderness grinned and muttered in the mouth and continued to walk, walking toward the upper steps.

In the eyes of the public, although the speed of walking in the wilderness is not fast, it is not slow.

Just when he first touched every step, he would have a slight pause, and then it would seem to be unaffected at all.


In this way, he quickly stood on the tenth step.

Looking at the relaxed appearance of the wilderness, if it is not because the wilderness is a repair of foreigners, everyone can't help but wonder whether the abandoned people used the means secretly, and they did not let the great wild five peaks exert any great power.

For the performance of the wilderness, the people such as the priests and the priests were always expressionless and did not reveal the slightest surprise. Obviously, this was in their expectation.

However, when the wilderness stepped on the eleventh step, the speed of his progress slowed down noticeably, and the amplitude of his body shaking became more severe.

At this time, the wilderness once again grabbed the wine gourd behind him, and after pouring two strong spirits in the neck, this continued to move.

With the swallowing of these two spirits, most people may not be aware of it, but people like Jiang Yun can clearly understand that the atmosphere of the wilderness has become stronger.

In particular, Jiang Yun knows a little about the situation of the wilderness, so it is even more well known.

"He is poisonous on his body. In order to prevent the outbreak of toxicity on a regular basis, he should always suppress it."

"And wine can suppress toxicity, so that his strength becomes stronger!"

"But any toxicity, the more suppressed it is, the more terrible it will be, the more intense it will be. This wilderness is also going out!"

In the analysis of Jiang Yun, Lie Ye went to twenty-eight steps in one breath, and this stopped.

When I was just looking for it, I had already exploded all the strengths, but the wilderness was just a little gasping, and obviously most of the power had not been used.

It can be seen that the strength of the wilderness is stronger than the absurdity.

However, the wilderness began to pour wine into the mouth, while walking down the foot, relying entirely on the power of spirits, when it reached the thirty-seventh steps, the body finally trembled and stopped again.

At the same time as the big mouth gasped, the wilderness opened his mouth and took a strong breath.

And then he suddenly reached out and slammed his body to his body.


After a dull bang, on his body, there was a taller illusory figure that overlapped with his body.

This made his burly body, under the gaze of everyone, even swollen like a gas filled, and his muscles rose high.

In this scene, everyone understands what is going on, especially Jiang Yun, but he has widened his eyes and recognized it at a glance. The illusory figure is the Taoist!

Like the self, this wilderness has a physical body.

Jiang Yun also remembered that Lu Lun once said that Lie Ming Ming Ming is a human race, but he has a strong body that is not weaker than the Mozu and the desert.

Under the integration of the physical body and the deity, the wilderness continues to move.

It’s just that he is going very slowly now. Every step of the way, it will make a loud roar, and the five peaks that are directly shocked by the size of a hundred feet will tremble slightly.

The feeling for everyone, it seems that the wildness of the wilderness has completely erupted, so that the Great Five Peaks may be broken by him at any time.

However, when it was 46 steps, the body shape of the wilderness stopped again.

This time, he did not go to drink again, but directly in the palm of his hand, slap on his body.

Jiang Yun’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly, and everyone was all shocked.

Because in the body of the wilderness, there are two illusory tall figures that emerged and merged with his deity.

This wilderness, there are actually three, the body of the body!

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