The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 953: Strolling

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun, the face of Yan Yongfeng is uncertain, and there is a hint of regret in his heart.

All of this, naturally, because Jiang Yun is really just a spiritual cultivation!

And such a repair, Jiang Yun still dare to bet with himself, it shows that he has the confidence to win.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to regret it, so Wild Wing Fung can only secretly pray that Jiang Yun can’t reach thirty steps.

Jiang Yun went to the five peaks of the Great Wilderness and did not immediately start climbing. Instead, he stood there and looked up at the mountain in front of him.

When other people want to come, Jiang Yun must be adjusting his state, but in fact, Jiang Yun is remembering!

Because in his eyes, this is not the holy things of the abandon, but the five peaks of the Taoist!

Although the five peaks in front of him are empty, but he can faintly see the buildings in them, one by one.

Everyone is naturally watching and watching Jiang Yun.

The wild feathers only felt that their palms were full of sweat, and the heart accelerated their beating.

"Adult, come on!"

In the distance, Yi Zheng and others were clenching their fists and secretly cheering for Jiang Yun.

They are probably the ones who want Jiangyun to win this bet.

Lu Yizheng wants to ask the angels, how many steps Jiang Yun can climb, but in the end there is no opening.

Because he and others, with a glimmer of expectation, waiting to see how Jiang Yun climbed the sacred object of the abandonment, will it bring everyone amazing performance again.

Even, even the wilderness opened his eyes and continued to drink a lot of wine, while showing a color of interest, staring at Jiang Yun.

Among all of them, only one person did not go to see Jiang Yun, that is the patriarch of the abandoned family, Yan Junyan!

He was looking at his son, watching the wilderness and looking at Jiang Yun's gaze, flashing a few rays that he could not understand.

After standing quietly for a while, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes and hidden all his memories in the depths of his eyes.

"Master, the disciple is going to start the five peaks again."

With the whispering sound, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, there was no wave in his eyes, and his face was restored to the usual calm.

The next moment, he finally took a step and set foot on the first step of the Great Five Peaks.


Suddenly, there was a huge force in the steps that poured into Jiang Yun’s body, which shook his body slightly.

But that's it!

The body of the wilderness is strong because there are three bodies.

However, Jiang Yun’s physical strength is derived from the medicinal properties of the various herbs that are not brought by the grandfather Jiang Wanli and are not in the mountains and seas.

Even now, the medicinal properties of these herbs have not been fully absorbed by Jiang Yun.

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There are still a lot of people in his body, tempting his body.

It is precisely because of this that his body is far stronger than the wilderness.

Therefore, the initial anti-seismic power of the Great Five Peaks could not shake his body.

After a shock, Jiang Yun continued to move forward, stepping up one step at a time.

Jiang Yun's walking speed is extremely fast, definitely surpassing all the previous people, surpassing the strongest wilderness!

Even, he didn’t even have a pause in the moment, just like walking the usual steps!

In the twinkling of an eye, I have already crossed the ninth step, but still have not stopped.

This scene falls in the eyes of everyone, especially in the eyes of the wilderness and other people who have just passed the Great Five Peaks, so that their faces can not help but reveal the shock.

They know better than anyone, how terrible the powerful anti-seismic forces that exist in every step.

Although the strength of the first nine steps is the weakest, even if it is as strong as the wilderness, it seems that he is still walking in the process of walking, but in fact, when he sets foot on every step, The body will have a short pause.

The effect of this pause is to resolve the force of the earthquake that has poured into the body.

The wilderness is strong and powerful, so he has the shortest time to resolve the power of earthquake.

However, Jiang Yun's walking speed is fast, giving people the feeling that it is like there is no shocking force in the steps pouring into his body!

In this way, under the incomprehensible and gaze of the people, Jiang Yun went through a very relaxed state, strolling around, and went all the way to the eighteenth step.

Not only does the face not change color, but the breath is also as uniform as before, and he seems to have no intention to stop!

At this time, even those who did not personally feel the power contained in the Great Five Peaks finally realized the extraordinaryness that Jiang Yun showed!

Through the process of those who climbed the Great Five Peaks before, basically everyone has discovered that the ninety-nine steps on the five peaks have different strengths and weaknesses.

This difference is not only increased step by step, but every nine steps, this power will skyrocket.

In other words, every nine steps is equal to a level.

Once you have passed the ninth step, you will enter the second level, and the power in the steps will also skyrocket.

This is also one of the reasons why the wilderness, after finishing the fifty-fourth step, clearly can continue to climb, but deliberately gave up.

Because starting from the fifty-fifth step, it is the next level.

The previous level has already injured him. If he continues to forcibly step into the next level, then the counter-shock power of the skyrocketing will make his injury worse and cause serious injuries.

Therefore, when everyone walks through the nine steps, they will all stop to rest and adjust and be prepared.

For example, the hunger has split the wild lines from the tenth step, while the wilderness has drank two drinks and so on.

However, Jiang Yun even walked through the 18 steps without stopping. This is really beyond the expectations of everyone, and everyone can't help but whisper.

"Is it true that the power of the five peaks has disappeared?"

"Impossible! When others go, they disappear when they go to Jiang Yun?"

"Then he is not the master of the spiritual realm, why can he walk through 18 steps in a row?"

"You ask me, who do I ask!"

If Jiang Yun is a deserted person, then his performance at the moment will definitely cause doubts from everyone.

It will be considered that this is a master of the abandonment, or that Lv Yizheng and Lu Ze and others have secretly shot, so that the power within the five peaks of the Great Wilderness will disappear, and Jiang Yun will not be affected.

However, the hatred between Jiang Yun and Ye Yongfeng is obvious to all.

Even if the aristocracy has a small family and a small family, it is a sneak peek at Jiang Yun. First of all, he does not say whether he has secretly attacked the right to influence the holy things. His shots alone will definitely not be old and so on.

As the leader of the wasteland, the old man will watch the map to help Jiang Yun to fight against the wasteland!

As for Lu Yizheng and Lu Ze, even if they are cultivated as heaven, they are not the people of the desert, and they are even less likely to have the ability to control the holy things of the abandon.

Therefore, the only explanation is that Jiang Yun is indeed relying on his own strength, easily completed eighteen steps, and is ready to continue.

However, this explanation has made it unacceptable to the people. Can the strength of the Taoist territory be stronger than the heavenly environment, and the strong crossing of the Tao will not succeed?

"How did he do it? Is there any friend who can see it?"

"Yeah, if you go on like this, Jiang Yun is likely to finish all the steps and climb the summit!"

The speaker is unintentional, the listener has the heart, this is not a loud voice, passed into the ears of the eternal Yongfeng, so that his face can not help but become more ugly!

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