The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 955: Variant protrusion

In addition to the two of them, there is no third person to know about the transaction between the eternal life and the sacrifice.

The face of the sacrifice was calm from beginning to end, and there was no abnormality. It seemed that he did not say anything and did nothing.

Wild Wing Fung just looked at the sacrifice and turned his gaze back to Jiang Yun, who was waiting for his answer.

Now that he has a promise of sacrifice, he will naturally have a sigh of relief now, his face will return to normal, and he will smile coldly: "Jiang Yun, our bet is 30 steps, now you are still three, etc. You are all finished, and then I am not too late to lose!"

The answer of the ridiculous brethren is heard by everyone, but it is dying and unwilling to admit that he has lost.

Because now everyone can see it, although Jiang Yun did not go three steps, but he walked twenty-seven steps, the whole person did not even change at all.

Even if you climb the next step, you will have to step back into a more difficult level. However, in his current situation, even if he is seriously injured, he will certainly be able to finish the last three steps.

"Haha, the big man is justified, it is indeed Jiang, there is a little bit of anxious!"

Jiang Yun smiled and turned back, and continued to walk toward twenty-eight steps.


Jiang Yun’s feet fell on the twenty-eighth steps and made a dull sound of landing.

And as this voice sounds, it is like touching an organ.

Variant protrusions!

In the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, there was a huge storm that rushed out again, with the earth-shattering whistling sound, sweeping toward the surrounding madness.

At the same time, a lot of anti-shock power that is far stronger than before has also poured directly into the body of Jiang Yun from the steps.


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When the previous hunger had just set foot on the Great Five Peaks, there was a storm, and no one else ever met.

I did not expect that there would be another storm, and the power of this storm is far more than the last time.

Wherever the storm passed, the platform turned into a water surface and set off a road.

Every turn is a huge crack, and there are countless pieces of gravel that spurt in all directions.

This sudden change made everyone shocked and their own hard work was resisted.

As for the ridiculous monarch and the old man, although they are not afraid of this storm, they are also confused.

Obviously, even they did not think of the Great Five Peaks, and there will be such changes.

"Oh, some people are secretive, deliberately triggering the power contained in the five peaks of this great wilderness, clearly to prevent Jiang Yun from winning this bet."

Lu Lun’s voice suddenly sounded in Lu’s mind.

Among all of them, only the reincarnation of his reincarnation is the quickest and the clearest.

Lu Yisong’s heart is also a sudden shock: "Is it the instrument of the relics of the abandonment?"

With so many people watching, it is possible to secretly sway the holy things, and when they want to come, only the spirit can do it.

However, Lu Lun shook his head: "It's not a spirit, there is no instrumental spirit within the five peaks of the Great Wilderness!"

On the side of Lu Ze, the cold road said: "That can only be sacrifices!"

All the sacrificial rites were responsible for presiding over everything in charge of the sacred objects, so after Lu Lun made these words, Lu Ze made a judgment.

However, although the three of them know the facts, as a foreigner, at this time, they are not likely to help Jiang Yun, so they can only see how Jiang Yun will respond.

Regardless of the reaction of others, Jiang Yun at the moment was also shocked by the sudden emergence of this storm.

In particular, the powerful power contained in the storm makes his body almost directly shaken out of the five peaks.

This made his face change, it was too late to think, and between the mind and the electric, the reaction was extremely fast, and it was like a knife, and it was pointed at the connection between his body and the steps.

Taoism, love not to suffer!

This refers to Jiang Yunzhen's connection between the storm and himself. Although he does not know whether it will be useful, it is also the only way he can think of today.

Fortunately, the Tao is useful!

As one finger broke the connection, Jiang Yun’s trembled body instantly returned to calm.

Within the body, the diamond pattern that has long been ready to go, followed by his body!

As Yan Junyan and others speculate, the first nine steps, Jiang Yun relies on the strength of the flesh, and then nine steps, he relies on the fusion of the physical body, and twenty-seven steps, he uses The golden thunder resolves the power of the earthquake.

Now that I have seen the number of four or nine, Jiang Yun uses the diamond body!

Jiang Yun’s habit has always thrown his own cards one by one, so he has already thought about the countermeasures as early as possible by observing the state of others climbing the Great Five Peaks.

What's more, Jiang Yun has a familiar feeling in the process of climbing!

This familiarity is not because the five peaks of the great wilderness are asking the five peaks, but because the process of climbing the holy things is roughly the same as the process of walking the anti-demon bridge in Luojia.

On the opposite side of the demon bridge, every few hundred feet, the monster attack suffered will be skyrocketing.

It is because of the experience of successfully defeating the demon bridge at the beginning, so Jiang Yun is also the big one to grasp the five peaks of this great wilderness.

Coupled with him now, the strength is not what it used to be, it can really be regarded as the rank of the strong, so climbing is much easier than others.

The body of the King Kong is out, although the storm is still around, and even the hair of Jiang Yun is flying wildly in the wind, but his body is quite straight.

It is like a blade that is deeply inserted into the Great Five Peaks, and it doesn't move!

However, Jiang Yun’s eyes were slightly picked up, looking at the steps under his feet, and his eyes were full of thoughtful colors. Under such thoughts, he lifted his feet again and took another step.


Twenty-ninth steps!


Just as Jiang Yun’s foot just stepped on this step, the entire Great Wild Five Peaks made a loud bang.

There is another indescribable strong breath that rushes out from the inside of the mountain, and the intensity of the storm is even more filled in this vast space.


The huge platform that can carry 10,000 people began to burst under the influence of this storm, and a huge crack spread wildly in all directions.

So everyone on the platform had to rush to vacate, but just rose into the air, but immediately fell back to the ground.

It’s not that they want to fall, but they have a kind of pressure like Tianwei, which keeps their bodies hard.

Even the spectators around the stands, repaired to be a little weak, just the sound of the vibrations of the great five peaks, let their blood flow out of their ears, each face is exposed with the color of fear.

Fortunately, at this time, after the ignorance of the priests and the ridiculous old man, they gave a cold sigh at the same time, and each of them had a strong atmosphere on their bodies.

Their breath is not to compete with the breath of the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, but to stabilize the entire space and protect those who are onlookers.

After all, these people came to observe the military power of the abandon, and they were far away. If they were all killed here, the abandon will immediately become the target of public criticism.

Although there is no need to worry about their own safety for the time being, everyone can't help but face each other, and the fear on their faces is deeply puzzled.

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