The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 968: Mysterious coach

Although Jiang Yun knows that he will become very busy once he becomes a deputy general.

But he did not think that his own busyness was actually a full four years!

In four years, he has been to two places, the military camp and the battle hall!

Even I have always promised that Lulun will not be able to travel to the reincarnation.

In fact, if only training the abandonment, Jiang Yun will not spend such a long time.

However, in the second year, because I watched the military merits, I witnessed many of the monks who Jiang Yun showed, and many of them even talked about their elders and divisions.

A large number of ethnic groups, Zongmen, expressed their willingness to take the initiative to join the army of the abandoned, to help the barren to fight against the temple.

Jiang Yun's powerful and limitless future has not only won the respect of these foreigners, but also allowed them to see their own strong hopes.

For the joining of these foreign aids, the abandon is naturally welcomed by both hands.

In this way, the number of abandoned soldiers of the abandoned army has been constantly increasing.

Now, it has doubled and reached two million!

Therefore, Jiang Yun naturally can't stop.

In particular, these newly joined foreigners have been cultivated in a jagged, and the vast majority of them are not as convinced and awe-inspiring as Jiang Yun.

Just wanting to let them obey is not a simple matter.

However, four years of busyness is worthwhile for Jiang Yun.

Because today's abandoned people, whether it is the two million army, or the ethnic group of the desert, basically everyone has mastered the arrangement of the nine blood chain.

Moreover, under the strict orders of Jiang Yun, except for a few people, such as the patriarchs and old people, all others must follow the arrangements of the nine people and eat and live with fellow initiates!

As a matter of course, it is natural to cultivate their tacit understanding with each other, so that they can arrange nine blood circulation arrays in the shortest time, anytime and anywhere.

Although at the beginning, some people refused to accept, some people did not want to, but under the unconditional support of Jiang Jun and the old and the old, they had to.

The consequences of this have led to the overall strength of the entire abandoned family, which is many times stronger than it was four years ago!

This also allowed Jiang Yun to finally see a little hope of completing the task.

However, in the past four years, there have been some major events that can be regarded as bad news for the abandon.

I don't know if it is because of the power of the abandonment, so that the temple of God is threatened.

Although they did not attack the abandonment, they chose to attack other ethnic groups.

Among the nine people who died, in addition to the first genie of the genie, the soul and the demon were attacked by the temple.

These two ethnic groups faced the temple of blasphemy. Although they resisted strongly, they eventually lost.

After paying the price of a large number of people's lives, in order to preserve their respective ethnic groups, the people can continue to survive. These two ethnic groups have chosen to return to the Shrine!

With the addition of these two families, the Temple of the Blessed is also a tiger, and its strength is also skyrocketing. The threat to other families is naturally greater.

Fortunately, after the news came out, let the rest of the remaining groups finally feel the pressure, no longer fighting as they used to.

Instead, headed by the reincarnation, they began to actively contact other ethnic groups, hoping to form alliances with each other and fight against the temple.

These things naturally do not use Jiang Yun to worry about it again, and his training for the two million abandoned people, after four years, is now a come to an end, and finally can rest for a while.

Although it is a break, Jiang Yun still stays in his own hall.

On top of the table in front of it is a pile of jade slips, all of which are about the shrine and other ethnic groups.

Don't look at Jiang Yun's experience of not really leading the war, but at least know the truth of knowing oneself and knowing each other, so he told people to collect news from all sides in a timely manner so that they have a detailed understanding of the strength and movement of the temple.

After reading the information in these jade slips, Jiang Yun held one of the jade slips, and the brows were screwed together, staring at the jade Jane, clearly thinking about something.

"Ginger brother, what do you think?"

Accompanied by a loud sound, and a rich wine scented into the nose of Jiang Yun, a tall figure shaped like a savage entered the hall.

Come, nature is the wilderness!

Today's wilderness, although repaired to be higher than Jiang Yun, but willingly became the deputy of Jiang Yun.

To be honest, when the news came out, everyone was a bit surprised.

Because the wilderness is barbaric and the eyes are higher than the top. At the beginning, even under the hands of the ridiculous Yongfeng, the ridiculous Feng Yongfeng was also welcoming, but he was willing to assist Jiang Yun.

Only the wilderness and Jiang Yun know that they are not in the role of others in this illusion, and still maintain their identity.

For the wilderness, when he was in the land of the world, he suspected that Jiang Yun was a member of the nine ethnic groups. At that time, he made up his mind. If he entered the nine places, he must follow Jiang Yun.

Because only Jiang Yun is likely to take him out of the boundaries of the world, to see the real world.

In addition, in the illusion, he personally saw the performance of Jiang Yun in the military merits ratio, and after Jiang Yun gave him the detoxification of medicinal herbs, naturally he strengthened his original thoughts and ironed his heart. At the side of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun did not feel bad about the wilderness, let alone the cultivation of the wilderness is indeed higher than himself, so that he can follow.

Through four years of getting along, the relationship between the two is naturally close to a lot, even with brothers.

Looking at the wilderness standing in front of him, Jiang Yun couldn't help but come back, but the brow was still locked, and he raised the jade in his hand: "This jade is the time when the temple was attacked by the souls, a monk. Recorded a scene."

"There is a figure of the coach of the temple."

"Although I can't see it because it's too far away, but this coach, I feel a bit familiar, but I can't remember who it is."

For the temple of 弑, Jiang Yun is most concerned about this coach, extremely mysterious.

Up to now, it is said that no one has seen his true appearance, only that he is extremely powerful and omnipotent.

The souls are also good, the devils, or even the genital beasts who have long since perished, all of whom he personally led the army to kill.

"Oh?" The wilderness eyes smashed the avenue: "I see, maybe it is a strong person in the land of the world, it will not be the sky?"

In the past four years, the two men have also secretly searched for other monks who have entered the boundaries of the illusion, and have indeed found a lot.


However, there are still no clues about the most important people.

"I am not familiar with the sky, it should not be him, you can see if you don't know!"

Jiang Yunyang threw the jade in his hand to the wilderness.

After the wilderness took over, the gods infiltrated into it. After watching it for a while, he also frowned. "You really don't say it, I feel a bit familiar, and I seem to have seen it."

"I think about it, I think about it!"

Just when the wilderness frowned, the sound of Yi Zheng was heard outside: "Adult, the young chief asked for help!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Let him come in!"

"Then you are busy, I went back and thought about it, and I will tell you later!"

The wilderness swayed at Jiang Yun and turned away from her own.

Soon after he left, he came in with a smile on his face.

However, the wild map is not one person coming, and on his right hand, he is still holding a boy of three or four years old!

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