The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 976: Cause of extinction

At the same time, there was a wilderness of exclamation outside the cabin: "The Yinling World..."

When the sound has not been finished, it will come to an abrupt end, and then it will sound like the sound of "噗通".

Jiang Yun's body flashed and hurried out of the cabin.

Above the deck, the deserted people and others all fell there.

Everyone is frowning, the facial features are distorted, and their eyes are sluggish, showing a tendency to scatter.

Jiang Yun just glanced at them and looked at the boat outside the sky.

In the endless darkness of all directions, it can be clearly seen that a beast of the same size and shape is rushing toward the ship.

In Jiang Yun’s mouth, he also spit out five words in the words that have just been unfinished: "Beast, the spirit of the beast!"

In front of these, the herds that are rushing to the sky-going ship are the rumors of the sacred beasts that have been extinct by the temple, and the number is overwhelming, at least there are nearly 10,000!

Although Jiang Yun had long known the name of the Yinling beast, and even entered the body of the Yinling beast, he once turned into a ghostly beast, passed his eyes and saw some ancient scenes, but he I have never seen the true face of this group of people who belong to one of the dead and nine ethnic groups.

Today, this is the first time I saw it!

The reason why they can be sure that they are the spirits of the beasts is because the sound of their screams in their mouths can affect the mind!

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When the people of Mori and others fell on the deck, it was because the mind was affected.

However, today's Jiang Yun, has long been not the **** cloud that entered the body of the ghost spirit.

The powerful gods easily protected their own minds, staring at the group of ghosts and beasts.

The spirit of the beast, looks like a cockroach in the shape, a mouth is especially large, constantly stretched.

Only in the understanding of Jiang Yun's beasts of the spirits, the size of this beast is very large.

However, these ghosts and beasts in front of them are of different sizes, the largest is tens of thousands of feet, and the smallest is only the size of the size.

Jiang Yun's big sleeves waved, and an aura reinforces the people of the past, and isolates the cry of the beasts of the spirits, which allows them to recover their minds one after another.

After waking up, they saw the scene in front of them, and they could not help but screamed.

"Damn, the spirits of the beasts are not extinct, how can there be so much!"

"There is nothing wrong with it. Because the spirits of the spirits can swallow all things, the number of their families is extremely rare. Even in the heyday, the number will not be over 10,000. How can there be so much now?"

"Don't think about it first, try to solve these guys and talk about it!"

"The ghosts of the beasts devour all things, even the world can swallow, and the skin is thick and thick, it can't be beaten!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes are like a torch, staring at the ghostly beast.

He naturally listens to the words of the people, and he also has a vague feeling that these ghostly beasts should not belong to the real world of beasts.

It should be the special method used by Dao Zun to make it out.

Because the people of the temple of the temple opened their voices, these ghostly beasts appeared, indicating that they were operating in the dark.

As for the purpose, it is natural to make these ghostly beasts a tool of war.

As the name of the past, they are extremely difficult to kill and use them to attack the enemy. It is an excellent weapon.

Even if it is really killed, there is no loss for the temple.

To be honest, when entering this illusion, Jiang Yun is still strange. If they respect the Tao, they will be repaired as a heaven, even if the strong are like clouds, but they want to destroy the dead and the nine, it is unlikely.

So what are they doing in the end?

Now that I see these ghostly beasts, Jiang Yun feels that he seems to have found the answer to the question.

"The order in which they respected the attack on the Nine Tribes is actually a detailed plan."

"The reason why the real family will be destroyed first, the real purpose is definitely to create these ghosts."

"Control one such powerful army, and of course they want to destroy who will destroy them!"

"The extinction of the Nine in the past is probably the reason!"

Despite the thoughts, Jiang Yun had already understood these things, but it also made his heart become heavy.

Because if your own ideas come true, even if you have your own help, it is still impossible to be the opponent of the Temple of the Shrine than the abandoned who has been several times stronger.

And this means that in the end, they still can't help the abandon to change their destiny and fail to complete the task.

Thus, like the demon old man, he became a member of the illusionary character who lost his mind in the nine places!

However, Jiang Yun also knows that it is not a time to think about it.

Taking a deep breath, I will calm my mind and force myself to calm down and say: "Don't panic, although they are numerous, they must be different from the real ghosts."

"If not, why should the temples be so troubled, instead of using them to intercept us, it would be better to send them directly to attack the rest of the family!"

Jiang Yun’s remarks did play a role, and the deeds and others were also experienced in the battle, and they were the elites of the abandon, so they immediately showed their sorrow.

Yu Ming looked at Jiang Yundao: "The deputy is the meaning of the adults. Is the temple dedicated to us to test the strength of this group of ghosts?"

Jiang Yun nodded. "This is just my guess, but if you want to know if it is correct, you can kill one!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s figure flashed and he jumped out of the sky.

"Deputy, be careful!"

The ruthlessness suddenly changed, and when he exclaimed, he and the other eight people followed Jiang Yun and jumped out.

They didn't expect Jiang Yun to act so decisively. Just opened his mouth and people rushed out.

The boat on the sky has a lot of protection, and it is relatively safe. It is so desperate to rush out. If Jiang Yun’s guess is wrong, I am afraid I will never come back.

Their duty is to protect Jiang Yun's safety, and dare to let Jiang Yun take risks.

At this time, Jiang Yun has come to the side of a ten-footed ghost spirit beast. The body of the diamonds is full of moments, lifting his hands, condensing all the strength, and hitting a punch.

Under the Vajrayana, Jiang Yun’s fist, even if it is the strongman in the late period of protection, will be blown up.


Along with a loud bang, this ghostly beast was suddenly blown up by Jiang Yun, and even the screams were too late to be sent.

The body of this sinister beast exploded into a **** flesh and splashed toward the darkness of the surroundings.

But these flesh and blood are not waiting to fly too far away, and the rest of the beasts are like the cats who smelled the fish, and they rushed toward the flesh and blood.

Each one is open-mouthed, greedily swallowing his own flesh and blood.

"Great, really can kill!"

At this time, Jiang Yun’s body also came with a cry of surprises and others.

"The deputy general is really wise, these are not really sinister beasts, so we are not afraid."

"The adults please return to the boat, and these ghostly beasts will be handed over to us!"

"Brothers, go!"

Along with the order of the Ming Dynasty, one hundred guards except one group protected Jiang Yun, one group stayed on the ship, and the rest of them had already rushed out to form a nine-blood ring array, killing the Yinling world.

Jiang Yun did not return to the boat, but still stood in the same place, frowning, watching the Ming Ming and others killing the ghosts of the beast.

In his mind, he is also thinking about how Taoism has created so many ghosts and beasts.

Until a scream suddenly sounded, a vague idea came out of his mind!

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