The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 993: Three generations of the desert

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun took a step, and his body shape had disappeared from the original place. He appeared on the sky above a boat carrying the banner of "Jiang".


As the deputy of the abandoned family, second only to the existence of the old and the patriarchs, the original plan of the three tribes was to let Jiang Yun be the supreme commander and control the entire five-million-strong army.

But it was rejected by Jiang Yun!

Because Jiang Yun knows well and trains the army, he can still be competent, but he has never had such a real war experience, let alone commanding so many people to fight at the same time.

My own experience in this area, even I am afraid I can't compare with the original wasteland.

This is not a play, not a training, but five million lives!

If you really hand over the command of the five million army to your own hands, then there is no need to fight this big battle.

Therefore, the tribes finally decided to still be the commander of the old man, while the reincarnation and the chaotic people were each supported by one person.

As for Jiang Yun, he was transferred to him alone, and he led the 10,000-small team that belonged to him. He was free to move!

Looking at the ship that belongs to him, Jiang Yun walked up and sat down on the bow of the boat. He looked at the deserted city below and looked at the whole world below.

Although it is a illusion, Jiang Yun is in this illusion, but it has been through the past ten years.

Therefore, for this deserted city, for the world of the abandoned people, he has feelings for many people in the desert.

To be honest, he is not willing!

Now, I am afraid that he will take a look at the last time in the real world, the city and the world that have long since vanished, and the ones.

"See the adults!"

"See the adults!"

In the meditation of Jiang Yun, a familiar voice rang in his ear.

Yi Zheng, Mo Fancheng and others, have boarded the ship in the sky, facing the ruins of their past, and respecting Jiang Yun, who changed the fate of these people.

Jiang Yun also smiled and replied to everyone with a slight nod: "Just sit down and sit down!"


Although Jiang Yun asked them to sit down and find a position, they still maintain a formation of nine people.

In particular, nine people, including Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng, sat directly under Jiang Yun and protected Jiang Yun firmly.

Looking at their figure, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes.

He really can't bear to look again.

He still remembers the scene that happened when he first saw these people when he first arrived at the military camp.

When the thousands of people spoke sincerely to the words of the adults, he was originally planning to tell them that from now on, Jiang and you will die together!

But when I got to the lips, I swallowed him back.

Because he can't do it!

He can neither live with them nor die with them.

All he can do is to abandon all the distractions in his heart, independent of this illusion, and concentrate on his own tasks.

However, he can't do the same!

Even at this moment, he really hopes that this illusion is reality. I hope that after the end of this war, even if he leaves, everything here will continue to exist.

I hope that this war, regardless of victory or defeat, can be said to those who are willing to follow their own lives below----from now on, Jiang and you will die together!

Jiang Yun did not speak, and everyone did not speak. In this silence, more and more people began to board the ship.

The transportation of the three tribes was all provided by the abandoners.

The abandonment sent a total of 55 ships in the sky. Except for the heads of the three tribes, the old man, and Jiang Yun, one person and one ship, each of the remaining ships accommodated 100,000 people.

Today, there are twenty-three ships in the sky above the desert world.

After all the ships were filled with people, the ridiculous monarch and the old man, with all the wilderness, all appeared on the sky.

On the bottom and on the boat, all the people looked up at them.

In the sky, there was a quiet, no one opened, and no one even dared to gasp.

The gaze of Yan Junyan slowly sweeps through everyone, after everyone is really, then he screams: "Where are the real people of my abandon!"

All the abandonians, whether on the ship, in the deserted city, or in the air, even with the old people, all answered in unison: "In!"

"Let me thank all the priests!"

The ridiculous Yan Yan held his fists in his hands and went deep into the millions of peasants.

This scene is beyond the expectations of everyone, so that everyone is one of them.

But then, all the abandonian people understood it and went to the millions of peasants and worshiped them deeply!

The voice of Yan Junyan sounded again: "Thank you for all that you have paid for my abandon!"

"Abandonment is here to promise. From then on, those who are willing to stay in the abandonment are my abandonian people, who are unwilling to stay. The wasteland is now free!"

All the abandonians also followed the ridiculous priests and said: "Thank you!"

Millions of squads, although also known as the abandoners, but their true identity is only a slave to the abandon.

At this moment, the words and actions of Yan Junyan finally gave them a recognition.

Millions of squadrons suddenly got up, even if they were accompanied by Yi Zheng and others, they also clenched their fists and bowed down to the deserted people and the ridiculous Yan Yan!

"I will wait for the aristocrats!"

Even though they are slaves, they also have feelings for the abandon, so they are willing to stay in the desert.

The ridiculous Junyan nodded and straightened up to the body, and then whispered again: "Where are all the aristocrats!"


This time, all the ethnics, including millions of squadrons, answered in unison: "In!"

"Follow me, thank you for your friends!"

The ridiculous Yan Yan held his fists in both hands, and after joining the military merits, he joined the army of the abandoned army and helped the millions of monks of the abandoned family to worship deeply!

"Thank you all the friends, you will help each other at the crucial moment. Since then, you are my forever friends!"

"After this war, the abandoned people are there, you are here; the dead are dead, the wilderness is dead!"

All the aristocrats also deeply worshipped and continued to follow the words of the ridiculous monarch: "Thank you for your friends!"

The millions of foreign Taoist friends naturally stood up and bowed back to the abandoned!

With the words of the ridiculous monarch, for them, it is already worth it.

They will live together with the abandon!

After straightening up again, Yan Junyan opened for the third time: "Where are all the deaf people!"


"Follow me, thank you Jiang Yundao!"

Wild Junyan clenched his fists in both hands, facing Jiang Yun, who had already stood up, and deeply worshipped!

"Thank you, Jiang Yundao, no Jiang Yundao friends, there is no us today's desert!"

"Grateful feelings, nothing to report, since then, heaven and earth, my abandonment, including the desert, is willing to rely on Jiang Yundao friends!"

“Thank you for Jiang Yundao!”

Hearing the earth-shattering thanks, he looked at the figure that was more than a million in front of him.

In particular, the promise given by Yan Junyan, so that Jiang Yun did not know what to say, can only hold the same fist, facing all of them, deeply worship!

After another straight up, Yu Junyan continued to sigh: "You have known a lot about this battle, and I don't need to rumor."

"Today, I just want to tell you that this war, we are to defend our homeland and defend our loved ones!"

"After this war, I don't know how many people can come back alive, nor do we know if we can win, but I just want to tell you----"

"This war, the desert has been waiting for too long, too long, long time can not wait to want to let the temple to see our power!"

"You, are you ready?"

After the silence of the moment, everyone suddenly shouted in unison: "Ready!"

The ridiculous prince Yan Yan stretched out his hand at the end of the sky, and there was a murderous murder on his body: "If that is the case, then let us play!"

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