The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 996: Human nature

When I saw Lu Lun, Jiang Yun’s face naturally smiled and nodded. “Although I saw it, I still didn’t get used to it!”

Lu Lun smiled and said: "In the end, you are still too young. When you are older, you can see it all."

For these words, Jiang Yun’s heart does not agree with it, but knowing that this is Lun’s kindness, he nodded slightly: “Maybe!”

"Your body is now within the sacred objects of my family. You need it at any time. He can return to your deity at any time."

Originally, Jiang Yun had long wanted to recapture the body of the deity, but Lu Lun suggested that he should not do this for the time being.

The more the reincarnation returns to the deity, the greater the benefit to the deity.

I wanted to have his own reincarnation, but there was never a return, but one after another to continue to produce new cycles.

Until the opening of the nine places, he only merged all the avatars, and instantly made the training to the extreme.

"Well, I know!"

"Well, I don't have to say anything else, you can practice it with peace of mind."

"No matter what the final outcome of this war, and when this illusion ends, I think we will definitely have a chance to meet."

Lu Lun reached out and patted Jiang Yun's shoulder with force. A huge force suddenly poured into Jiang Yun's body, causing Jiang Yun's body to tremble slightly, and suddenly looked up at Lu Lun.

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At this moment, Lu Lun had a little paleness and smiled and said: "This power was collected from the tree of reincarnation when I paid a great price."

"Even if the environment of humanity is isomorphic, it may not be able to compete, you should not waste it!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

He knows that the power that Lu Lun gave to himself is to let himself kill the use of Dao Zun!

Although until now, I still don't know what role Dougan plays in this illusion, but in the end, it should be Tao Zun himself.

Lun is the only one who knows and understands the cause and effect.

This time, the big battle is also the only chance to kill Dao Zun, so he will send himself a force.

Although Jiang Yun at the moment wants to say something, Lu Lun’s help to himself is too much. A single sentence of thank you is not enough to express his inner gratitude.

The best reward for Lu Lun is to work hard to complete the task, so that he can take his daughter Nan Yunru to leave the land of the world and get real freedom!

"I am leaving, take your time!"

Turning his hand at Jiang Yun, Lu Lun turned and walked slowly.

Looking at his somewhat lonely and lonely back is farther and farther away from him, Jiang Yun still did not speak, and slowly closed his eyes.

This closed eye, no one to disturb Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun did not pay attention to anything else.

Even, he did not calculate the passage of time, just immersed in cultivation.

Until I don’t know how long it has passed, his voice finally sounded Yizheng’s voice: “Adult!”

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and looked at the Iraqi face with some nervous Yi Zhengdao: "Is it true that the people who are in the temple are coming?"

Yi Zheng nodded and said: "Yes, the barbarian asked me to come over and ask you to marry the temple, it is coming soon!"

Jiang Yun looked at the dark and dark seams and nodded. He stood up and said, "Let's go!"

Jiang Yun’s retreat was only a short four months.

In the past four months, the wild world of today has undergone tremendous changes.

The three tribes had originally five million, a wild world, and even millions of demons joined, so the total number reached six million.

Six million monks are now scattered in six locations throughout the wild world.

Three on the ground, one in the sky, and two hidden places!

The three places above the earth, although seemingly arranged at random, are kept within the range of each other.

At the time of the war, if either side is in a state of invincibility, then the other two parties can come to the rescue at any time.

And the large number of monks gathered in each place are naturally in accordance with the law of the nine blood linings that Jiang Yun gave them, at least in groups of nine.

On the top of the cultivation, it is also strong and weak, trying to maintain a balanced strength.

And one place above the sky is composed entirely of the sky boat.

A total of 54 ships in the sky, also in accordance with the formation of the nine blood lining array, nine ships as a group, arranged six groups of arrays.

The remaining one is naturally owned by Jiang Yun and is free to move in wartime.

The ship is not only a means of transportation, but the vast lines of it, especially the size of the sky, make them equally powerful weapons of war.

Whether it is an attack or a defense, especially if it blew itself, it will definitely cause great harm to the people in the temple.

As for the hidden two positions, although the number is the least, it is the elite selected among the six million monks!

Their mission is to assassinate and reinforce!

Kill the enemy with a surprise attack or a sneak attack!

The patriarch of the original tribe wanted to arrange some large-scale formations, but considering that the total number of people in this war will exceed 10 million.

In the face of such a huge number of people, any large-scale formation will not play much of a role, but may also bind the actions of this person, and eventually give up.

Naturally, this also means that this war, at least the three major ethnic groups, is prepared to take a hard hit and simply use the strength of their own people to go to the final battle with the temple.

Standing on the sky, looking down at the vast wild world, Jiang Yun’s heart has also been greatly impacted.

Although he said that he has no experience in the war, he actually has it!

Whether it is the original medicine Shenzong, help the drug Shenzong against the sea;

Or ask the Dao Zong, the alliance against the three forces of the Wan Yao Cave;

Or with the questioning of the disciples, all the way to move, especially when stepping through the road of no return, every battle is a big battle.

The number of people involved in each battle is also tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands.

However, this battle involving thousands of people, he is indeed the first experience in his life.

At this moment, six million monks are all sitting in their respective positions.

Although the old man passed out orders, let them concentrate on replenishing their talents and adjust to the most peak state, but most people simply cannot do it.

Being nervous and constantly wiping his own weapons;

There are eyes closed, but the lips are constantly squirming and chanting something;

There was a brow wrinkled, his eyes staring at his front, seemingly thinking about something;

More trembling with physical control;

Of course, some people’s faces are full of excitement, and the eyes of the blood are shining with excitement!

At this time, no matter what kind of state these monks are in, no one is going to laugh at them, because this is human nature!

Jiang Yun silently looked at everyone's state one by one, and in his mind, suddenly one after another string was gently and silently moved.

He knows that it is the practice of "Humanism"!

The pictures of the people in front of the eyes and the pictures of the human beings that I saw at the beginning, at this moment, slowly overlapped together, making Jiang Yun’s mind clear.

In front of your own eyes, you are not a human being.

Jiang Yun’s gaze continued to move slowly across the faces of the people. The mouth was constantly whispering: “It’s hi, it’s worry, it’s thinking, it’s fear, it’s shocking...”

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