The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 15 The Halo Of Talent Doubles, And The Success Rate Of The Operation Is 100%!

April 25.

Yinhe Hospital, Hungarian Surgical Operating Room.

Cui Yu, the attending physician, is performing a laparoscopic tumor resection.

The patient is a rare "mirror person" with lung cancer.

The so-called mirror person is the position of the heart, liver, spleen, gallbladder and other organs, which is opposite to that of a normal person.

Mirror person, usually does not affect health.

But once sick, it will bring huge obstacles to surgical treatment.

Under the Hungarian endoscope.

The entire surgical field is like seeing the lower lobe of the left lung in a mirror.

This places extremely high demands on the surgeon's familiarity with the lung anatomy structure and spatial imagination.

The patient's heart, aortic arch, and esophagus are located on the right side. The right lung has only two lobes and the lobes are not developed at all. The blood supply of the bronchi and arteries and veins is similar to that of the left lung of a normal person. Therefore, the operation can only be done by retrograde lobectomy.

After Cui Yu led the medical team to conduct a comprehensive examination of the Hungarian accent, he knew what to expect.

He observed carefully, dissected and separated layer by layer.

When the lower pulmonary bronchus was separated, he found that the dorsal segment and basal segmental bronchi of the right lower lobe of the patient were abnormally large, distributed in staggered layers, and tightly clinging to the posterior pulmonary artery.

If the separation is forced, it is very likely to cut through the blood vessel wall and cause uncontrollable massive bleeding.

Cui Yu made a decisive decision and put the red urine tube on the tip of the nail cabin as a buffer and protection device.

With years of surgical experience and superb surgical skills, the trachea and blood vessels were successfully separated, and the tracheal structure was severed.


Cui Yu successfully removed the patient's lung tumor and completed lymph node dissection in one go.

At this moment, there was warm applause in the operating room.

The entire medical profession.

There are only 25 cases of mirror people with lung cancer, which is very rare.

However, Dr. Cui completed the operation with ease, and his medical skills are simply unbelievable!

Seeing everyone's happy faces.

There was also a smile on Cui Yu's face.

The internal organs of the mirror person are the opposite of those of ordinary people. It is still very difficult to successfully complete the operation.

Fortunately, everything went well!

In fact, Cui Yu also had doubts in his heart.

My family knows my own affairs.

After coming to Yinhe Hospital, his medical skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Both theoretical ability and practical ability have stepped up to a new level.

And with the increase in surgical volume.

He has a kind of floating feeling that difficult and miscellaneous diseases are nothing to worry about.

It seems that there is no disease in the world that can stump yourself.

Cui Yu felt a little floating.

In the operating room, the nurse used a code scanner to scan the small QR code on each piece of gauze to ensure that the number of gauzes was not too many, but not too many.

Compared with the manual counting of gauze in other hospitals.

Yinhe Hospital uses a machine to count the gauze, which can play a foolproof role in preventing the gauze from being forgotten in the patient's body and causing medical accidents.

After the code scanning machine is counted.

Cui Yu ordered the medical assistants: "Sew up the wound."

From the surgeon's point of view.

Choi Woo's surgery is over.

Arranging patients is responsible for summoning doctors.

Electronic medical records, with medical assistants in charge.

Anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist.

Before and after surgery, there are medical technicians in charge.

Nurses are in charge of rehabilitation work.

In Cui Yu's view.

The work of Yinhe Hospital is very easy.

He dared to say that no attending physician in any hospital in the country could be as relaxed as he was.


Cardiac surgery, operating room.

A heavyweight operation is in progress.

The patient was diagnosed with a primary cardiac tumor.

Cardiac tumors are difficult to treat, and many cardiac surgeons are unable to do so.

In this 40-year-old female patient, the tumor was located on the posterior side of the left atrium, which severely damaged the important structures of the heart such as the left atrium, atrioventricular groove, left ventricle, and mitral valve, involving the circumflex branch and left pulmonary vein, as well as the pulmonary artery and descending aorta. The arteries are closely related, so it is difficult to remove and the risk is extremely high.

She went to many hospitals before, and all received suggestions for conservative treatment.

And after she came to Yinhe Hospital.

Pan Yuan, the chief physician in the Department of Cardiac Surgery, directly suggested surgery.

For this operation, the teams of Cardiac Surgery, Ultrasound Medicine, Radiology, Anesthesiology, and Critical Care Medicine worked together.

In the operating room.

Pan Yuan implemented the method of orthotopic autologous heart transplantation, first completely resecting the patient's heart.

Let the tumor be fully exposed to the field of view.

After the tumor was completely removed.

He then transplanted the heart back to its original position.

There is no room for loss in all processes!

Pan Yuan withstood the pressure and successfully resected the patient's tumor. At the same time, he also repaired the mitral valve whose function was affected by the tumor, and reconstructed the left atrium damaged by the tumor.

After autologous heart transplantation.

The patient's heart beat successfully!

The operation was a complete success!

Seeing this, bursts of applause came from the scene.

Cardiac tumor surgery is too difficult!

The operation is difficult, the operation risk is high, and the procedures are interlocking.

No matter which link is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, Dr. Pan withstood the pressure and completed the 10-hour operation!

Seeing everyone's smiles, Pan Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Really hanging!

In recent days, his medical skills have improved rapidly.

Otherwise, I really have no confidence in completing this difficult heart tumor resection.


at the same time.

Good news came from the operating rooms of the major departments.

Gastrointestinal surgery, successfully completed metabolic weight loss surgery.

Department of Orthopedics, successfully completed day artificial cervical disc replacement.

Orthopedics, successfully completed orthopedic robot-assisted total hip replacement surgery.

Department of Ophthalmology, successfully completed minimally invasive implantation of new glaucoma drainage tube.

In Pediatric Surgery, the robot-assisted laparoscopic esophageal atresia surgery was successfully completed.

Department of Cardiology, successfully completed the placement of biventricular pacemaker through the hepatic vein.

Department of Oncology successfully completed the first case of hepatic arterial infusion chemoembolization in Shuangliu area.


The success of each operation.

Let the Yinhe Hospital be filled with cheers and laughter.

After Lu Chen learned about it, he couldn't help feeling happy for the patients.

Galaxy's medical team and high-end equipment are among the best in China.

In addition, the "Medical Staff Talent Double Aura" rewarded by the system novice gift package is no joke!

over time.

The talents of doctors will increase day by day, gradually release their potential, and become world-class medical experts.

since the hospital opened.

The success rate of each department of Yinhe Hospital is as high as 100%, without any failure!

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