The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 21 Sweep The Wool Of Yinhe Hospital, Please Be A Human Being!

Yuan Jie is an ordinary migrant worker.

He is 28 years old and has many physical problems.

Such as myopia, hemorrhoids, crooked teeth, dental caries, hair loss and so on.

Yuan Jie's mother is single, and her biggest dream is to find a girlfriend.

Before finding a girlfriend, he hoped to make himself look better.


Yuan Jie gritted his teeth and spent 49,578 yuan to buy a Yinhe medical insurance.

He made a calculation in his mind.

Teeth shaping, glasses laser, hemorrhoid surgery, etc., cost a lot of money.

Rather than that.

It's better to do it in one step.

See a doctor directly at Yinhe Hospital.

Anyway, with Yinhe Medical Insurance, the medical expenses within a few million are fully reimbursed.


early June.

Yuan Jie made an appointment and walked into the ophthalmology building of Yinhe Hospital.

The doctor Liu Yu was summoned and received him throughout the process.

Yuan Jie looked around and found that the environment inside the building was beautiful, luxuriously decorated, with an indoor fountain, and there was no smell of disinfectant.

In the hall, there is also a violin band playing soothing and peaceful music.

See the scene in front of you.

Yuan Jie was amazed.

The years are quiet and good, and the world of mortals is worry-free.

This is his first impression of Yinhe Hospital!

Liu Yu handed over a pamphlet to Yuan Jie: "Mr. Yuan, this is the patient education manual of Yinhe Hospital.

All diseases, surgical methods, preoperative preparations, postoperative diet, activity guidance, etc. are introduced above. You can take a look at it when you are free. "

Yuan Jie nodded and put away the booklet.


Accompanied by Liu Yu, he had an eye examination and came to the ophthalmologist.

After half an hour of consultation.

The ophthalmologist made a plan for laser surgery.

Not long after.

Laser eye surgery officially begins.

The surgical treatment process was quick, and the doctor only injected anesthesia eye drops into Yuan Jie's eyes, which played an anesthesia role.

Less than ten minutes.

The surgery is done.

Yuan Jie found that he could clearly see everything around him without wearing glasses!

He is very satisfied with the laser surgery at Yinhe Hospital.

— an hour later.

Yuan Jie left the ophthalmology building and glanced at the bill.

Ophthalmology outpatient fee: 1842 yuan.

Computer impact diagnosis: 1032 yuan.

Computer neuroimaging: 1584 yuan.

Laser eye surgery cost: 13,596 yuan.

Total cost: 18054 yuan.

Looking at this number, Yuan Jie was secretly stunned.

If you go to an ordinary public hospital, it is not so expensive at all.

Fortunately, he has Yinhe medical insurance, so he doesn't need to pay for it himself.


the next day.

After making an appointment, Yuan Jie walked into the anorectal surgery building of Yinhe Hospital.

The doctor Liu Yu was summoned, and the whole city received him.

Liu Yu first asked about the condition of Yuan Jie's eyes, and then asked, "Mr. Yuan, what disease are you going to see today?"

"Do internal hemorrhoid surgery!"

Yuan Jie said shyly.

Liu Yu said bluntly: "Mr. Yuan, Yinhe Hospital is relatively expensive. You can actually choose to go to a general hospital. After all, you need to stay in the hospital for a few days after the internal hemorrhoid surgery."

"It's okay, I bought insurance anyway!"

Yuan Jie smiled heartily.

Seeing this, Liu Yu didn't say much.

He took Yuan Jie to the outpatient clinic to see a doctor, and soon arranged for an operation.

Internal hemorrhoid surgery is very simple.

It's uncomfortable for a few hours after surgery.

Because of the anesthesia, it was very hard to urinate.

In fact, you can leave the hospital the same day after the surgery.

However, Yuan Jie originally lived in a rented house, and with Yinhe medical insurance, he simply lived in a hospital.


— a week later.

Yuan Jie went through the discharge procedures and walked into the urology building of Yinhe Hospital.

The doctor Liu Yu was still summoned to be responsible for the whole reception.

Liu Yu looked at Yuan Jie with a complicated expression, and asked, "Mr. Yuan, what are you today..."

"Uh, I want to cut a purse."

Yuan Jie said awkwardly.

Liu Yu held back his smile and took him to the outpatient clinic to see a doctor.

Circumcision is also a minor operation.

This time Yuan Jie did not choose to be hospitalized, but went home to rest.


— a week later.

Yuan Jie made an appointment and walked into the Dental Building of Yinhe Hospital.

He summoned the doctor Liu Yu and asked, "Mr. Yuan, where are you today?"

"I want to have orthodontics done and some fillings."

Yuan Jie was not embarrassed, but said in a straightforward manner.

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Your teeth are indeed not straight. After the orthodontic treatment, it will look much better."

Yuan Jie scratched his head and said, "Yes, I wanted to do orthodontics when I was a child, but I didn't expect it to be delayed until now."

Liu Yu nodded and asked curiously, "You have been to the hospital many times this month, did you not delay your work?"

"I already resigned!"

Yuan Jie said truthfully: "I'm looking for a job these days, and after seeing the dentist, I'm almost going to work in the new company."

hear this.

Liu Yu smiled slightly.

Next, he took Yuan Jie to see a dentist.

After filling Yuan Jie's teeth, the doctor gave him a wire aligner.

have to say.

After orthodontic treatment, Yuan Jie's appearance has indeed improved a bit.

When Liu Yu saw Yuan Jie earlier, he was wearing thick glasses and his teeth were uneven.

Look now.

Obviously more pleasing to the eye.

At this moment, Yuan Jie glanced at the bill for orthodontics, and raised his eyebrows.

Another cost of tens of thousands of yuan!

He made up his mind.

If there is no Yinhe medical insurance, it will cost at least 100,000 yuan to cure these minor ailments in Yinhe Hospital.

Now it seems.

Buying Galaxy medical insurance is too cost-effective!

If there is any disease within one year, you can also see a doctor for free.

At this moment, Liu Yu smiled and said, "Yuan Jie, your teeth have been straightened, so you can go to work with peace of mind."


Yuan Jie was embarrassed: "Doctor Liu, actually, I still want to make an appointment with the internal medicine department of traditional Chinese medicine to invigorate the kidney.

I'd like to make an appointment with a dermatologist, treatment--hair loss, or a hair transplant, along with underarm odor and a cornectomy.

Also, I would like to make an appointment for plastic surgery, skin whitening, and liposuction.

Next, I'm afraid I need to trouble you. "

Liu Yu: "???"

At this moment, he cursed secretly in his heart.


Your kid already had laser eye surgery, hemorrhoid surgery, orthodontics, circumcision, isn't that enough?

Need hair transplant surgery, armpit odor removal surgery, cornectomy, liposuction, skin whitening and kidney toning?

Sweep the wool of Yinhe Hospital, right?

Are you a mobile pathogen?

This is too much!

Yuan Jie, please be yourself!

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