The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 258 The Key To Unlocking The Treasure Of The Human Body, The Potion Of Galaxy Potential!

Early October.

Galaxy Life Leap Group.

news media area.

A grand press conference is being held.

Thousands of media reporters gathered together to report on today's event.

For this press conference, all major official media, video sites, and virtual worlds will broadcast live simultaneously.

The press conference begins.

Xu Jie, vice president of Galaxy Life Transition Group, stepped onto the stage.

He said slowly: "As we all know, everyone's potential is unlimited.

We must dig out step by step to show our potential energy and transform potential into talent.

Many people present should have heard of the '10,000-hour rule'.

When you have accumulated 10,000 hours in a certain segmented field.

Your potential in this segmented field will naturally be stimulated, at least to become a small expert.

If you spend your whole life in this field, you can become a top expert.

simply put.

We stimulate the potential of learning, that is, Xueba;

We stimulate the potential of scientific research, we are scientists;

We stimulate the potential of business, we are the boss;

We stimulate the potential of painting, we are painters;

We stimulate the potential of running, and we are champions:

We stimulate the potential of shooting, we are sharpshooters;

We stimulate the potential of Mathematical Olympiad, and we are logic geniuses;

We stimulate the potential of writing, we are calligraphers.

Compared to the so-called talent.

In fact, potential is more important!

Because each of us has potential.

As long as we stimulate our potential, we can transform it into talent and achieve dazzling achievements in a certain field.

The voice fell.

Everyone present nodded their heads.

The usual studies, exams, and work are not up to the level of talent.

If you want to become a top expert in a certain field, you may need talent.

But if you don't stimulate your potential, you don't know if you have talent at all.

Of course, the potential sounds a bit illusory and mysterious.

But they all understand.

Potential is real!

On the high platform.

Xu Jie, vice president of Galaxy Life Transition Group, continued: "Potential is something that is very sensitive to external stimuli.

Once it is aroused, it needs to be constantly stimulated.

Just like talent, you must pay attention to cultivation and persistence.

Otherwise, potential and talent will gradually wither or wither like flowers.

Broadly speaking.

The types of potential are divided into creative potential, personal potential, social potential, spiritual potential, physical potential, sensory potential, computing potential, spatial potential, written expression potential and artistic potential.

Creative potential, if used properly, will become the king of inspiration, with countless inspirations.

Personal potential, if used properly, will fully stimulate potential and transform it into talents in various fields.

Social potential, if used properly, will be like a fish in water in the field of social interaction, which is the so-called social cow beeping syndrome.

Spiritual potential, if used properly, will become wiser and behave like a wise man.

Physical potential, if used properly, can erupt attributes such as speed, strength, flexibility, and agility beyond ordinary people.

Sensory potential, if used properly, can distinguish the sounds of nature and enrich one's sense of touch, taste, hearing, touch, and vision.

Computing potential, if used properly, can have unparalleled computing power and have the opportunity to become a great mathematician.

Spatial potential, if used properly, can have the most accurate perception of objects, space, color, shape, position and other elements.

Artistic potential, if used properly, can achieve amazing achievements in the fields of music, painting, dance and other arts.

The expressive potential of words, if used properly, can achieve dazzling achievements in the field of literary writing.

Speaking of which.

Xu Jie didn't continue talking, but gave everyone present time to react.


The media reporters all understood.

Vice President Xu said so much, it should be to pave the way for the next words.


The Galaxy Life Transition Group seems to have made a breakthrough in the field of potential.

as predicted.

Xu Jie smiled and said: "Everyone, just a while ago, our Galaxy Life Leap Group developed a magic medicine called Galaxy Potential Medicine.

The drug can stimulate the user's potential and make it have unimaginable potential.

When users continue to engage in a certain industry, they will gradually show their potential to become experts in this field.

For example, if an internet author uses the Galactic Potential Potion, he will have countless inspirations in the field of writing, as well as amazing writing skills, and gradually become a generation of writers.

For example, if a scientific researcher uses the Milky Way Potential Potion, then he will have astonishing scientific research and development capabilities in the field of scientific research, and gradually become a generation of top scientists.

For example, if a practitioner in the financial industry uses Galaxy Potential Potion, he will have an unimaginable business sense in the field of financial securities investment, and gradually become a generation of business tycoons.

The voice fell.

There was an instant sensation in the audience.

"My God! Isn't this galaxy potential potion equal to a life cheating tool?"

"That's right! Galaxy Potential Potion can stimulate the potential hidden in the body and become a top boss in all walks of life!"

"My God! There is such an unbelievable magic medicine in the world?"

"Galaxy Life Transition Group, it's simply too good!"

"Galaxy Potential Potion is the same as Galaxy Brain Evolution Potion, because it is amazing!

On the high platform.

Xu Jie continued: "The human body is a huge mine, as long as it is developed, it will have infinite potential.

The potential potion developed by our Galaxy Life Leap Group is a fire that ignites the potential of the body, and it is also the key to unlock the treasures of the human body.

I believe that with the potential potion of the galaxy was born.

The life of every drug user will usher in a new stage.

In the future, the price of medicines with the potential of the galaxy will drop.

Every individual in human civilization can show the most dazzling brilliance in the field he is good at!"

hear this.

There was thunderous applause at the scene, which lasted for a long time.

to be frank.

They are full of hope for the future of earth civilization, but they are confused about their own future.

Increasingly advanced technology.

Society is also changing with each passing day.

They are very afraid that they will not be able to keep up with this new interstellar era.

After all, intelligent robots can replace most of the existing occupations in human society.

someday in the future.

What if they are unemployed?

How are they eliminated from society?

Now, the Galaxy Potential Shooter is born.

Just take the medicine.

Then they will never be eliminated and become an indispensable part of the earth's civilization!

On the high platform.

Xu Jie continued: "Galaxy Potential Potion may not be as good as Galaxy Brain Evolution Potion, but it is not.

Just imagine.

After we take the galactic potential potion, we will become scientists, musicians, artists, business tycoons, writers and other top existences in the industry.

Regardless of how technology develops.

Human beings all need science, music, art, literature, painters and so on.

the presence of the drug.

Not only will people (the good ones) realize their own life value, but they can also gain a high social status and a steady stream of wealth.

Therefore, we, the Galaxy Life Leap Group, set a high price after careful consideration.

The official price of each Galaxy Potential Potion is 100 million yuan.

This price is unbearable for ordinary people.

But with the development of the times, it will become cheaper and cheaper in the future.

Perhaps decades later, ordinary families can also afford it. "

The voice fell.

There was applause again.

Every time technology is introduced, the price will drop very quickly.

Take the Galaxy intelligent robot as an example.

At the beginning of listing, the price of each intelligent robot was 1.88 million.

But with the advancement of technology.

Each intelligent robot is only priced at 188,000 yuan, which is affordable for ordinary families.

Galaxy Potential Potion is currently priced at 100 million yuan a piece.

In the future, the price of this drug will definitely be greatly reduced, and it will enter every household!

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Even if their generation does not have the opportunity to use the Galactic Potential Potion.

Their children and grandchildren may have the opportunity to buy and use it, and honor their ancestors. .

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