The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 32 The Peony Is The Most Colorful After The Rain, And The Phoenix Will Live Forever!

September 20.

early morning.

Lu Chen drove a Porsche 918 Spyder to Yinhe Hospital.

While driving, he was thinking about the recent investment trends of the Galaxy Foundation.

Recently, Galaxy Capital has invested in Megvii Technology, Royole Technology, Rongbai Technology, Dingxiangyuan, Movie Book Technology, Xinchao Media and other companies.

These companies will all become unicorn companies with a valuation of billions or tens of billions in the future.

Galaxy Hospital.

He spent 80 million yuan to purchase more than 20,000 tablet computers for medical staff to work.

The medical software developed by the information center is also installed in the tablet computer.

Doctors can write cases, prescribe medical orders, search database information, etc. on the tablet, adopting intelligent office.

I am thinking about it.

At the intersection ahead, there was a sudden loud noise.

Lu Chen looked intently.

I saw a motorcycle crossing the intersection at a very fast speed, knocking an innocent passerby into the air.

At this moment, the traffic lights are still red lights.

Apparently, the motorcycle ran a red light.

Innocent passers-by were lying on the ground upright, suffering from indiscriminate disaster.

The motorcycle driver looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he chose to walk away.

Lu Chen frowned.

Motorcycle driver hit and run, do you really think you can escape roadside surveillance?

He quickly pulled over and stopped.

Come to passers-by to have a look.

I saw the injured female passer-by, her eyes were still open, but she was in a daze.

She had multiple abrasions all over her body, blood on her arms, and multiple fractures visually.

Lu Chen has an all-round double aura.

In the field of orthopedics, he also has profound attainments.

After a rough diagnosis.

It was found that the injured had multiple pressure and percussion pains on the spinous process of the cervical spine, the movement of the cervical spine was limited, the limbs could not move, the muscle strength was grade 0, and the sensation of the limbs below the root of the neck was completely lost.

The initial diagnosis is:

Cervical fracture and dislocation and high paraplegia due to spinal cord injury!

At the same time, the patient suffered a fracture of the transverse process of the three lumbar vertebrae.

Except for these points, the others are flesh wounds.

But these symptoms are enough to be fatal.

Lu Chen didn't hesitate.

Immediately called Yinhe Hospital and asked them to dispatch an ambulance.

And he himself did not move the injured.

Patients with fractures must not move casually, otherwise it is easy to cause secondary injuries.

After a while.

The Galaxy Hospital ambulance is coming.

After Lu Chen told the emergency doctor about the condition of the injured.

The emergency doctors immobilized the patient with a cervical spine brace immediately and sent him to Yinhe Hospital.


Li Wanqing is a teacher.

She goes for a jog every morning.

But I never thought of it.

When running this morning, I will be hit by a motorcycle.

When the car accident happened.

Li Wanqing felt a severe pain hit, followed by dizziness, and her consciousness was not very clear.

Vaguely, she saw a kind-hearted man approaching, asking where the pain was.

Soon, the ambulance arrived.

She was carried on a stretcher by emergency doctors.

Over time, persistent pain sets in.

From the doctor's conversation, I learned that I had many fractures on my body.

At this moment, endless remorse, worry, anxiety, and despair filled her mind.

Li Wanqing is still young.

Only 25 years old this year.

She wasn't married yet, so she didn't want to die so young.

The increasingly heavy tiredness and the fear of death kept coming to mind.

The doctor kept shouting, trying to wake her from her fitful lucidity.

In a daze, Li Wanqing passed out.

Before she passed out, she accepted her fate.

The next thing is life or death, it can only depend on God's will!


Galaxy Hospital.

Spine Surgery Building.

After the doctors received Li Wanqing, they immediately performed CT and MRI examinations.

CT examination results show.

Li Wanqing suffered fractures of the transverse process of the third lumbar vertebrae, fractures and dislocations of the fourth cervical vertebrae, and cervical spinal cord injuries.

MRI examination results show.

Li Wanqing's cervical spinal cord was seriously injured at the 4-5 level of the neck, and the corresponding spinal canal was narrowed.

Since the patient was brought by Lu Chen himself.

Doctors take it very seriously.

They quickly formed a medical team consisting mainly of emergency surgeons, spine surgeons, and orthopedic surgeons.

Dr. Qin from the spinal surgery department, after watching the film of the injured.

He hurriedly said to Lu Chen beside him: "Dean Lu, fracture and dislocation of the cervical spine combined with spinal cord injury is a very serious injury.

Such patients have a high mortality rate, which is likely to cause the result of 'either death or paralysis'.

I propose that surgical treatment be performed on the injured as soon as possible. "

"it is good!"

Lu Chen nodded in agreement.

For cervical fracture and dislocation with spinal cord injury, it is generally advisable to operate within 24 hours after the injury.

The purpose of the operation is to relieve the compression of the cervical spinal cord as soon as possible, restore the stability of the cervical spine, and create favorable opportunities for the recovery of cervical spinal cord nerve function.

Dr. Shen from the Department of Orthopedics said: "Dean Lu, the patient has a fracture of the transverse process of the third lumbar vertebrae. I suggest external fixation treatment. Let the patient rest for one to three months, and take oral drugs that have the effect of reducing swelling and pain. pain."

Hearing this, Lu Chen nodded again.

The check result is displayed.

The injured suffered a fracture of the transverse process of the lumbar spine, but there were no accompanying rib fractures and cavity effusion.

Rest well for a while, and you will heal.

At this time, a nurse said: "Dean Lu, the mobile phone carried by the patient has been broken and cannot be turned on. We cannot contact the family members."

"Surgery first!"

Lu Chen immediately made a decision: "I will sign the consent form for the operation, and the rest will be discussed when the patient wakes up!"

hear this.

Everyone has no objection.


The injured were sent to the operating room for emergency cervical spine surgery.

The operation went well, and the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) for further monitoring and treatment after the operation.


When Li Wanqing woke up.

She found herself in the ICU ward.

Except for the inability to move the neck and waist, the limbs regained some sensation.

The nurse in the ICU ward quickly notified Lu Chen.

Soon, Lu Chen and the doctors came to the ward, and the two chatted for a while.

Lu Chen learned of Li Wanqing's name and sent someone to notify her parents.

He said, "Ms. Li, we have performed emergency surgery on your cervical spine.

If the condition is mild, you will be transferred back to spine surgery tomorrow for the next step of treatment.

for the next period of time.

You need to live in Galaxy Hospital for follow-up rehabilitation. "


Li Wanqing quickly thanked her.

Suddenly, she remembered something and asked weakly: "Dean Lu, how much is the medical bill? I'll ask my parents to pay for it."

"Need not!"

Lu Chen smiled and said: "During your operation, I have already contacted the traffic law enforcement department.

Motorcycle driver running a red light + hit and run.

In this era of surveillance everywhere, he can't escape! "

The voice fell.

Li Wanqing thanked again.

Through previous conversations, she has already learned.

After she was knocked into the air, it was Dean Lu Chen who checked her injuries and called the emergency number.

Without Dean Lu's help, the consequences would be disastrous!

Lu Chen continued: "Ms. Li, the peony is the most colorful after the rain, and the phoenix will live forever after the fire.

In the face of natural disasters and man-made disasters, I always believe that if you survive a catastrophe, there will be blessings in the future.

Hope you recover well, we go first. "

Seeing Lu Chen and others leaving, Li Wanqing had mixed feelings in her heart.

Before coma.

She has resigned herself to her fate.

Unexpectedly, Yinhe Hospital saved her life!

She knew it very well.

Calamity is a man's true touchstone.

The future recovery process is destined to be very painful.

But no matter how difficult it will be in the future.

Li Wanqing would grit her teeth and persist.

Live happily.

What kills her makes her stronger.

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