The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 38 Yinhe Hospital Vs The First Affiliated Hospital Of Su University, Su Cheng First Hospital

Zhao Feng is an employee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Su Cheng University.

Since the medical drama "Doctor Galaxy" was launched, the popularity of Yinhe Hospital has been increasing day by day.

Nearly one month.

Netizens across the country are talking about Yinhe Hospital.

Many patients, even from all over the world, came to Su Cheng just to see a doctor at Yinhe Hospital.

Facing this circumstances.

Zhao Feng was very unconvinced.

The best hospital in Su Cheng is obviously the First Affiliated Hospital of Su Cheng University!

More precisely.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is the strongest hospital in prefecture-level cities in the country!

On the comprehensive ranking of hospitals.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University ranks 50th in the country!

The province is second only to Suzhou Provincial People's Hospital, Jinling General Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command, and Jinling Drum Tower Hospital.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University was first built in 1883, the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty.

The outside world mentioned the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Who doesn't give a thumbs up and say "beep" at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University?

But now...

People from all walks of life mentioned Su Cheng Hospital, but only Yinhe Hospital.

This is true even for Su Cheng, a local resident.

Click into Su Cheng Forum.

Posts boasting about Yinhe Hospital can be found everywhere.

Especially after "Galaxy Doctor" was launched.

The reputation of Yinhe Hospital has reached its peak!

This made Zhao Feng feel very uncomfortable.


On the Su Cheng forum, he posted a message titled "Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital VS Su Cheng University First Affiliated Hospital!" "s post.

The content of the post reads:

"The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University ranks first in the national prefecture-level city hospital competition list, and ranks 50th in the country's comprehensive ranking.

The hospital is divided into the General Hospital and the Shizi Street Campus, with 3,000 developed beds.

The number of outpatient visits reaches 2.4 million and 24,400 operations are performed every year.

The hospital has 4,600 employees, including 396 senior experts and 743 associate senior experts.

In the team of experts.

The First Affiliated Academy of Soochow University has 1 academician of the Xiaguo Academy of Engineering, 1 academician of the European Academy of Sciences, 1 young Yangtze River scholar, and 115 doctoral supervisors.

The hospital library has a collection of more than 50,000 volumes and more than 600 Chinese and foreign periodicals.

The hospital has 1 national clinical medical research center, 2 national key disciplines, 8 national key clinical specialties, and 10 provincial training bases for teachers.

High-end medical equipment.

The hospital has Da Vinci robot, helical tomotherapy system, high-field pre-MRI scanner, automatic gene analyzer, proton therapy instrument, Pat-CT, Pat-MR and other international advanced instruments.


The hospital has 19 second-level discipline doctoral programs, 1 first-level discipline master's program, and 20 second-level discipline master's programs.

Combining all the above.

I think the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is the well-deserved No. 1 Hospital of Su Cheng! "


The post just went out.

It quickly aroused heated discussions.

[Su Cheng Gusu District netizen]: "That's true, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is Su Cheng's best hospital!"

[Su Cheng Wuzhong District Netizen]: "The hematology department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University ranks fourth in the country. It is very outstanding in the treatment of lung cancer, blood diseases, hypertension, leukemia, and coronary heart disease."

【Su Cheng Netizen in Xiangcheng District】: "The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is a provincial key hospital and also the medical guidance center in southern Jiangsu. I also think you are Su Cheng's No. 1 Hospital!"

[Su Cheng Changshu County Netizen]: "The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is good in everything, but it is located in a prime location in the urban area. There are too many patients and it is inconvenient to park."


Seeing the praise from the residents of all districts and counties in Su Cheng, Zhao Feng felt very comfortable.

He personally cannot represent the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

But their own hospital is getting better and better.

He is also honored, and his heart is full of pride and pride.



A reply from a netizen in Wuhe District attracted everyone's attention.

[Su Cheng Wuhe District Netizen]: "No way?! This is the First Affiliated Hospital of Su University?!

I don't know your hospital well, but I know you are highly ranked.

But now it seems.

The title of Su Cheng No. 1 Hospital is destined to be given to Yinhe Hospital! "

See here.

Zhao Feng replied unhappily: "What do you mean?

The comprehensive strength of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University ranks fourth in the province and top 50 in the country.

Galaxy Hospital, which was established less than a year ago.

How can He De be compared with the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University? "


Netizens from various districts and counties of Su Cheng in the post silently ate melons and watched.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University VS Yinhe Hospital.

This topic is very interesting!

[Netizen from Wuhe District]: "If the data you list is only these, then you really can't compare with Yinhe Hospital!"

Zhao Feng frowned and didn't speak.

A netizen in Wuhe District replied.

"The number of beds in Yinhe Hospital is 20,000, which is 6.66 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University."

"Galaxy Hospital has 44,256 employees, which is 9.62 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University."

"The Yinhe Hospital covers an area of ​​1,800 mu, which is 7.90 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University."

"The average daily outpatient volume of Yinhe Hospital has reached 9,300, which is 1.41 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University."

"The average daily operation volume of Yinhe Hospital is more than 800, which is 12.3 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University."

"Galaxy Hospital has more than 24,000 sets of medical equipment worth more than one million yuan, which is 300 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University."

"The fixed assets of Yinhe Hospital are more than 40 billion yuan, which is 40.08 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University."

"Galaxy Hospital has more than 4,500 Chinese and foreign periodicals, which is more than 7.5 times that of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University."

"In terms of the number of beds, number of employees, number of outpatients, operations, medical equipment, number of Chinese and foreign periodicals, and fixed assets, you are far behind!"

"You have Su Cheng University School of Medicine as your support, but it is not as good as a private hospital. It is really embarrassing."

"On the whole, Yinhe Hospital is undoubtedly Su Cheng's No. 1 Hospital!"


Netizens from all districts and counties were amazed when they saw this reply.

They know that Yinhe Hospital is very powerful.

But I didn't expect it to be so awesome!

They did not compare the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University with Yinhe Hospital in all aspects before.

Suddenly, after a careful inventory.

Everyone was shocked suddenly.

It turned out that Yinhe Hospital had grown into a behemoth.

No worse than the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University!

The key is.

It has not been a full year since Yinhe Hospital was established!



After seeing the data listed by netizens, Zhao Feng fell silent.

He is an employee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, so it is impossible for him to understand all aspects of Yinhe Hospital.

When the facts are in front of you.

He suddenly realized.

Yinhe Hospital is no longer what it used to be. It has become a "polygon warrior" and has no shortcomings in various fields.

Zhao Feng had to sigh with emotion.

The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, each generation is stronger than the last!


In the post, netizens from all districts and counties responded one after another.

"Haha, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has become a unit of measurement!"

"The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has developed for more than 100 years, and it has just reached its present level. However, Yinhe Hospital has surpassed the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University in less than a year after its establishment!"

"The development momentum of Yinhe Hospital is too strong, and it is indeed the star of hope for Su Cheng Medical!"

"I hope that Yinhe Hospital can continue to improve and be on par with major hospitals across the country, becoming the medical pride of our Su Cheng!"

"Su Cheng was originally a prefecture-level city with the strongest economy in the country. Now that the city's medical care is developing rapidly, it will definitely make our Su Cheng better!"

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