The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 64 Live Broadcast Of Head Replacement Surgery, The Pinnacle Of Human Surgeon Skills!

early august.

Galaxy Hospital.

Neurosurgery Building.

The most advanced and high-end ultra-large operating room.

The first head transplant operation in human history is about to begin.

The whole operation will be broadcast live for the medical colleagues to watch.

The live broadcast of the head replacement surgery was placed at the top of the homepage of the Galaxy Live official website.

In the live broadcast room at this moment.

Tens of thousands of doctors or medical students have poured in.

The doctors barraged in unison.

"Head replacement surgery? Am I right? Yinhe Hospital is going to challenge the most difficult operation in the world?"

"Head transplantation has always been regarded as something that can only happen in science fiction and fairy tales, and it is impossible to do it in reality!"

"Head transplant surgery has four obstacles to overcome, which are central nervous system regeneration, immune rejection, brain cryopreservation, prevention of ischemia-reperfusion injury, and ethical issues. Has Yinhe Hospital overcome all these issues?"

"To change the head, the spinal cord needs to be severed. How can the millions of spinal cord nerves that have been severed be successfully connected one by one?"

"I hope the operation will be successful. Once successful, it will bring new hope to many paralyzed and disabled people!"

"Renew your life! No matter whether this operation is successful or not, Yinhe Hospital has made history!"

In the discussion room.

Dean Lu Chen, wearing a surgical gown, came to the camera.

He introduced: "The patient suffers from spinal muscular atrophy and cannot take care of himself.

At present, this disease cannot be cured, and only by medicine can life be extended.

After the hospital communicated with the patient, the patient chose to try head replacement surgery, and 207 became a healthy person.

As a body donor, a brain-dead patient with an immunophenotype matching the body structure, blood type, sex and tissue was selected.

The whole operation is divided into two parts.

The first part is head anastomosis and the second part is spinal cord fusion.

According to the preoperative plan, the operation lasted 36 hours and the number of participants was 15.

156 people were divided into two surgical teams, including doctors, nurses, medical paramedics, medical assistants, and psychologists.

Now, the body temperature of both the patient and the donor has dropped to minus 15 degrees Celsius.

Thereby slowing down the speed of cell death and reducing the body's metabolism.

This operation has been approved by the Medical Theory Committee of Yinhe Hospital.

Without further ado, the operation has officially begun!"

All the doctors in the live broadcast room watched.

Lu Chen first cut the skin, muscles, blood vessels, bones and other tissues around the patient's neck.

Using a particularly sharp knife, the patient's head is separated from the spinal cord.

The incision is very neat, so that it can be combined later.

The operating table on the other side.

The donor's head and spinal cord were also separated.

The movements of both sides are smooth and flowing, and they are done in one go.

The neurosurgery doctor quickly sent the patient's head to the next operating table.

Next, Lu Chen used artificial blood vessels to connect the donor's body to the patient's head.

The doctors in the live room.

They were all relieved at the moment. (cfdh) The first link of the head replacement operation, "head anastomosis", has been a complete success.

But they soon became very worried.

The most difficult part of head replacement surgery is spinal cord fusion!

When the spinal cord was severed earlier, millions of spinal nerves were also severed.

Now I need to pick them up one by one!

If not all back.

Even if the patient survives the operation, he is still paralyzed.

Then the meaning of surgery will be completely lost!

on the operating table.

Lu Chen is connecting the spinal nerves one by one.

HD live view.

Doctors watching the live broadcast can clearly see the anterior spinal vein, posterior spinal artery, posterior spinal vein, subsequent external vein, dorsal root ganglion, dorsal nerve and other spinal nerves

are connected one by one.

The medical assistants, through the 3D printing model, kept telling Lu Chen the specific spinal nerves to be connected in the future.

At the same time, the first assistant is injecting induced pluripotent neural stem cells into the patient's spinal cord.

This kind of stem cells can make the isolated spinal cord nerve endings build a "bridge" to make nerve connections more conveniently.

The second assistant is using a glue-like substance called polyethylene glycol to fuse the spinal wounds, promote the engagement of stem cells, and make many spinal nerves stick together.

The third assistant is using a large number of compound tissue immunosuppressive drugs to effectively protect the central nervous system and solve the problem of anti-rejection.

While the operating table is busy.

The medical staff, wholeheartedly cooperated with this operation.

over time.

Chief surgeon Lu Chen was replaced.

Other energetic neurosurgeons, took to the stage to connect the spinal nerves.

First assistants, second assistants, third assistants, nurses, medical assistants, etc. are also constantly rotating.

Because the operation scene is relatively scary.

During the operation, the psychiatrists kept relaxing the body and mind of everyone to avoid negative emotions.

In the live broadcast room.

The doctors were dumbfounded!

Can it still work like this?

It stands to reason that it takes 11 days for millions of spinal nerves to connect to one nerve in one second.

Can the patient last 11 days on the operating table?

Obviously impossible!

Therefore, the consensus in the medical community is that the head transplant operation cannot be completed!

They are very curious.

The first surgical assistant, why inject induced pluripotent neural stem cells?

After the injection, why is there a bridge at the end of the spinal cord to facilitate the connection of the nerves?

Second Surgical Assistant, why use polyethylene glycol to promote stem cell engagement?

From a live perspective.

The speed of spinal nerve adhesion is much faster than that of the chief surgeon Lu Chen!

With the cooperation of three aspects.

Millions of spinal cord nerves, it is really possible to connect them all!

This is too incredible, right?

Is head replacement surgery really possible?

Think here.

The doctors are all excited!

Of course, excitement is nothing but excitement, and it is impossible for them to stare straight at him all day long.

Watch it for a while at work in the morning.

Watch it for a while when you get home from get off work.

an hour passed...

live screen.

It is still the picture of doctors connecting the spinal nerves.

It may seem boring, but it marks a milestone in modern medicine!

After more than 30 hours have passed.

The last spinal nerve was connected successfully.

At this time, Lu Chen, the chief surgeon, was doing the final finishing touches.

The finishing touches are stitching.

Although you can't, you can't relax either.

He began to suture the patient's head with the muscles and skin of the new body.

In addition, the patient's blood vessels, nerves and esophagus also need to be sutured.

Suture work directly affects the postoperative recovery of patients.

After all the links are over.

In the operating room, there was extremely warm cheers.

Many nurses even burst into tears.

This is the first head transplant surgery in human history, it is really difficult!

There are millions of spinal nerves, each of which must be connected.

But with the operation a complete success.

All the hard work and exhaustion is worth it.

Galaxy Hospital, once again made history!

At last.

Lu Chen said to the live broadcast camera: "The patient's head has been fully connected to the new book.

Next, the patient will be anesthetized by an anesthesiologist for 4 weeks to allow the head and new body to fully grow together.

We also stimulate the spinal cord with electrodes, which are used to strengthen new nerve connections.

After the patient wakes up, he can walk and regain facial consciousness.

Even able to speak with the same voice as before.

With physical therapy.

Patients can begin to walk within a year.

Of course, the specific recovery situation cannot be determined for the time being.

Time will tell everyone the answer!"

The voice fell.

The live broadcast is officially over.

On the barrage, the doctors talked a lot.

"Oh my god! Yinhe Hospital is amazing! It actually completed the head transplant operation!"

"I never thought before that there is a team of doctors who can complete such a difficult operation!"

"The 156 galactic medical staff staged what is called the pinnacle of human surgical technology!"

"It's unbelievable! The speed of medical development is completely beyond my imagination!"

"According to this rhythm, maybe human beings can really live forever in the future!"

"Yes! The success of the head transplant surgery shows that as long as the head is healthy or the brain cells are not aging, even the whole body is paralyzed and can recover!"

"I have a hunch that doctors will master the code of life in the future! I suggest that everyone must let their children learn medicine, maybe the status of doctors will be so high in the future!",

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