The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 67 Medical Student's Oath, Famous Teacher's Halo!

September 22.

8:00 am sharp.

Galaxy Medical College, in the school gymnasium.

3,000 undergraduate freshmen, 3,000 postgraduate freshmen, and 2,000 doctoral freshmen gathered together.

All school leaders and teacher representatives of Galaxy Medical College attended the ceremony.

However, Lu Chen and other major leaders did not appear.

The on-site host said: "First of all, let us welcome the leaders of Galaxy Medical College to come on stage with warm applause!"

In the applause of the students and the melody of the music.

Five leaders, including the president and vice president of Galaxy Medical College, Gao Cunyuan, appeared from the corridor of the gymnasium.

Each of them is in a suit and leather shoes, full of energy.

Under the gaze of the audience.

Five people boarded the high platform arranged in advance.

The background of the high platform is the opening ceremony of the 2015 undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs of Galaxy Medical College.

Vice-principal Gao Cunyuan stepped onto the podium and said firstly: "Today I can meet with my classmates face-to-face at Su Cheng Yinhe Medical College.

Our mood is extremely excited, it is extremely joyful.

First of all, on behalf of Galaxy Medical College, I welcome all students to join the Galaxy family!

You have chosen medicine without hesitation, you have chosen the responsibility and responsibility of fighting for the cause of health for life, and you have chosen the career and goal that you can fight for all your life.

We extend our highest respect to all of you25.

Now I announce, Su Cheng Yinhe Medical College, the 2015 undergraduate, master and doctoral opening ceremony officially begins!

Let's move on to the first link, playing the national anthem facing the national flag!"

The audience stood up and sang the national anthem.

The solemn national anthem echoed in the stadium.

Then, teacher representatives and student representatives took the stage to speak one after another.

Lin Zhen, a professor of Galaxy Medical College, said: "Medicine is a great and heroic career, and I hope that students will have the ambition of the times and be enthusiastic about it.

Medicine is a happy and warm career. I hope that students will love doctors and have a clear heart.

Medicine is a career of innovation and challenge. I hope that students will pass on the soul of doctors and be enterprising in their hearts.

Medicine is a career of arduous cultivation. I hope that students will be healthy and resilient.

I hope that you will stick to the purity and warmth of your heart, be full of sincerity, spread kindness, and interpret the connotation of the benevolence of a doctor with your actions on the road of practicing medicine in the future. "

Meng Qiuyu, the freshman representative of undergraduates, talked about his motivation to devote himself to medicine, and encouraged all the freshmen with Sun Simiao's words, "He who is good at being a doctor can do what he wants to do, but he is wise, and he wants to be small but bold."

Xia Songchao, the freshman representative of graduate students, said: "Today, I am a classmate with you, and I gather at Galaxy Medical College to start a new journey in life. Three years later, I hope that we can all submit a satisfactory answer to ourselves and our alma mater... ...”

Wang Zhixue, the freshman representative of doctoral students, called on the students to work hard on the road of medical study and leave their own strong strokes in the cause of a healthy country.

After all the speeches are over.

Lu Chen delivered a speech on stage.

He also spoke, and there was a tsunami of applause and cheers at the scene.

As the youngest richest man in Xia Kingdom in history.

Lu Chen is extremely popular among young people.

The students were very excited and excited to see the richest man in the country face to face.

After a while.

Lu Chen revealed his true feelings: "Today is the first opening ceremony of Galaxy Medical College, and it is also a special day.

8,000 freshmen come to the school and are about to start an important and wonderful life course in your life.

Life will not become easier just because you choose Yinhe Medical College.

From what course to choose to how to spend your spare time, it will constitute your most precious study time.

I hope that everyone can truly achieve the desired results in their studies in the next few years, and live up to themselves, their parents, teachers, and the country.

I hope that everyone can become what they dream of, what the country and society expect, and who will lead the future of world medicine.

I hope that everyone will have light in their eyes, dreams in their hearts, and a road under their feet.

You must aspire to become the leader of medical science and technology in the future, shoulder the mission and responsibility of developing society and caring for human beings, and be a person who is beneficial to society!"

After the speech.

The robe ceremony begins.

Lu Chen, Gao Cunyuan and other leaders personally awarded the medical student representatives with white robes symbolizing whiteness and sacredness, and put them on the white robes, adjusted the collar buttons, and sent instructions.

All the students in the gymnasium also put on their white robes and fastened their buttons in a solemn atmosphere.

Finally, all the freshmen in white robes set up a stone house.

Under the leadership of the oath leader, they solemnly swear the oath of medical students.

"Health depends on life.

When I step into the sacred medical school, I solemnly swear:

I voluntarily dedicate myself to medicine, love the motherland, be loyal to the people, abide by medical ethics, respect teachers and discipline, study hard, work tirelessly, strive for perfection, and develop in an all-round way.

I am determined to do my best to get rid of the suffering of human beings, to help the perfection of health, and to maintain the sanctity and honor of medical skills.

To save the dying and heal the wounded, he spared no effort to pursue persistently and strive for the development of the medical and health cause of the motherland and the physical and mental health of human beings all his life.

Sponsor: XXX. "

After the sonorous oath of medical students.

The opening ceremony of the first undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs of Yinhe Hospital came to an end!

After the opening ceremony.

The courses of Galaxy Medical College have officially started.

Any teachers of the school walk into the classrooms of various colleges and teach the students.

In the School of Clinical Medicine.

Professor Tang Wei is teaching "Cell Biology" to clinical students.

He previously served as a professor at Peking Union Medical College.

Every student is a top student among top students, and his college entrance examination score is more than ten points higher than that of Huaqing Yanda University.

After coming to Galaxy Medical College to work.

Tang Wei was already mentally prepared.

Galaxy medical students, "are worse than students from top universities.

After all, the admission score of Yinhe Medical College is similar to that of 211 universities, and there is still some distance from 985 universities.

As for the re-examination score for the postgraduate entrance examination of Galaxy Medical College, it is even lower.

However, when he started class.

Tang Wei was surprised to find that every student was listening carefully and taking notes obediently.

"Now, students, please turn to page 62 of the textbook!"


There was a neat sound of flipping books in the classroom.

Tang Wei paused, and said, "University classes are completely different from high school classes.

In high school, one chapter is taught in several classes, and one book is learned in one semester.

But in college, a few chapters are taught in one class, and a book is finished in a few classes.

The lecture speed becomes faster.

It is a very big challenge for you.

Next, I'll slow down a bit. "

The voice just fell.

The students all spoke.

"Professor Tang, you can teach at your own pace, we are all listening carefully!"

"Yes! We all took notes, even if there is something we don't understand, we will study it after class!"

"Professor Tang, don't waste time, 277 speed up. I'm learning hard!"

Hear the words of the people.

Several black lines appeared on Tang Wei's forehead.

He used to give lectures at Union Medical College, and the students all hoped that he would speak slowly.

Unexpectedly, the students of Yinhe Medical College asked him to speak faster.

It's just floating!


Tang Wei lectures to the students at his own pace.

Every student listened attentively and immersed himself in the world of "Cell Biology".

Tang Wei likes this learning atmosphere very much.

He could see that these students were not just pretending, but were studying hard.

Because everyone's eyes exude a desire for knowledge.

at the same time.

All the teachers of Galaxy Medical College who are teaching have noticed the changes in the classroom.

The students study hard, and the teachers naturally teach seriously.

Under the combination of the two.

Created an unparalleled classroom atmosphere.

In fact, what they don't know is that Galaxy Medical College has a "halo of famous teachers teaching", which doubles the effect of teaching.

The professors of Galaxy Medical College are the top ones in the country.

The teaching effect is doubled.

Often one sentence can thoroughly explain the boring knowledge points.

As a result, students receive a quality education like never before!

At the same time, teachers have the function of sorting out their own knowledge and improving their professional level by preaching and teaching.

They talked and talked, and their teaching level has also been improved.

As the saying goes, a famous teacher produces a good apprentice!

Galaxy Medical College has a halo of teaching from famous teachers.

Even if the students were not academic masters before, they will gradually become academic masters.

They will gradually close the gap with the top medical school students, and even catch up!.

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