The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 85 Hades Let You Die In The Third Watch, Galaxy Keeps You Until Dawn!

Tang Jie is a third-year student at West China Medical College.

It coincides with the school's summer vacation.

He has a lot of free time to pay attention to the news of the medical field.

Just opened the computer web page.

A piece of news came into view.

"Medical miracle! Rare conjoined twins successfully separated!"

With a hint of curiosity, Tang Jie immediately checked the detailed news.

The story happened at Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital.

In 2015, an 11-week-old pregnant woman was found to have twin babies during an ultrasound examination, which was a conjoined-body deformity.

MRI examination and evaluation showed that the top of the two babies - the skull, was fused together.

Skull-connected twins are very rare.

Since 1952, only 60 cases of separation of skull twins have been reported worldwide.

Conjoined twins must be separated after birth.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to survive, let alone expect a normal life.


The separation death rate at the top hospital was 29% that day.

Doctor Yinhe's answer is that the mortality rate is 0%!

After the communication between the two parties.

The pregnant woman and her husband decided to give birth to a child and then undergo a head conjoined separation operation.

After frequent pregnancy test observation and repeated evaluation.

The doctor successfully performed a cesarean section for the mother when she was 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant.


A multidisciplinary team of doctors consisting of more than 30 people came into being.

Neurosurgeons, plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, neuroimaging doctors, and neonatal ICU doctors pay attention to the baby's physical condition every day and make various preoperative preparations.

An MRI scan of conjoined twins after birth.

The brain tissue of the two babies did not fuse and share.

However, cerebral angiography showed that their cerebral arteries and veins had cross blood supply.

Faced with this complete fusion deformity.

Surgical separation is very difficult and requires very superb surgical skills.

Responsible for the condition of conjoined twins.

Perform multiple operations in stages to reduce the risk and complexity of separation operations.

Conjoined twins born at 3 months.

Galaxy doctors, carry out a strip craniectomy to remove the skull at the conjoined fusion.

the next day.

Doctors of the Milky Way, carry out a two-week distraction osteogenesis.

Based on the 3D printed model, they designed and produced an external stretching device that matches the contour of the baby's head, pulling the skull at a rate of 2.1 mm per day, with the purpose of stimulating the growth of the skull and soft tissues.

Conjoined twins born at 4 months.

Galaxy doctors, carry out soft tissue plastic surgery.

They use the external contraction device to shrink the soft tissue circumferentially, the purpose is to reduce the area of ​​the soft tissue connected by the two.

after two months.

The circumference of the shared soft tissue of the two infants shrank from 40cm to 28cm.

Conjoined twins born at 7 months.

Doctors of the Milky Way, perform soft tissue plastic surgery again.

They placed a soft tissue expander under the skin to loosen and expand the skin at the forehead and the fusion site, increase the compensatory area of ​​the skin and soft tissue, and facilitate suturing after separation.

The time lasted a total of 3 months.

Conjoined twins born at 10 months.

The final separation surgery begins.

Doctors in the Milky Way separated the brain hemispheres on both sides of the conjoined twins through surgery.

11 hours after surgery.

Separation of conjoined twins completed successfully!

5 months after surgery.

The two baby girls are in very good health and have recovered and been released from the hospital.

After Tang Jie read this case.

The mood is very complicated.

On the one hand, he lamented the skill of Dr. Yinhe's surgery, and on the other hand, he felt distressed for the two baby girls.

The age that should have thrived.

encountered this rare disease.

Fortunately, everything is perfect, it can be called a medical miracle!


Tang Jie saw another piece of news.

"The first case in the world, parents donate organs to their son!"

The patient was a 27-year-old young man named Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang is a type 1 diabetic.

Over the years, he has been plagued by various diabetic complications and suffered from endless hemodialysis.

Before Xiao Zhang came to Yinhe Hospital in Modu, his disease had progressed to diabetic kidney failure, and he also developed complications such as deafness in his left ear.

After Doctor Yinhe checked his condition.

It was immediately decided that Zhang would receive a pancreas and kidney transplant.

At this time, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother proposed to use their own organs to save their son!

Yinhe Hospital agreed immediately.

After some detailed preparations.

The country's first living relative pancreas-kidney transplant operation was carried out at Yinhe Hospital in Modu.

This surgery.

Xiao Zhang's father donated the body and tail of pancreas.

Xiao Zhang's mother donated a kidney.

The Galaxy Hospital team performed the operation with the assistance of the Department of Endocrinology, the Intensive Care Unit, and the Department of Anesthesiology.

12 hours later.

Zhang's mother's left kidney was transplanted to Xiao Zhang's left iliac fossa.

Zhang's father's pancreatic tail was transplanted to Xiao Zhang's right iliac fossa.

This surgery is actually extremely difficult.

Doctors not only perform organ transplants, but also perform arteriovenous bypass reconstruction [to ensure that OG can function normally.

even so.

The operation was still successfully completed.

After a while.

Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, and Xiao Zhang have all been discharged from the hospital!

After Tang Jie read the news.

Immediately filled with emotion.

Poor parents in the world!

Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, gave Xiao Zhang a second life!


Tang Jie saw the third news again.

"The world's first 3-on folded human surgery, a complete success!"

Patient Li Si is a rare "3-on folding person" in the world.

So-called 3-on-fold people.

The first "on" is when the patient's jaw sticks to the bone.

The second on is that the patient's humerus is close to the pubic bone.

The third on, is that the patient's face is close to the femur.

Li Si in his youth was a normal person.

But when he was 18 years old, he got ankylosing spondylitis.

This disease is known as "the cancer that never dies"!

It will cause inflammation in the joints, fibrosis and ossification of the large joints of the limbs and the intervertebral discs of the spine.

The parts that were originally able to rotate flexibly gradually became stiff and gradually "petrified".

Li Si, 46 years old, has been at home for 28 years and can only rely on his mother to take care of him.

……ask for flowers……

Over the years, Li's mother took Li Si to seek medical advice everywhere, but she still couldn't find a way.

Doctors in major hospitals all over the country said that it cannot be cured.

In 2015, a chance.

Mother Li took Li Si to Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital.

After doctor Yinhe made a diagnosis, he found that the patient's condition was very serious.

This severe body bending has already oppressed the internal organs, and the heart and lungs have been damaged for a long time.

If this continues, the patient will not last long.

To save Li Si, the difficulty is equivalent to "climbing Mount Everest".


Every Yinhe doctor is a "climbing" person.

Soon, a team of doctors from spinal surgery, anesthesiology, joint surgery, infection, respiratory medicine and other departments discussed the detailed preoperative plan.

Surgery is very difficult.

The spine is very hard, it supports the human trunk and enables people to move; it is also very fragile, and any damage to any part may cause paraplegia.

What Doctor Yinhe needs to do is to operate on the patient's spine.

Every operation is a game with death.

In half a year.

The doctors performed 4 operations on the patient to "shatter the body to pieces".

The patient's thigh humerus, cervical spine, and spine were knocked off successively, and the hip joint was replaced.

The four surgeries were very successful.

Li Si stood up and looked up to see the blue sky!

After half a year of rehabilitation.

Li Si has completely recovered and has been discharged from the hospital.

Tang Jie had mixed feelings in his heart after reading the news.

The Yinhe doctors completed the extremely difficult operation, which brought Li Si back to life, and also lit up the hope of more obligatory spondylitis patients!


Tang Jie looked at other news.

"Shencheng Yinhe Hospital completed the world's first successful face-changing and hand-changing surgery!"

"Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital completed the world's first 3D printing of a complete heart!"

"Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital, completed the world's first artificial eye cornea transplant operation!"

"Modu Yinhe Hospital, completed the world's first ultrasonic osteosurgery odontoid process resection"

"Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital, completed the world's first "non-ischemia" heart transplant operation!"

"Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital, completed the world's first living donor lung transplantation with different blood types!"

"Yanjing Yinhe Hospital completed the world's first bio-mesh reconstruction of rectal wall defect!"

"Yangcheng Yinhe Hospital completed the world's first "one-stop, three-way" operation, curing a man with high-risk speech tube disease!"

After reading all the news.

Tang Jie didn't know what to say.

He knew that Yinhe Hospital was very good, and it was one of the top three top hospitals in the country.

But Tang Jie is a student of West China Medical College after all.

He must feel in his heart that Huaxi Hospital is more powerful.

Now it seems.

Yinhe Hospital has completely surpassed West China Hospital, and even Yanjing Concord!

Not only that.

Just these "world's first" difficult operations.

It is enough to prove it.

Yinhe Hospital is the bane of intractable diseases.


A more appropriate description is: Hades will let you die in the third watch, and Yinhe will keep you until dawn!.

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