The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 96 The God Of Medicine Is Alive, The Country Is Unparalleled, And It Will Be Recorded In The

February 18.

Galaxy Hospital.

Large conference room.

A grand press conference is being held.

The theme of this press conference is "Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation -- AIDS Killer!".

At the scene, thousands of news media gathered together to report on this grand occasion.

At the same time, major video sites recruited staff to carry out live broadcasts.

The press conference begins.

The host said: "The human body has a powerful immune system.

If bacteria and viruses from the outside world want to enter the human body and make trouble, they will be hit head-on by the immune system.

HIV, however, was very clever in choosing a different path.

It does not attack human tissue, nor does it directly cause illness or death.

Instead, it attacks immune cells, causing immune cell defects, leading to the survival of various diseases and cancers in the human body, and eventually developing into AIDS, which is the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

In 1981, humans first discovered HIV.

By the end of 2016, a total of 36.7 million people around the world were infected with AIDS, and the number of AIDS infections will increase by 1 million to 2 million every year.

In Xia alone, there are 134,000 more HIV-infected people every year.

Facing such a severe situation.

The "183" researchers from all over the world tried their best.

Hope to conquer AIDS one day!"

The voice fell.

The media reporters present nodded their heads one after another.

AIDS is a difficult problem in the field of public health in the world.

All hope to cure tens of millions of AIDS patients!

On the high platform.

The host changed the subject, and said excitedly: "It's been almost four months.

The State Key Laboratory of AIDS Immunology at Yinhe Hospital has made a breakthrough on the road to fighting AIDS!

Professor He Qing, with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, cured many advanced AIDS patients.

for four months.

Professor He performed umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation on three batches of clinical trials.

The first batch of 10 late-stage AIDS patients have been successfully discharged from the hospital.

The second batch of 40 late-stage AIDS patients are being hospitalized to check their signs.

The third batch of 50 late-stage AIDS patients are being hospitalized for various complications.

But worth mentioning!

Hundreds of advanced AIDS patients, after umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, are currently free of any HIV virus in their bodies!

The voice just fell.

There was an instant sensation!

"My God! Hundreds of advanced AIDS patients were cured by Professor He Qing!"

"The AIDS disease that has plagued human beings for more than 30 years has been broken just like this?"

"Great! The AIDS patient is finally saved!"

"Professor He Qing is really a god of medicine! She will save more than 900,000 AIDS patients in Xia Kingdom!"

"More than 36 million patients in the world will also usher in the hope of life!"

"Professor He Qing, he is simply unparalleled in the country!"

Discussion room.

He Qing, wearing a white coat, stepped onto the high platform.

Everyone looked up and found that Professor He Qing had an ordinary appearance, about 40 years old.

Facing the gaze of thousands of people.

He Qing is not stage frightened.

She introduced herself first.

Then open the PPT prepared in advance.

On the screen, a case of a terminal AIDS patient appeared.

He Qing said: "The diagnosis report on October 16 showed that the patient had a large area of ​​abscess ulceration, with complications such as kidney injury, liver injury, and headache."

She clicks the button.

The latest test report appears on the screen.

He Qing also said: "The HIV virus in this patient has been completely eliminated.

The original complications were also restored to a reasonable range under the dual treatment of the rebuilt immune system and drugs.

Currently, he has been discharged from the hospital.

within the next five years.

Every other week or two, he would come to Yinhe Hospital for HIV testing.

until there was no subsequent recurrence. "


He Qing also explained and compared dozens of late-stage AIDS cases with cured cases.

The media reporters at the scene were very excited.

There is nothing more exciting than being cured of advanced AIDS patients!

After the session ends.

Those late-stage AIDS patients who were cured and discharged stepped onto the platform one by one.

I saw them full of energy and rosy complexion.

Exactly the same as normal people.

In front of thousands of media reporters, they narrated their experiences and the process of diagnosis and treatment.

For privacy purposes.

When media reporters publish articles, they will be mosaiced and use pseudonyms.


He Qing from a medical point of view.

Explain the AIDS cure process to everyone in detail.

First, cord blood matching.

The second, SMYD2 methyltransferase, destroys the patient's immune system to activate all HIV viruses.

Third, kill all infected cells with drugs.

Fourth, umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation to rebuild the patient's immune system.

Fifth, treat various complications of the body.

every step.

He Qing explained clearly.

The medical experts who listened under the stage were all fascinated.

half an hour later.

He Qing said: "A more detailed report on the treatment of AIDS with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation.

I have [published] in the latest issue of the Galactic Journal in the form of a paper.

If you are interested, you can search for it yourself.

Now enter the media interview session. "

A reporter from Xia Guo TV station asked: "In the medical field, the use of the word 'cure' is very cautious.

Patients will generally use 'cure' to describe it, while doctors often use the technical term 'clinical cure',

Professor He, I would like to ask.

AIDS in hundreds of patients.

Is it completely cured, or is it clinically cured?"

"Clinically cured!"

He Qing said truthfully: "From a medical point of view, as long as the superficial symptoms disappear, it is clinically cured, and the standard is that there is no recurrence within five years.

However, the standard of clinical cure in the field of AIDS.

The results of serological tests showed that the antibody did not exist.

Now, the surface symptoms of these patients have disappeared, and there is no antibody, which is completely clinically cured.

Of course, umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation for the treatment of AIDS is, after all, a new medical achievement.

in the next five years.

Yinhe Hospital will conduct follow-up tests on these patients to determine whether they are completely cured!"

hear this.

Everyone present nodded their heads.

Previously, there was only one patient who recovered from AIDS in the world, and he was dubbed the "Berlin patient".

He has leukemia and AIDS at the same time.

From the perspective of the medical profession, this is already a person who is about to step into the grave.

The surprising part is.

After he received leukemia bone marrow stem cell transplantation, AIDS was miraculously cured...

However, bone marrow stem cell transplantation is difficult to match, and the cost is high, and it does not have the possibility of curing AIDS on a large scale.

And Professor He Qing's umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation method.

Obviously more suitable for AIDS patients!

A reporter from Renmin Daily asked: "Professor He, Yinhe Hospital has the conditions for cord blood stem cell transplantation. I would like to ask, is the treatment cost high?"

He Qing replied: "I have discussed with President Lu Chen that the cost of cord blood stem cell transplantation is 1.47 million yuan, which is about the same as that of bone marrow transplantation."

A fee of 1.47 million yuan was heard.

The media reporters present were not surprised.

The cost of Yinhe Hospital is notoriously low.

This has long been a surprise!

A reporter from asked, "Professor He, what if hundreds of AIDS patients recover from HIV after a few months or years?"

"That also proves that umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation is useful!"

He Qing said bluntly: "Hundreds of patients were originally advanced AIDS patients.

In other words, they have only one or two years left in their lives.

Take a step back.

Even if HIV reappears in them.

And that's just the average HIV-infected person, too.

After timely treatment, they can live for many years, even close to normal life span. "

The voice fell.

Everyone present cast contemptuous glances at Fuji Xun's reporter.

Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, so far there has not been a case of recurrence in patients.

A moment of celebration.

If you ask over there what to do if there is a relapse, don’t let it be a disappointment!

After the press conference.

The major news media have published news one after another.

"AIDS Suppressor! Professor He Qing Creates a Medical Miracle!"

"Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation! The Good News for Millions of AIDS Patients!"

"Hundreds of advanced AIDS patients have recovered, Professor He Qing is unparalleled in the country!"

"1.47 million to cure AIDS! Yinhe Hospital opened umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation!"

"Anti-AIDS Milestone! AIDS Patients Will Not Suffer 5.9 Torments!"

As soon as the news reports come out.

There was a sensation in all walks of life.

Professor He Qing from Yinhe Hospital cured hundreds of advanced AIDS patients with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, creating a medical miracle!

From now on, AIDS will be completely conquered!

on the internet.

Numerous netizens are discussing it.

"Damn it?! AIDS has been cured? Professor He Qing is amazing!"

"Professor He Qing became a god in the first battle, and the transplantation of umbilical cord blood stem cells will be engraved in the history of modern medicine!"

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda and saving the lives of tens of millions of people. In ancient times, this was to be made a god, and Professor He Qing would be built a temple to worship!"

"Professor He Qing, the god of medicine is alive! It can be said that the merits of the present age will benefit the future! It will definitely be recorded in the annals of medical history!"

"Every time I see the news about those AIDS patients, I can't bear it. Now it's over, with cord blood stem cell transplantation, mankind will completely defeat AIDS!"

"Doctors are benevolent and compassionate to help the world. Hanging pots despise self-interest, virtue is better than gold. This is Professor He Qing!"

"In the past, we have been teasing, Ai yo, Mei Shi, the probability is gonorrhea, warts are no big deal. Now, Aizi has been conquered!"

"From now on, the gate of Yinhe Hospital will be broken by countless AIDS patients!".

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