The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Chapter 321: I think Park Ji Sung is good


"Crawford set himself on fire, he thought the World Cup qualifier was a World Youth tournament? He dreamed!"

"Six young players mean that on the bench, two-thirds of the extra benches are young players. Is this lineup thick? Is Yu Genwei very old? Why didn't Li Tie bring it?"

The old school is quite a lot of people, the opinions can't be agreed at all, the pressure is on the young players of Crouch. If this qualifier cannot appear, then indeed young players will be charged.

It's just that those older players didn't score well? If they play well enough, does Crawford substitute? If they can win Uzbekistan at home and away, are there so many broken things behind?

In the final analysis, if it fails, it is actually the young players who are backing the old players. Of course, if they succeed, they will also embark on a bright path, and the future of the national team is theirs.

Dong Fangzhuo has submitted a report to the club to leave the team. After playing Fulham away, he will rush back to the national team to report. During this period, he is likely to miss three club games, the league away against Sunderland, The Champions League at home against Lille and the league at home against Tottenham.

But just before going to London for Fulham, Keane accepted an interview with Manchester United TV: "I hope to play for another year or two, but I don’t think I will stay at Manchester United. Dinner, everyone will have time to leave, I am ready to go to other clubs,"

The 34-year-old veteran said: "I think it would be a good experience if I could try some other dressing rooms. But I will not choose the English club, I simply cannot accept coming to Old Trafford as a visiting team. Taste."

Keane’s contract with the Manchester United club will expire in the summer of 2oo6. Previously, it was rumored that he would still renew the contract with the club for one year and act as a player and coach. However, in the interview yesterday, Keane clearly denied the rumor that he will assist Ferguson as a coach.

"I didn't intend to target anyone, but I realized last season that this was my last year, and I still think so," Keane said, "you have to learn and be ready to move on, I leave Manchester United, But life will not end. Entering the management, or going to coach elsewhere, this is an opportunity. But I better do a liquidation and start again, I don’t want to coach at Manchester United."

Keane made no secret that he hoped to emulate his Red Devils predecessors Bruce, Robson and other stars, entered the club's management after retiring, he also hopes to be able to obtain UEFA coach certification in a few months.

Regarding the Manchester United club’s intention to renew with him, Keane said, “If I receive a new contract, I will be very surprised. Even if I receive it, I don’t want it to be at the end of the season, but At that time I had already made a decision about my future."

In addition to Zhong Chengxin, Keene's position in Manchester United is a spiritual leader, which fully reflects the spirit of Manchester United in his body. He was brought to Old Trafford by Ferguson from Nuoting Forest for £3.75 million in 1993. He played 48o times on behalf of Manchester United and played a major role in Manchester United's most glorious era.

According to The Scotsman, Keane's next stop is likely to be the Scottish Celtics.

The Manchester United iron waist Keane's position also caused a variety of British coach's position, which shows his influence in England.

Arsenal coach Wenger said: "Kean is a very important player for Manchester United. It is difficult to find someone to replace him, just like we want to find someone to replace Vieira. Keane is still a very good player. Athlete, although he is no longer a 28- or 29-year-old player. His departure is a big loss for Manchester United. I don’t know if he really wants to retire next year. He should find a new good club."

Birmingham head coach Bruce said: "There is no doubt that Keane can remain at a high level for a few years. He now has the autonomy. I believe he will make the most correct decision, but where does Manchester United go to find a thinker? Eh, such a good player? I think his position is difficult to be replaced by another person."

Former Manchester United superstar Black Hughes coach Mark Hughes said: "I know Keane, he is a person who is fully committed to doing things, I think the decision to leave must have him thinking for a long time, if he thinks it is right to leave Yes, that must be correct for him, but to be honest, it is still too early to leave Manchester United."

Manchester City coach Pierce, who successfully transitioned from a player to a coach, said: "After leaving, he should be able to find his place in other clubs. Keane is a very professional player and very loyal to Manchester He is also a great player in football history. Is Keane going to be a coach soon? I think yes, he works very hard."

what happened? Didn’t you renew the contract with Manchester United? Why has it changed suddenly? Dong Fangzhuo's head flashed three question marks.

Keane didn't make it to the big list against Fulham. Everyone didn't think there was any problem. Every weekend, there are always people who won't make it. This is not surprising.

But Keane's remarks were scary...

"What's going on?" Dong Fangzhuo at this time had already mixed up with Keen, and he was a little bit big and small.

"It's nothing. I really don't think I should stay at Manchester United anymore." Keane on the phone was a bit lazy.

"You don't have to talk nonsense with me, I know how bad I have played recently."

"Toot toot--"

Keenlysso hung up the phone.

It's no wonder that Keane is in no mood. In the recent Manchester United games, Ferguson gave Keen enough time to play in the first few games, but Keane always made low-level mistakes in the game and gave them goals. One game can be justified, but every game is unreliable, and Keane is self-aware.


Soon after, Dong Fangzhuo's phone rang again, and Keane called.

"Dong, who do you think can replace me in the Manchester United team? Are you all optimistic about Smith?"

"This...Smith can't."

"Who is that?"

"I think Korean Park Ji Sung is good."

"He? God, as he usually doesn't talk, looks at the puppet-like Park? Gee... what do you think."

"I think it should be Fletcher, but unfortunately this kid is always a hammer."


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