The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Chapter 368: God bless Manchester United

George Best’s body returned to his hometown, Belfast, Northern Ireland, where everyone loved his family, friends and fans, and finally said goodbye to him, sending away the pride of his hometown.

Before the morning mist had dispersed, thousands of fans gathered in Stomont, Belfast, to say goodbye to their heroes. Many people in the crowd were white, and some fathers brought their sons. When they started watching the ball, Best had brought them countless wonderful memories.

The plane landed slowly with Best's coffin, and Best's son Colm escorted his father's body and walked down the ramp. On the coffin of Best, covered with the flag of the Manchester United club, surrounded by white carnations, followed by Colm Best, and Best old father Dicky Best and other relatives, those who were waiting early Fans here also slowly followed. After a three-mile journey, Best's coffin reached the place where the funeral took place-Belfast's parliament hall.

This is the first funeral held in the Parliament Hall in 65 years. Before Best, the last time such a encounter was encountered, it also dates back to the prime minister Lord Kolegavin, who died in 1940. Taking security into account, only 32,000 fans were allowed to enter the open space in front of the parliament building, and 300 invited guests attended the funeral ceremony. This includes Best's two ex-wifees-Alex and Angie.

The actor Pete Cowrie of the opera "Miserable World" sang the carol of "Bring him home". In the melodious singing, Best's mourning ceremony officially began. Dugan, Michael Partland, Armstrong, Dennis Law, these former best teammates of Manchester United and Northern Ireland, gently lifted his coffin up the ladder, and Best’s closest teammate Dennis Law, as a representative, Read the eulogy aloud.

Behind them, Ferguson and former Northern Ireland coaches Bingham and Eriksson were all present. All the current Manchester United first team members dressed in black suits stood behind them.

The current coach of Northern Ireland is a fan of Best. In Sanchez's eyes, Best is the greatest player in his mind. Sanchez said in his eulogy: "Best is the pride of Northern Ireland. Although today is a sad day, people will remember his greatness. When I was very young, I watched his game. At that time he was going to Farewell to the stadium, but his technique has made me unforgettable so far."

A railway operator named Neil has been here since last night, and he did not leave the hall of Parliament until the end of the funeral. "When I was a kid, I watched him play. Although it is a sad moment, but I’m very happy to say goodbye to him personally.” Many fans who attended the funeral, like Neil, arrived here from all corners of the UK a few days ago and bid farewell to the “Best Age” in their hearts.

As early as a few days ago, many fans started commemorative activities. In the centre of Belfast, someone gathered in the church, praying for Best's soul. Outside the door of the city hall, there are even a lot of Best No. 7 jerseys and scarves. Fans lit fire candles in the drizzle and cold wind to pay tribute to Best.

In the eastern part of the city, Best's birthplace-Corregal, people held Best's posters, which were printed with Best wearing Manchester United's No. 7 jersey and Northern Ireland's No. 11 jersey, singing. "Belfast's Best", slowly gathered together, it was in the streets of his hometown, the young Best and his friends played the ball, and honed the ball skills that have since poured into the world.

At the door of the parliament building, royal dignitaries and celebrities from all walks of life also sent wreaths. On the avenue of Prince of Wales passing by the Best Coffin, a mile of road was lined with wreaths of sadness, guarding Best through the last journey. The crowd has not dispersed for a long time, and many people are still reluctant to leave Best Best too far, even though Best is really saying goodbye to us now.

Such a huge mourning event made Dong Fangzhuo deeply feel the greatness of Best. He remembered that at a very young age, there was such a huge scene only when the great nationals died. It was 1997, the national flag was lowered at half a flag, and later, that was...

He can't remember.

But such a real person left in front of him, he was the first time to experience.

For more than two months, he has attended two funerals, and there is always some kind of sadness in his heart.

The last time was Ronaldo's father. This time it was Manchester United's greatest player, Best. Although his death was far away from him, he always felt that the people around him were leaving one by one?

In the home game of the league against Portsmouth, the activities of Manchester United fans to commemorate Best still continue, as if people do not want Best to leave.

Under the protection of Best, Manchester United also continued its brave state. With the goals of Giggs, Rossi and Scholes, Manchester United won Portsmouth at home. In the standings, they still follow Chelsea with 4 points.

Ferguson was gratified that in this game, he put Ronaldo, Rooney and Dong Fangzhuo on the bench. For a long time, Giggs and Scholes, who had not started the game, were in full swing. He also scored a goal and led the team to a big victory.

At the most crucial moment, every player on the first team of Manchester United seems to have recovered his status, which gives him a lot of chips, but before leaving Portugal for Benfica, he chose to trust Dong Fangzhuo and Ronaldo.

The final round of the Champions is related to whether Manchester United can get the first place in the group. Ferguson doesn't want to take a second team against Europe's most perverted opponents. Last season, because they took the second place in the group and faced Milan in advance, they drank out early.

This time playing Benfica, as long as they get a draw, Manchester United can ensure the league first, but once they lose, they are likely to give the first place to Villarreal, and again get the group second.

"Best's departure seems to put Manchester United back on track. They went to Portugal with a grief and decided how far they will go in the UEFA Champions League this season. The game has finally arrived, winning or tying Benfica, Manchester United's Champions League will be a piece of Smooth, lose the game, Manchester United may be about to fall into the abyss."

"The weather in Benfica was a bit bad. The weather forecast said there was light snow, which was a big test for Manchester United."

"For Manchester United, Ferdinand's absence will have a greater impact on them. Sylvester will play for him. On the bench, Pike, who has performed well in two games, still has the opportunity to enter the roster. Rossi, the teenager, also came with the team..."

"And what Manchester United fans care about now is that their new captain seems to have missed three consecutive games? This is not like Dong's style."

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