The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Vol 2 Chapter 443: High IQ crime


It is not easy for Manchester United to win the game. If Materazzi was sent off unexpectedly, Manchester United might not be the winner.

In the normal game, Inter Milan has the advantage on the court, even if one less player fights, Inter Milan still takes the initiative on the court and gets many shooting opportunities.

But sometimes on the football field, not the dominant party can win, and the story on the football field is not necessarily only football.

"Thank you Materazzi for giving Manchester United a victory."

"The question is, what did the captain say to him? Make him so angry and fight."

"Your dio is not as big as my dio, and then it's a tragedy..."

"No, I think Dong might have told him that he got into his girlfriend."


The speculation of Manchester United fans is very happy.

Just after the game, Mancini entered the player channel angrily, even forgetting to shake hands with Ferguson.

In the mixed zone, although he won the victory and got the best, Dong Fangzhuo did not give an interview.

The reporters wanted to know why Materazzi would suddenly push him down. What happened between them?

Dong Fangzhuo was silent.

Because of this, it is really difficult to tell.

To tell the truth, he is guilty now, and he will not do this for any other opponent. This may be a legacy of history. He is preemptive.

Maybe in the 2006 World Cup, Zidane might not have met Materazzi. Everything he did was premised on the so-called factual assumption.

At least for now, he is not fair to Materazzi...

Then the situation began to deteriorate rapidly. Mancini, who came out of the dressing room away, became more ugly.

At the press conference, Mancini directly angered: "The Chinese are very dirty, he provoked Materazzi with unsound swearing in the game, and then Materazzi pushed him down, the Chinese are dirty Dirty villain, liar, actor! You should be ashamed!"

"If you want to know what he said, you should ask him and let him answer in person. I have been a player but a coach for so long, and I have never encountered such a shameless thing."

What did you say that made Materazzi and Mancini so angry? The reporters are even more curious...

Mancini listened to Materazzi, but he was not good at speaking the original words directly. He only said: "His swear words brought his family directly. This is disgusting!"

Speaking of which, everyone instantly understood that it is no wonder that Materazzi will be so angry that most people will be unable to bear it, and it must be quite unpleasant to bear.

But what about the evidence?

Without evidence, anyone can only make a guess, not a fact.

When it was Ferguson’s turn to attend the press conference, all questions revolved around the Manchester United captain.

However, Ferguson's old face could not stand the test.

"I don't know what happened on the field, all of this is a bit unbelievable, maybe both sides said something, a slap is silent, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen for no reason, and the problem is attributed to Dong. For the unfair evidence, please provide the evidence. Before that, I only saw that the reason why Dong’s abdomen has five shoe spikes is that he sent it. Such a dirty action, maybe the red card is directly played. It is not an exaggeration, and naturally there will be no later things."

Ferguson resolved the crisis ingeniously.

"Don't you think that Materazzi should get a red card before this?"

Ferguson also asked back.

This seems to be the reason, but Lord Lord, you can't assume that. The fact is that Materazzi remained on the court and the following story happened.

Ferguson is that Red Guoguo is stealing the concept, protecting the calves...

"Dong, what did you say?"

In the Manchester United locker room, everyone is also very curious about this matter, but Dong Fangzhuo still remains silent, even his teammates, can not say, just like the last time he tortured Terry, he said nothing.

It's enough to bring victory, and then tell the truth, Materazzi is estimated to be more stimulated, let Materazzi toss himself over there...

Materazzi's emotions did not stabilize until he returned to Italy. Then he immediately accepted an interview with the "Gazzetta dello Sport" and bombarded Dong Fangzhuo. The content was no different from what Mancini said at the press conference. .

For a time, the European media were discussing Dong Fangzhuo and Materazzi, and UEFA also participated in the investigation. Such a serious matter, UEFA will certainly not be taken lightly. If the facts are true, then Dong Fangzhuo will definitely get a super ticket.

However, the British "Sun" acted faster than UEFA. The editor of the "Sun" immediately invited two local lip-speaking experts to perform oral interpretations of what happened on the According to The video repeatedly judged what they were talking about.


The two lip-speaking experts worked hard for a long time, but couldn't find it.

Because Dong Fangzhuo always put his hands on his lips!

"He is too cunning."

"But we judge him to say something."

"We can't see his mouth shape, but Materazzi can, he scolded."

"He said-Fake squid, oh god, this is too obvious, this is more unfavorable to Materazzi, but the problem is, what do we report on this, and now from the perspective of England and Manchester United, I don’t think I should continue to delve into this Thing."

"If you can, you can describe the degree of Dong Lian's cunning. UEFA will not find evidence from him, he will not be punished."

Afterwards, the Sun reported on the interpretation of lip-speaking experts, and the United Kingdom was indeed full of joy. The Daily Mail specifically wrote: "This is a criminal with a high IQ. Even if he does something bad, he will do it well. You can't find any weakness in him, just like he wants to score goals."

However, there are also British people who jumped out to support Materazzi, that is Terry.

Terry and Dong Fangzhuo have a hatred.

He took the initiative to find the Times and talked about this matter: "If anyone in this world is hypocritical enough, it must be Dong no doubt, he always uses despicable means to deal with opponents on the court, making the other party angry and angry..."

"I believe he must have done something to Materazzi and said something, and I stand firmly on Materazzi's side!"

Chelsea captain directly captained Manchester United...

"Well, you Terry, anyone can jump out, dare you jump out?"

Dong Fangzhuo read the report, but was unhappy with Terry...

Terry is okay, the scars are forgotten...

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