The world's number one pianist

Chapter 1 Playing the piano? Dead end!

"He Shen, you don't have to come to work anymore. Last month's salary has been paid. You didn't have any classes this month anyway, so just pack up your things and leave. Read М"

He Shen stood at the door of the store. Just as he took out the money and prepared to buy some lollipops, his cell phone rang.

After listening to the notification on the phone, he hummed lightly, his face did not change at all, and reached out to hang up the phone.

"Xiao He? What's wrong?" The store owner handed out ten lollipops and asked with a little curiosity.

"No, nothing? Thank you."

He Shen smiled and shook his head, handed over the money, reached out to take the ten lollipops, nodded slightly to the boss, turned around and left the store, and walked towards home.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚

He is a piano teacher in a piano store, or rather, he used to be a piano teacher in a piano store until just now, when he was fired.

Why was he fired? He Shen could probably guess that it was because he had been complained about again and piano sales were not good.

As a piano teacher in a piano store, he was very strict, with many requirements for class and a lot of homework. Students definitely didn't like it, so they complained to their parents.

The content of the complaints was nothing more than that he didn't take the class seriously, played with his mobile phone in class, or scolded them, belittled them in class, or something else?

Parents didn't know the situation either. Most parents basically sent their children to him and were busy with their own things. When they heard their children complain, they reported to the piano store.

In addition, he never recommended parents to buy pianos in the piano store. Naturally, the piano store didn't need to protect him, and it was normal to fire him.

So, very normally, he was fired again.

This thing is not uncommon, he has long been used to it.

He Shen carefully put the lollipop into his pocket and walked back to the community where he lived, the most central villa area.

However, he did not open the door of any villa, but walked to the entrance of the basement outside the villa, where there was a black door.

There was a very obvious red label on the door. He Shen just glanced at it and didn't pay attention to what was written on it. He tore off the paper, put it in his pocket, and opened the door with the key.

This basement is not big, about 20 square meters. All the walls, including the ceiling, are evenly covered with sound insulation cotton, which completely wraps the entire room.

This is the basement he rented. The landlord rented the whole house separately. The rent of his basement is the cheapest, only 500 soft sister yuan a month.

There is a window opposite the door, but this window faces a cement concrete wall. At the top of the wall is an iron railing facing the sky. During the day, some light can be irradiated in, but around the afternoon, the light can no longer be irradiated in. The lighting depends entirely on a small light bulb in the room.

In the middle of the room, there is a grand piano, the cute SK-II, a small home grand piano.

180cm long, 152cm wide, 102cm high, and weighs 342kg.

This piano occupies almost most of the room. Around this piano, there are various music scores with marks and bundles of garbage bags scattered in a disorderly manner.

An ordinary mattress is placed in the corner of the basement. At a glance, it may be the cleanest place in the whole basement.

He Shen opened a lollipop and threw it into his mouth, put the rest of the lollipops aside, walked straight to the piano, sat on the piano stool, raised his arms, placed them on the piano keyboard, looked at the dark window, took a deep breath, let his body slowly sink down, and slowly pressed the first note with the weight of his arms.

Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang...

An extremely soothing melody slowly flows out of the piano. If you have studied music and know something about music, you can immediately hear what the work He Shen is playing now.

The God of Piano, Johann Sebastian Bach, the most shocking work in piano variations.

Goldberg Variations!

It is said that in order to help the insomniac count to sleep, the count's exclusive musician Goldberg found Bach, hoping to get a work from him that could help the count sleep.

After thinking about it, Bach felt that the best way to treat insomnia was to repeat variations of similar melodies, adding fluency and liveliness.

In the end, he completed the Goldberg Variations, and at the same time, he won 100 Louis gold coins.

He Shen's eyes gradually closed, completely ignoring the piano and everything around him, allowing himself to be completely immersed in the music he played.

Every bit of power released by the fingers, the body driving the flow of music, everything is presented in He Shen's brain, allowing him to control his body as much as possible.

The theme is 3/4 beats, Sarabande style, extremely quiet and harmonious.

The first variation, the whole becomes relaxed and pleasant, which is different from the tranquility at the beginning.

The second variation, a canon-style variation, is full of the most common trio characteristics in the Baroque period where Bach is located.

The third variation, counterpoint canon variation...

The fourth variation,...


Time passed slowly in the music, and He Shen's fingers kept moving until he reached the twentieth variation.

Just then, a heart-stopping phone ring sounded.


He Shen immediately walked out of the atmosphere of the piano playing, looked at the keyboard with great regret, shook his head helplessly, spit out the melted lollipop stick, reached out to pick up the phone on the side, and the voice on the other end of the phone sounded before he spoke.

"Hello! When are you going to pay the rent? Today is August 3rd, and the rent should be paid on August 2nd. I remind you that if you can't pay the rent before August 30th, you can just move your piano and leave! Do you hear me?"


He Shen frowned, took out the paper that was posted on the basement door from his pocket, and took a look.

It was the information about urging the rent to be paid.

He Shen asked with a little doubt.

"Isn't the rent transferred automatically by the bank?"

"Then you can check it yourself. Anyway, I haven't received it. I don't care what method you use. If the rent is not received before the 30th, take your piano and leave immediately!"

The phone was hung up immediately. He Shen looked at the ringing phone in his hand a little confused. He found his wallet on the bed. The wallet was extremely shriveled. There was no money in it. It was empty, with only four cards inserted on the side.

He Shen took the card out of his wallet, walked to a nearby ATM, inserted the card into it, and checked it one by one.

Huaguo Bank, balance 14

Construction Bank, balance 14

Commercial Bank, balance 19

Agricultural Bank, balance 10

14, 14, 19, 10

Total 47, not bad, enough for three days of lollipops!

He Shen nodded with satisfaction, took out 30 yuan from it, turned around with satisfaction and prepared to go back to practice the piano. As he walked, he suddenly felt something was wrong and stood still.

I came here to see if my bank balance was enough to pay the rent?

The basement rent is 500 a month, and the piano is 3000 a month, and I still have 47 left. After deducting the money for three days of lollipops, I seem to have only 47 left?

If my calculations are correct, he probably, maybe, possibly...

will end up on the streets?

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