The world's number one pianist

Chapter 103: He can lead China to the Xiaosai championship again

This title?

Many people were stunned, especially some people around them. They had no idea that the title was so exciting, that they would actually write "seeking pleasure" in front of everyone?

This courage is not ordinary. ReadМ

But everyone knows that when you give a speech, you won't tell everyone a lot about the period of courtship.

So, what is the connotation of this topic?

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

Soon, He Shen cleared his throat slightly and spoke to everyone.

"You should have seen this title, so let me briefly explain the meaning of this title."

"To put it simply, it means what the meaning of seeking love is. It is not the literal meaning, but from the writing background, we can get what Chopin was thinking when he wrote this work."

"What about love? Contrary to seeking pleasure, this is actually analyzed from the music and the information obtained from the music score."

"Now the question is before us, should we start from music history to explore what the composer had in mind when he wrote this work, or should we start from music and acoustics to explore this piece? The inner expression of the work?”

He Shen touched the microphone under his mouth, straightened it, then walked to the piano and continued speaking to everyone.

"This argument was put forward by my partner, Qu Shi, a lecturer in the Piano Department of Jiangzhou Normal University. It was Professor Dan's speech yesterday that made me completely sure of this topic. He talked a lot about the theoretical aspects of studying music. something.”

"Then the question arises, when we play a piece of music now, from what aspects should we think? Let's discuss why we play it this way?"

"Today I will take Chopin's Nocturne in E major, Op9, No2, as an example to analyze the interpretation method of this work."

He Shen's tone was very calm, without any fluctuation, but it attracted everyone's attention to him.

The issue He Shen discussed today is actually often discussed, and there are different arguments in the entire music industry.

Because many powerful musicians are not unknown, their teachers or friends are probably some powerful musicians.

For example, Horowitz was once a friend of Rachmaninoff, and many of Rachmaninoff's works were willing to be performed by Horowitz.

When he was playing Rachmaninov's works, there were some things that were not exactly the same as what was marked on the score. So which one should prevail?

Is it based on Horowitz's version that he communicated with Rachmaninoff, or is it based on the later study of the work?

If it weren't for the fact that Rachmaninov's tape recorder was too noisy when he recorded his own work, maybe he would be the best interpreter of this piece?

So, in this era when basically all the classical music masters have passed away, and the only ones left are their students, or their students’ students, whose opinion should we listen to?

Obviously... many people will choose to listen to the opinions of the music score. After all, the students, or students' students, have added a lot of their personal thoughts to the information they have received.

Later, as the performers came up with more and more ideas, the ideas taught in person became less and less reliable, which led to more people preferring to look for them in music scores.

"...We can definitely see that in this work, at the beginning of the theme of these four measures, the color of bE major and the speed of Andante give people a bright mood. This is the most basic level of perception. You may feel It’s elegant, solemn, and confident, but it’s also obvious that the mood of the song actually veers toward the minor mode of gloom and sadness, but overall it’s still positive and optimistic.”

"Perhaps many people will associate it with lovers, sweetness, romance, and touching..."

"These are all correct, but please note that the musical vocabulary is not the only one, but just a rough idea, so I use my vocabulary to describe it. I just hope you can understand what kind of feeling I want to express, and not that this place is just this The look and feel..."

"These words are not important, the most important thing is to create a temperament match!"

He Shen placed his hands on the piano, his inconspicuous muscles gradually tightened, and he slowly pushed down the keys of the piano.

An extremely gentle feeling suddenly surged from the piano, and everyone's goosebumps instantly rose.

For this sound, just play the first sound, and then match it with the subsequent sounds. This feeling is really great!

Just when everyone wanted to continue listening, He Shen raised his hand and spoke to everyone.

"It starts with a six-degree jump at the beginning. What does this mean?"

"Mobilize your emotions and let them rise from a low point!"

A teacher suddenly raised his hand and answered.

"Yes, a starting point!" He Shen nodded, agreed with what he said, and put his hand back on the piano: "This starting point is to make a sound for the following sounds, and to create a bleak mood for the following. Foreshadowing, and this gloomy mood is also a foreshadowing for the return to this slightly elegant mood later.”

"So we can see that this beginning is generally bright and positive. There are some gloomy emotions at the beginning, and then these emotions are intensified and highlighted, and a long relaxation is ushered in, and finally it returns to the positive and most exciting ending."


He Shen played the work on the stage while playing, telling everyone his thoughts.

He explained it in a simple and easy-to-understand way, and played it very perfectly. Even ordinary people who are not so sensitive to music can hear the excellence of He Shen's performance.

Even Professor Dan, who had been sitting below without any extra expressions, couldn't help but smile.

"Now I finally understand what Zhou Renguang meant by what she said to me..."

As Professor Dan listened, he suddenly sighed and shook his head, his eyes full of emotion.

"The last time I saw someone who felt so deeply about Chopin, it should be the generation of Li Diyun and his generation, the golden generation of Chinese classical music."

"What a pity... It's really a pity, but..."

Professor Dan gradually had some ideas. He stroked his chin and began to think about the possibility of coming to Jiangzhou.

For so many years, he has not found a particularly good seedling who can challenge the Chopin International Piano Competition again.

Before, he only heard He Shen's recordings and heard Zhou Renguang talk about He Shen. At that time, he felt that He Shen was too old and it was unnecessary to challenge the Chopin International Piano Competition.

After all, although the participants in the Chopin Competition are under the age of 28, most of them are actually in their early 20s, or even younger than 20.

Now that he has heard He Shen's understanding of Chopin, he immediately understands that Zhou Renguang is right.

This person can lead China to challenge the Chopin Championship again!

He is qualified!

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