The world's number one pianist

Chapter 13 Four ways to memorize music

He Shen was a little helpless. He had seen Zhao Zitong's technique was a little weak before, but he never thought she was so weak. Reading

In short, Zhao Zitong was not familiar with the twelve major and twelve minor keys at all, and could not think of them at once.

Then the arpeggios at the back, that is, the chord decomposition, the problem was similar to the major and minor keys at the front, and she was not familiar with the tonality.

The octave was okay. She could do this kind of purely technical exercise in a decent way. The independence of those fingers was also good. Her finger independence was very good.

But...the cadence at the back was a complete mess. She didn't even know what a cadence was or what a cadence progression was.

"So, you really don't know what a cadence is?"

He Shen looked at Zhao Zitong unkindly, his eyebrows tightly furrowed.

If Zhao Zitong was completely unclear about the cadence, then he would need to make a little adjustment to her teaching plan.

Zhao Zitong obviously didn't understand what He Shen said. Although she wanted to go against He Shen, she felt a little guilty when she saw He Shen's serious expression. She had to stiffen her neck and whisper.

"What, what's wrong? Do you have to know what cadence is to learn music? Hmm?"

"Not necessarily..." He Shen shook his head.

If she could understand cadence well, she would definitely understand clearly what cadence is, what cadence is, what half cadence is, and what full cadence is.

Cadence is actually very easy to understand. To put it in a more popular way, the cadence in music represents the whole process of introduction, development, transition and conclusion.

For example, the simplest TSDT, from the initial main chord T to the subdominant chord S, then from the subdominant chord S to the dominant chord D, and finally from the subdominant chord D back to the main chord T, such a process.

The simplest piece of work will also use cadence, which is equivalent to the overall composition of the music.

If Zhao Zitong could clearly understand what a cadence is, then everything would be simple. He Shen only needed to analyze the whole piece with Zhao Zitong, and then let her memorize the whole piece using the most basic method of memorizing a Chinese textbook.

For example, G minor, Napoli 6th chord, octave between both hands, run up four bars, and so on.

After memorizing for a long time, you can directly memorize, T Napoli, up four, or simpler, more abstract notes that only the note-taker can understand.

But it is obvious that Zhao Zitong cannot complete this task. Her understanding of harmony is almost zero, so He Shen can only give up this teaching method.

If you want to memorize a piece, there are only a few ways to memorize it.

First, the muscle memory memorization method, using your own muscle memory to memorize the score, so that your fingers naturally remember what note you should play next.

Second, the framework memorization method, divide the whole piece into several sections, and then memorize a section separately, and memorize separately.

Third, memorize the melody, memorize the overall melody, and then use the melody to memorize all the notes of the whole piece.

Basically, there are these categories, and there are several other categories, which are just variations of these three categories, so I won’t introduce them in detail.

At present, if Zhao Zitong wants to play this piece well, the fastest way should be to memorize the combination of the framework and the melody.

When Zhao Zitong was feeling her own performance before, her ears had been listening carefully, listening to her performance and the difference between her performance and her own performance.

In other words, her understanding of melody will be deeper than her other understandings, such as the understanding of harmony and sound.

In this case...

Zhao Zitong saw He Shen was always thinking, and couldn't help but pouting, standing up and walking around, stretching, and her beautiful body curves looked particularly charming under the sunlight outside the house.

Zhao Zitong had no idea that she was under He Shen's sight. After stretching, she lay weakly on the back of the chair and looked at He Shen boredly.

After teaching me the basics for nearly two hours, this person stopped talking and I didn't know what he was thinking.

However, hum, no matter what he thought, I would never let him be my piano teacher. There is only one person who teaches me piano, and that is my dad!

Although my dad rarely comes home, rarely teaches me piano, and doesn't care much about my piano learning progress...

But! My piano teacher can only be my dad! No one else can take my dad's place!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but slash He Shen with her eyes.

A lot of piano teachers who came to apply for the job were quickly scared away by my mother's high requirements and my attitude, and only this person stayed!

Although he plays the piano very well, it feels like he is almost the same as my dad, and when he talks about piano, he seems to be like my dad...

But he must not replace my dad's position! Not even as a sparring partner!

He Shen didn't know what Zhao Zitong was thinking. After re-weighing Zhao Zitong's level and her current progress, he finally nodded with satisfaction. Just as he was about to instruct Zhao Zitong on the next steps, he suddenly found that she was leaning on the back of the chair, staring at him. There was an indescribable emotion in her eyes, and he couldn't help but frowned.

"What's wrong? Why don't you practice the piano, but sit there in a daze? What are you thinking about? Or is there something on my face?"

"No, no! Humph!"

Zhao Zitong turned her head suddenly and immediately criticized her own lack of firmness.

How can such a person be compared with her perfect father! !

My father is the vice president of the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou University of Arts and the head of the piano department. He can't be compared with this weirdo who came to her house for no reason and wanted to give her lessons!

He Shen scratched his head inexplicably as he looked at Zhao Zitong, whose emotions kept changing.

I really can't understand women. I can't figure out what's going on in a little girl's head who hasn't even reached adulthood.

As expected, music is still good. Everything is written on the score. You can completely understand what the music wants to express by reading the score, instead of making unfounded guesses.

Women? It will only affect the speed of my piano playing!

He Shen sighed, brushed aside the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, and spoke to Zhao Zitong.

"Okay, let's continue the class."

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