The world's number one pianist

Chapter 132 Deng Songshan, you wait!

Sun Haoran had never expected that Professor Dan Yi would know He Shen. He was stunned and asked Professor Dan Yi curiously. Read М

"Um, Professor..."


"This person... um, that, hiss... this person called He Shen, do you know him?"

Looking at the particularly curious student in front of him, Professor Dan Yi smiled, leaned back slightly, leaned on the back of the sofa behind him, waved his hand, and looked extremely relaxed.

"Of course, I know this He Shen, and he also knows me. We are quite familiar with each other. He is the only one in China who can produce such a work in a month..."

"Uh, why can you think of only him? What about others? For example, senior brother Li Diyun and senior sister Chen Sa? Aren't they also okay? Why is it not them who come to mind first?"

"Others? Others are not good enough, their level is not enough, and their progress is not fast enough!"

Dan Yi shook his head, reached out to pick up a cup of tea, blew away the foam on it, took a sip, made his mouth much gentler, and continued to explain.

"Li Diyun, he is very strong, but if he wants to practice a piece according to my standards, it will take at least two full weeks, the speed is too slow..."

"Chen Sa, her strength is good, and the speed of practice is also good, but unfortunately, she doesn't care much about Chopin, her understanding is not enough, and it is still a little bit short."

"You should know the other seniors, let alone them. Since the passing of the golden generation more than ten years ago, there are not many pianists in our country who can stand up for the people of the world..."

"This is the sadness of pianists in our era, and it can even be regarded as a dark era..."

"You said before that you particularly admire someone who practices very fast. I thought you wanted to be eager for quick success and give up serious study, and go on the road of quickly reaching the standard , so I scolded you like that. "

"But, obviously, the video you gave me gave me a big surprise and slapped me in the face!"

"Don't think I hate this. No, I'm actually very happy that besides me, you can also find He Shen!"

"After all, the appearance of He Shen proves that pianists of our generation still have hope and can continue to lead our China to defeat those foreigners in the field they are best at!"

"And He Shen is the young man that Professor Zhou and I are optimistic about! A young man who can lead our new generation of pianists! A young man who can take over the baton of the previous generation!"

Speaking of this, Dan Yi's eyes gradually lit up, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was particularly satisfied with He Shen, especially when he saw He Shen's new works.

He could feel that He Shen was making rapid progress, and the speed of his progress gradually exceeded his imagination.

And Sun Haoran, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and he heard a very key word.

Mr. Zhou?

Could it be that Mr. Zhou?

Sun Haoran asked Dan Yi in disbelief.

"Professor Dan, you just said, Professor Zhou? Is it the Professor Zhou I know? The one called Mr. Zhou, Professor Zhou Renguang?"

"Yes, of course, it's her. It was because of her that I knew He Shen. The last time was also the first time I met He Shen."

Professor Dan Yi's tone was full of nostalgia.

"At that time, He Shen was obviously in a confused period. He was confused about the self and self in music. He didn't know whether he should pursue the self on the score or the self behind the music."

"Probably because he listened to my explanation of Chopin's nocturne, he quickly found the way and integrated the two to form his own understanding. I have to say..."

"His understanding speed of music is really fast. I have never seen a student who can understand music so quickly."

Sun Haoran looked at Professor Dan Yi, shocked, not knowing what to say...

He had never heard Professor Dan Yi praise people like this, and praised so bluntly...

Isn't this too straightforward?

Professor Dan Yi also...

Does he really think so highly of this young man?


Sun Haoran thought for a moment and asked hesitantly.

"Um, Professor Dan Yi, who do you think is stronger, or who has a brighter future, between the three from Zhongzhou, Haicheng, and Wuzhou and this one called He Shen? Who is more likely to take over the baton?"

Professor Dan Yi was stunned when he heard Sun Haoran's question. He didn't expect Sun Haoran to ask such a question.

"You mean the three from Zhongzhou, Haicheng, and Wuzhou..."

"Pei Qi from Zhongzhou, Fu Diao from Haicheng, and Yue Li from Wuzhou, the three of them are also recognized leaders of our young generation. Teacher, who do you think is stronger than He Shen?"

Sun Haoran paused, bit his lip slightly, looked at Professor Dan Yi who didn't answer, and continued to add a sentence.

"Or, Professor Dan Yi, who do you think can better represent our young generation of pianists? Who do you think is qualified to lead us to the world!"

"For example, the one from decades ago, Li Diyun..."

Dan Yi did not say anything, but looked at Sun Haoran with a meaningful look, which made him feel a little scared, then Dan Yi continued to speak.

"I don't know who can better represent the piano world of our entire China, because everything is possible, and it's not time to make a final conclusion..."

"For example, more than a decade ago, everyone thought that Li Diyun would lead our China to a higher level. After all, he won the most powerful individual award. The other one won the Queen's Award and the other won the music festival instead of performing. Compared with him, it's simply not worth mentioning!"

"But... who would have thought that he would give up classical music and resolutely go to the entertainment industry?"

"He told me at the time that he didn't want to continue to move up. He wanted to sink the market so that more and more Chinese people could understand classical music and improve their music and cultural literacy. That's why he chose to enter the entertainment industry..."

"After all, the amount of information contained in Western classical music is very large. It is definitely not for those who have no aesthetic taste for music. It is understandable that he hopes to enhance the national aesthetic standards."

"I don't know whether his idea is right or not is wrong. Since he wants to do this, I can only say that it is a pity..."

"Looking back over the years, he did not do what he said, but instead made himself fall..."

"I am very sorry about this..."

"On the other hand, a fat boy from northern China who grew up wild outside did not choose to enter the entertainment industry, but continued to work hard in the classical music circle and found his own foothold."

"He played foreign music better than foreigners, and even made countless foreigners attack him and hate him."

"Even so, he did not fall, but continued to practice."

"In the end, he replaced Li Diyun, who we all had high hopes for, and became the leader of the golden generation!"

"This is something I did not expect..."

"Therefore, I will not comment on who is likely to continue to lead our China at this time."


Dan Yi suddenly spoke to Sun Haoran in an extremely serious voice.

"But, I can guarantee, I can be sure, I can be sure!"

"If we simply discuss this piece of Chopin, who can get closer to the limit, who can go further on this path of Chopin!"

"I dare say, it is definitely He Shen. He Shen's understanding of Chopin should be among the best in our country, and may even be considered the best in our country!"

"Even in the whole world, his Chopin should be ranked, not that kind of unknown person..."

"Plus He Shen has always devoted himself to music..."

"I dare to conclude that if He Shen continues like this, he may become the chief spokesperson for Chopin in the world!"


"Decades ago, those great pianists who worked hard for Chopin for decades, Valentina, or Zimmermann..."

"I think he can do it!"

Sun Haoran was completely shocked, this... this evaluation!

This evaluation is equivalent to seeing a new physicist in physics, after he shows his strength, the teacher thinks that if he continues to develop like this, he will definitely surpass people like Hawking in the future.

Or surpass those physicists who can win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Because the Nobel Prize in Physics does not limit the age, this sentence can actually be understood as...

As long as this physicist continues to work hard, he will definitely win the Nobel Prize.

Sun Haoran looked at Professor Dan Yi, his lips moved, he wanted to ask Professor Dan Yi if He Shen could participate in next year's Xiao Competition, the single music award that everyone is looking forward to next year.

However, he didn't dare to ask.

Because no one can say for sure, no one can accurately predict the competition of the Xiao Competition, and no one knows what the taste of the judges this year is.

If Professor Dan Yi is forced to evaluate He Shen, then the only result is that he doesn't know and can't predict the result.

After all... there is an age limit for the Chopin International Piano Competition. If he exceeds the age, he can't continue to participate.

And He Shen, he is too old, his age is too old compared to other students...

If He Shen wants to participate in the Xiao Competition, he only has one chance, this time!

Others may have two or so chances, but He Shen only has one. He can only have one chance. If he fails, he will be completely cut off from the Chopin International Piano Competition.

No matter how well he plays Chopin in the future, no matter how much he surpasses the two pianists who best represent Chopin in the world today.

He will lose an honor between him and these two pianists.

That is the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Rather than this, it is better not to ask.

Professor Dan Yi looked at Sun Haoran's tangled expression and immediately understood Sun Haoran's thoughts. He smiled happily and poured him a cup of tea.

"Come, drink tea."

"Thank you, Professor Dan."

Sun Haoran immediately took the teacup, sipped it carefully, then raised his eyelids and stared at Professor Dan Yi.

Professor Dan Yi looked at Sun Haoran and knew what he was thinking, but he did not say anything directly, but hesitated for a while.

Finally, he shook his head slowly.

"I know what you want to ask, but I don't know the answer to this question. The only person I can consult is Li Diyun, who can be a judge at the Chopin International Piano Competition. He should know best what the other judges think."


Professor Dan Yi suddenly sighed.

"But we can't count on him now. After all, he has a lot of problems now. It's hard to say whether he can be invited to be a judge."

"Sun Haoran, please contact the people at Jiangzhou Normal University for me. I will go to Jiangzhou Normal University next month to give an open class. The theme of the course is Chopin's performance method. Remember, the guest performer must be He Shen. Let He Shen come."

"We can't just sit there and wait for death. This year, we finally have a contestant who has the hope of impacting the Chopin International Piano Competition. We must support him as much as possible!"

"Sun Haoran, do you understand?"

Sun Haoran suddenly stood up from his seat, nodded to Professor Dan Yi, and spoke seriously.

"Understood, Professor Dan, I will contact Jiangzhou Normal University now and discuss the open class with them."

After saying that, he immediately planned to go out and contact Jiangzhou Normal University.

Just as he was about to leave, Dan Yi also stood up and called Sun Haoran. After hesitating for a while, he spoke.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, don't say next month, let me think..."

"Change the open class to a fixed one-month session, and I'll see if I can set up a fixed course with Jiangzhou Normal University."

"Well, that's it, that's right."

Sun Haoran almost fell down when he heard the news. He turned his head and looked at Professor Dan Yi with an extremely surprised look.

"Dan, Professor Dan, are you sure? A course once a month?"

"Of course, I'm sure!"

"But... Professor Dan Yi, you, you are..."

Sun Haoran glanced out the window, and the words of Sichuan Conservatory of Music were faintly seen on the library in the distance. He said with trembling teeth.

"You are an honorary professor of Sichuan Conservatory of Music. You openly come to Jiangzhou to give an open class once a month..."

"You are not so diligent even in Sichuan Conservatory of Music."

There is another sentence that Sun Haoran did not say.

You don't teach me once a month, but you teach others once a month. You travel so far every month to Jiangzhou. It takes a long time to fly back and forth.

I am obviously your most recent student. I came first.

Why can he, a later student, occupy more resources than me?

Sun Haoran just thought about these words in his heart and did not dare to say them out loud. After all, he also knew that He Shen was qualified to rush to the Chopin International Piano Competition.

And what about him? He is just a doctoral student in the piano department, just following Professor Dan.

What can he do? He is his own mentor, so he has to bear it himself.

He thought about it, then sighed, nodded to Professor Dan, indicating that he understood, and then ran quickly towards the office building in the school.

Contacting Jiangzhou Normal University is not just a matter of a phone call. This is a matter between the two schools, especially since he is an honorary professor of their school and has to give an open class once a month.

Although it is impossible to persuade Professor Dan Yi, he will definitely be besieged by a group of people.

Asking him to persuade Professor Dan Yi not to be impulsive...

They don't think about it. If he can persuade Professor Dan Yi, why do he have to run into the office building?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but pout, his face full of helplessness.

I hope the group of people in the office can be more talkative.

Thinking about it, he ran into the office building and walked towards the person in charge of external relations.

Professor Dan Yi stood at the window, looking at the Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music outside, and couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

"Although I am sure that He Shen's understanding of Chopin will be particularly thorough in the future, but..."

"Next year's Chopin International Piano Competition is considered a big year in terms of big and small years, and it is definitely not easy to rush in."

"The contestants who failed last time are ready to make another impact this year, and the new generation of contestants are ready to defeat the old generation of contestants."

"Disciples trained by big men from all over the world."

"Especially, Deng Songshan's disciples, every big year there are several disciples of Deng Songshan coming out."

"A judge who has played the rules of the Chopin International Piano Competition thoroughly, and a group of talented students, like factory production, flowing out from him..."

"Difficult, very difficult, very difficult..."

"If I'm not mistaken, next year may be Deng Songshan's year again!"

Dan Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes gradually firmed.

Deng Songshan's disciples can enter the finals every session, and often have the opportunity to challenge the championship!

There is even a rumor that as long as you learn piano from Deng Songshan, you will basically get the medals of the top six in the last round of the Xiao competition.

Under this rumor, Deng Songshan's disciples are getting better and better every year, and the awards they strive for are also getting higher and higher every year.

Even won the first place and the sixth place in the top six at the same time.

As for Dan Yi, his most glorious moment was only the Li Diyun session, and he only succeeded in that session.

Therefore, his international reputation is not as good as Deng Songshan.

However, no matter how low his international reputation is, he can still be regarded as a famous Xiao Sai coach.

"Deng Songshan, Xiao Sai, judges, rules..."

"The tide has turned, and it has been more than 20 years since we last reached the summit."

"During this period, countless people have shown their talents in this competition, and you have become the most popular coach."

"So, now, it is our turn to stabilize Chopard's highest peak again!"

"Deng, Song, Shan..."

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