The lights on the stage shone on the piano and reflected in He Shen's eyes. Read М


He Shen looked at the piano in front of him, slowly let out a long breath, stepped out of the shadows, walked onto the stage, and stepped onto the stage.

The moment he stepped onto the stage, the applause was thunderous!


Countless people were welcoming He Shen and Ji Mengting behind him.

In everyone's eyes, He Shen's whole body exuded a mysterious feeling...

First of all, it's teaching. Being able to teach a student of an associate professor of Haicheng Conservatory of Music to become the first in the last round, this strength should not be underestimated.

Then it's his own skills.

Not to mention how much else, just look at He Shen's results.

Golden Piano Award champion...

This result at least proves that He Shen is the strongest among most teachers in China this year.

After all, it is the highest award in China, and it still has a little gold content.

These two together make He Shen's appearance expected by everyone.

He Shen looked at the people around him, walked back, and gave the stage to Ji Mengting.

In this game, He Shen did not want to occupy everyone's attention.

This game, after all, is to test the ability of the contestants, not the ability of the teachers.

Teachers, you should do your best to make the contestants perform better!

So, He Shen gave up the stage.

Ji Mengting glanced at He Shen, nodded silently, walked to the edge of the piano, stretched out her hand to hold the piano, and bowed slightly to the people under the stage.


The applause was more than doubled in an instant!

Some people who originally just wanted to see He Shen suddenly saw Ji Mengting on the stage, and their eyes lit up.

"Eh? This girl is so beautiful!"

"As expected of a pianist, this temperament is different!"

"To be honest, she looks better than many stars, why is she so unknown..."

"Yes, it seems that I have never heard of such a person. Today I really opened my eyes!"

Those who don't know much about music quietly picked up and put it away, and turned on the recording function.

Because it was a competition, there were a lot of people in the concert, and the video recording function did not have particularly bright lights.

Some staff members who were responsible for prohibiting filming did not notice the actions of these people.

When the people from the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University saw He Shen and Ji Mengting walk from the backstage to the stage, they immediately became very excited.

After all, these were teachers and students from their own school. If they did not support He Shen and Ji Mengting, who would they support?

While they were malfunctioning, they cheered for He Shen and others.

"Teacher He, come on!"

"Teacher! Go!"

"Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, awesome!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Teacher He! Invincible!"


The voices of the crowd were not loud and were soon drowned out by the applause.

After Ji Mengting bowed twice, she sat on the piano stool and quickly adjusted the height of her seat so that she could reach a very comfortable position.

After everything was ready, she nodded slightly to He Shen.

Seeing this, He Shen also put his hand on the piano.

The voice of the announcer slowly sounded at this time.

"The sixth contestant, Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, freshman"

"Student: Ji Mengting!"

"Instructor: He Shen!"

"Performance: Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor!"

"Sergei Rachmaninoff-Piano Concerto 2 in C minor, 18"

When the voice fell, Ji Mengting immediately took a deep breath, raised her hands, and slowly dropped them...






The sound became stronger and stronger, and the power released to the piano became stronger and stronger!

The shocking feeling became stronger and stronger!

This extremely powerful force gradually flowed out of Ji Mengting's body and flowed to the piano.

It radiated out along the resonance box of the piano.

It spread throughout the concert hall!

This sound is great, very great!

All the students of the Conservatory of Music were stunned and looked at Ji Mengting on the stage.

This feels a little bit better than she played in the semi-finals!

"Oh my god, is she always improving?"

"She... what is her strong point? Chopin? Or Rachmaninoff?"

"This opening is really great! The sound of the bass part, oh my god..."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck? This opening!!!"

"Why is she so scary..."


Everyone was extremely surprised, but Pei Qi and Yi Wen in the distance didn't have much expression.

Pei Qi glanced at Yi Wen and smiled lightly.

"Yi Wen, Ji Mengting's strength is stronger than yours. If we just discuss your strength, you... can't beat her!"

"It's okay, don't we still have you, teacher?"

Yi Wen stood aside, chewing gum and drinking a sip of Coke.

The staff on the side looked at Yi Wen and was about to say something, but was glared at by Yi Wen, and glared back, not daring to say a word.

Yi Wen looked at He Shen and Ji Mengting on the stage, with a smile on his face.

"Teacher, you are the representative of the young generation of China. You can't be worse than He Shen, right?"

"Who knows?"

Pei Qi shook his head, and he also looked at He Shen on the stage, and didn't continue to speak.

He couldn't see through He Shen, he really couldn't see through He Shen...

He had never been so unable to see through a person...

He just knew that He Shen was very strong, but he really didn't know where He Shen's strongest point was...

Is it teaching? Or is it his own performance, or his understanding of music?

Pei Qi didn't know...

And the unpredictable enemy is the most deadly!

Pei Qi sighed, looking at He Shen in the distance, not knowing what to say.

In the distance, Fu Diao, who had just walked out of the contestant's backstage, also looked at He Shen and Ji Mengting, especially looked at Ji Mengting a few more times, his expression was very solemn.

No one knew what he was thinking.

The timid student standing beside him wanted to ask Fu Diao a question, but seeing Fu Diao's expression, he couldn't help but take a few steps back and didn't dare to say anything.

Everyone's eyes were on Ji Mengting.

Under this light, Ji Mengting's performance looked extremely beautiful.

Whether it was the sound or the posture...

And this opening note soon came to an end...

With the cessation of a few chords, Ji Mengting's hands ran quickly on the piano.

And during this running process...

The sound of He Shen's piano rang out.



Bang! !


The accompaniment part came out of the piano in front of He Shen, slowly lifting Ji Mengting's voice.

Originally just a good main melody part, the moment after He Shen's secondary melody came out, it became extremely shocking.

Shining like gold!


"Fuck this sound!!!"

"What the hell does this feel like???"

"Fuck fuck fuck???"

"WDNMD, what is this?"

"What the hell is this???"

"This sound? This sound? This sound? This sound???"


Everyone went crazy, everyone went crazy.

This sound was so exciting!

They all had goose bumps all over their bodies!

Ji Mengting's fingers were used as a foundation below, and He Shen's fingers were smashing quickly on top.

The sound that everyone heard, the most important band melody, was He Shen's melody.

He Shen's melody did not overemphasize itself, but tried to emphasize Ji Mengting's voice...

As the main melody part of the accompaniment, it emphasized Ji Mengting's performance...

This sound, this feeling, this overly beautiful music...

Many people were numb directly, their entire bodies were numb, and they couldn't move at all.

Whether or not they have ever heard classical music...

Those who came out of the music academy are like this...

Those who came to see He Shen just for fun, are also like this...

Even if they don't have enough feeling for classical music, they can clearly feel that extremely strong feeling, that music that makes them tremble all over.

He Shen played the piano in front of him vigorously, his fingers running quickly on the piano keyboard.

He was listening, he was listening to everything around him...

Listening to the timbre of his own performance...

Listening to the timbre of Ji Mengting's performance...

Listening to the resonance between the two, thus producing the third tone...

Listening to all kinds of sounds.

Let your voice blend into Ji Mengting's music.

Let your voice set off Ji Mengting's voice.

Let this thrilling music roar!

Let everything become extremely gorgeous...

Then, explode in front of everyone.

Everyone at the Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music was numb. They knew that He Shen was strong, but they didn't expect He Shen to be so strong.

Everyone at the Huaguo Conservatory of Music was dumbfounded. They knew He Shen was an opponent, but they didn't expect him to be so competitive.

People from other conservatories around them didn't know what to say.

This voice was too shocking, causing their brains to gradually lose control, and they had no idea what they should think now.

Fu Diao stood there, looking at Ji Mengting, then at He Shen, his fingers couldn't help but clench, then slowly loosened, shook his head, walked away, and left here.

He already knew the ending.

Yi Wen looked at the scene in front of him, and gradually forgot to chew the gum in his mouth. He stood there, staring at everything in front of him, frowning.

He felt threatened...

They were all Rachmaninoff's works, and the works he and his teacher, Pei Qi played...

They seemed to be very different in feeling.

His teacher gave him the feeling that he was actually a little bit better than He Shen.

But why...


Why did they feel better than he and his teacher? ? ?

Yi Wen didn't understand. He stared at the stage in front of him, a little bit unbelievable.

Pei Qi looked at the stage in front of him, his expression was extremely solemn.


Found the problem...

His cooperation with Yi Wen was not so deep, so close...

It was so close that I didn't know what to say, and I was only shocked in my heart.

In addition to being shocked, I couldn't say anything else.

"I... am too arrogant..." Pei Qi looked at He Shen and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Cooperation, cooperation... Damn..."

"My playing level is much better than He Shen. Even if Yi Wen is not as good as Ji Mengting, the gap is not that big..."

"But, but..."

Pei Qi's face gradually became extremely ugly.

He really didn't expect that there would be a teacher who was willing to put all his energy on setting off his students.

Hide himself behind the music.

Everything he played was to support his students.

Not other things...

He needed his students to play better.

Therefore, he was willing to be the person behind the students and use all his strength to inspire the students' musicality!

Let his music, as a supplementary medicine, make up for everything, all the unreasonable things of the students.

"This is your strategy."

Pei Qi really didn't know what to say for a while.

Many teachers here understand the final as a personal show between students and teachers.

The focus is on the teacher, showing the teacher's strength, not the student...

There is also a person who wants to show the student's strength, but that person's performance is not good.

Xuan Zheng from Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music and her teacher.

Her teacher let Xuan Zheng choose the work, and he helped her to complete her work.

Unfortunately, his ability is too poor and he can't help very well.

Although some people who don't understand music feel okay.

If it's those who understand music, they can hear it...

He played without any feeling, just purely for the sake of playing the piano.

There is no soul in the music.

The result is obvious, they withdrew from the competition for the championship.

Myself, the first and second place, and Fu Diao from Haicheng Conservatory of Music, all of them let themselves be the protagonists and let the students be the supporting roles.

After all, their strength is better than the students, and it is normal for them to take charge of the whole scene instead of the students.

Everything is normal...

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it...

Pei Qi pursed his lips, and for a moment he really didn't know what to say.

In the end, he just sighed, stretched out his hand to push open the door, and prepared to leave.

"Teacher? Don't you want to listen?" Yi Wen suddenly found something wrong, turned his head and saw Pei Qi preparing to leave, his eyes widened, and asked.

Pei Qi's footsteps stopped for a moment, turned his head and looked at Yi Wen, his face was strange.

Just when he was about to say something, he opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know what to say at all, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"No, don't listen, go backstage to prepare, get ready to receive the award..."


Yi Wen was stunned, looked at Pei Qi and blinked, and didn't know what to say for a while, and couldn't help but pour all the remaining Coke on the side into his mouth, and followed Pei Qi obediently, thinking about the backstage of the concert hall.

He Shen didn't know the movements of these people, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care about them at all...

All his concentration now is on the music he plays.

This is the breakthrough point he chose!

His Rach piece, taken alone, is completely inferior to Pei Qi's!

If he confronts Pei Qi head-on, he has no chance of winning!

Pei Qi has an absolute understanding of this kind of Rachmaninoff music.


He must not think of confronting Pei Qi head-on to see who has a deeper understanding.

The only advantage between him and the two people from the Huaguo Conservatory of Music is Ji Mengting.

Ji Mengting's strength is a little bit better than Yi Wen.

Then he will put all of himself on Ji Mengting, let his music, as Ji Mengting's nutrients, be integrated into Ji Mengting's music.

Let her works become extremely gorgeous.

Achieve a situation of completely crushing Yi Wen!

Pei Qi's choice is not wrong. Since his student can't beat his own Ji Mengting, it is a very correct choice to highlight his strength and complement his student's performance.

If he also chooses to put all of himself on Yi Wen, then his final results will really be difficult to compare with his own.

But... who would do it?

Who would put their strength on their students and help them achieve success when their own strength is obviously superior?

Pei Qi is confident in his own performance, so he will naturally not let himself become the nourishment of his students.

The result is obvious, and he also chose this way.

And He Shen, who everyone thought would use all his strength, was beyond everyone's expectations...

He Shen used all his strength to support Ji Mengting.

Thus, Ji Mengting's performance went in a higher direction.

Barely broke through Lv6...

Entered the professional level...

This piece of work also entered the professional level.

Very reluctantly.

And Pei Qi and Yi Wen's performances, because of the incomplete integration, stayed below Lv6, the peak of the entry level...

It's a pity...

Unfortunately, this is the reality.

The playing became more and more intense, and Ji Mengting let herself go more and more.

She put all her strength on music and played the music in her heart at will!

Everything was supported by He Shen, so she didn't have to worry about things that were hard for her to do.

She can unleash all her brilliance in the areas where she is particularly good at.

The sense of music in this piece gradually became engraved in her heart as she played it.

If she was allowed to do it again, she might be able to get close to this level!

Bang bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang bang...

The emotions of the music gradually surged out, and a lot of chords appeared on the music, and quickly fell into the piano as Ji Mengting played.

Finally, the final chord appears!




Bang bang bang bang bang...

The sound falls...

Ji Mengting raised her fingers suddenly, and sweat sputtered out in the direction of her raised hand.

Her eyes were filled with joy.

This feeling of being completely integrated with the music made her whole body almost tremble.

This feeling is simply great!


It's too short……

Ji Mengting looked at He Shen opposite, and found that He Shen was also looking at her. She couldn't help but reveal a smile on her face, stood up, walked to the edge of the piano, and bowed slightly to everyone.


Applause broke out instantly, and countless people applauded with great excitement!

This is the most shocking work they heard today!

They used all their strength to applaud Ji Mengting!





Bravo one after another, like a sound wave, rushed towards He Shen and Ji Mengting.

Everyone frantically released the excitement in their hearts, but no matter how they released it, it was not enough!

They can only rely on shouting and clapping to release a little bit...

Looking at the almost crazy audience in the audience, He Shen couldn't help but smile.

His indeed the right one!

This is the finals of the China Music Higher Education Competition...

Open the right way!

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