The world's number one pianist

Chapter 197: The First Person in China (Laba Gift)

[Recite the URL three times silently. Do you remember it? If not, I will ask you again in the next chapter. It would be best if you could share it on Facebook for me]

The music slowly came out of the piano with an extremely powerful posture.

Naples six chords, Naples six chords full of freedom.

It was transmitted to the ears of everyone outside the room through the radio and wires.

They listened to the sound from the monitoring equipment without any particularly large loss, and they could not help but be stunned for a moment.

The basic elements of this music are all there, without any doubt.

He Shen played very well, so well that it was difficult for them to imagine that this was a work played by He Shen.

Everything is there.

Including contrast, color, sound, harmony...

He Shen did all of these.

Everyone did not pay attention to this. What they paid attention to was He Shen's musicality!

He Shen's musicality is really amazing!

When you really reach He Shen's level, it depends on everyone's understanding of music.

It is no longer about whether everyone makes any mistakes when playing music.

If there are mistakes, then it's over, just go home.

If you can play a piece of music with mistakes, what are you going to do? Still want to be a pianist? Don't dream...

This mistake does not only refer to the mistakes in the sound, but more to the mistakes in the sound.

For example, the contrast of the strength of the timbre, the contrast of light and dark, the contrast of harmony, etc. in a certain place...

Have the contrasts in these places been made?

These are the most basic things.

When you reach a slightly higher level, that is, Lv6, when you have your own ideas.

At this time, you will start to listen to ideas.

Listen to musicality.

For example, many places...

At the beginning of the music, the performer will be given a very obvious hint.

This hint tells the performer what kind of feeling this beginning needs.

For example, solemn...

Under normal circumstances, most people will take it as a speed sign, knowing that this place needs to be played at the speed of solemn board.

But in fact, it is not the case. In the romantic period, these signs actually tell the performer what kind of feeling this place needs to be played!

How do you understand this solemnity!

Is it the solemnity of an emperor, or the solemnity of facing sorrow?

When facing this solemnity, how do you interpret it?

Are you observing from the perspective of an ordinary spectator, or from the perspective of a person who has direct contact with it?

All these ideas will bring about a very important thing.

That thing is the understanding of music.

Many people have different understandings of music. Only when they can correctly explain their ideas about music can they barely interpret their understanding of music.

And concerts, music competitions, music recordings...

These things, whether good or bad, are all about the performers' interpretation of their own ideas.

The most famous example is GG, Glenn Gould, who interprets Bach most beautifully among all Bach performers and is praised as a textbook by almost everyone.

But his Mozart performance is different, and even ridiculed by many people.

He Shen has heard it, although the work did not reach the level of Lv9 or Lv10...

But at least, the work has Lv8!

Yes, the work that was ridiculed by many people is at the level of Lv8...

Even so, he was ridiculed by many people.

The main reason is only one, that is...

Gould's understanding of Mozart is different from everyone else, and he firmly believes so.

When he analyzed Mozart's later works, he always thought that Mozart was a child...

A fool who was obviously in his twenties or thirties, but always pretended to be a child to win the sympathy of others.

Acting crazy and stupid in front of everyone to consume all the inspiration he got when he was a child.

Then playing in front of everyone, winning everyone's praise, and letting everyone praise him as a musical prodigy.

However, Mozart still has a little contradiction. He doesn't want to be a musical prodigy, he wants to be a great musician!

So, in Goodall's idea, the late Mozart is particularly childish and has a little disease in his brain.

This leads to Gould's interpretation of Mozart. It is obvious that you can hear that kind of artificial voice, which makes people feel very strange when listening to it.

This is the most obvious example...

There are many other examples...

When these people become great pianists, they will never listen to whether this person has played the wrong notes when listening to other great pianists.

What they want to listen to is...whether this person has a sense of music!

If there is no sense of music, then obviously, no one will think you play well.

No matter how correct all your notes are, no one will think you play well.

On the contrary, if you occasionally make a mistake, but you can perfectly interpret the musicality.

Then those people will agree with your performance and think that you play very well, and will not care whether you play the wrong notes.

After all, music...will eventually become music, not pure rationality.

This is also the case when everyone listens to He Shen's performance.

They didn't hear any of He Shen's wrong notes or anything else.

What they were listening to now was He Shen's interpretation.

Everyone, Zhou San, the vice president of Haicheng Conservatory of Music, and Fu Diao, the boss who was sitting in the front recording and videotaping.

Everyone, their eyes, all looked at He Shen who was separated by a particularly large soundproof glass.

Their eyes were full of shock.

Fu Diao was the same.

He had listened to He Shen's performance recordings before and knew a little bit about He Shen.

He Shen was the kind of person who played Chopin very well and was qualified to charge towards the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Fu Diao knew it very well.

However, he had never heard He Shen's live performance in person.

The quality of this sound, the interpretation of this sound, the interpretation of music...

It was perfect! It was so perfect that he couldn't imagine it!

Fu Diao's extremely cold face gradually thawed a little, and his hands were shaking.

It was really hard for him to imagine that there were such strong people in China, and there were people with such strong levels, so strong that they could not imagine...

Should people with such strength really be in China?


A true master-level performance!

Zhou San suppressed his inner excitement, he just looked at He Shen, looked at He Shen's performance, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is his strongest backing, and he can play like this, although it is much stronger than he imagined...

But, isn't this as it should be? People can't always step on the steps, right?

Sure enough, his choice was right!

The face of the vice president of Haicheng Conservatory of Music did not have any expression.

Although his eyes were trembling, he tried hard to restrain his expression from collapsing.

Powerful, incomparably powerful...

A very profound interpretation of music.

He can even feel the music and the influence of the music on him!

The kind of influence that makes his heart tremble with the music!

This feeling made him want to stand up and yell loudly to vent his inner shock.

Unfortunately, he couldn't...

The vice president of Haicheng Conservatory of Music looked at Fu Diao who was sitting on the side, and saw the expression on his face gradually thawing.

He looked at the other side, the extremely proud Zhou San, and his mouth twitched.

He really hated it, hated why he didn't go to Jiangzhou to hang out more, to see if he could pick up such a genius on the roadside like Zhou San.

No, this is no longer a genius...

This is a master!

When will I be able to pick up such a master just by strolling on the road!

Really... so hateful!

The vice president of Haicheng Conservatory of Music clenched his fists, and seeing Zhou San's proud look, he clenched them even tighter.

No one noticed the owner of the recording studio sitting in the front.

At this moment, the owner was completely stunned...

He looked at the speakers in front of him, and then looked at the other people around him, and slowly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This voice, this interpretation of music...

He had never heard of it before!

At least, among all the people he recorded in China, he had never heard music like this before!

Wrong notes? He didn't know, at least he didn't hear it.

After all, he was a master, so there must be very few wrong notes.

Wrong rhythm? No, it was impossible.

Wrong interpretation? Absolutely not, every interpretation was very accurate!

Other mistakes?

For a moment, the owner of the recording studio really couldn't think of any mistakes to find.

At least, with his ears, which had only listened to music for decades, he couldn't hear any mistakes.


The owner of the recording studio listened to He Shen's performance, and for a moment, he didn't have any idea of ​​finding He Shen's mistakes.

What he was thinking about now was to listen to He Shen's interpretation carefully, listen to He Shen's interpretation seriously...

Let all his spirit and soul be placed on the music.

Let He Shen take him to swim freely in this piece of music called "Chopin's First Ballade".

Let him fully understand the existence of music!

Everyone outside the recording studio was shocked. They looked at everything in front of them in disbelief and couldn't say a word for a while.

And He Shen, all his energy was focused on his hands.

He Shen didn't think that it was a video now, he could record it several times, find the best one, and then send it to everyone.

All he thought about now was just one thing...

That is...

One chance!

He only had one chance!

He only needed one chance!

In the competition, no one would give him a second chance. All he had was one chance!

Whether it was the preliminaries, the first round, the second round, the third round, or the final round...

He Shen only gave himself one chance!

Therefore, He Shen focused all his attention on the music he interpreted, so that he could feel the existence of music more clearly.

Let the music be more accurately focused on his hands!

He Shen's eyes locked on his hands, and his fingers played quickly on the piano keyboard.




Every note is like thunder.

Extremely clear and loud!

As a contrasting music segment, He Shen's performance is extremely small.




The contrast of sound was pulled to the extreme by He Shen!

This kind of music full of contrast made everyone even more confused.

When many people interpret this piece, they don't like to use a particularly strong sense of contrast.

What they think is probably that Chopin is very gentle and a very quiet piano poet.

But they all forgot...

This piece is the scene that Chopin depicted when he saw his homeland being hurt.

Coupled with the book in his hand, it gave him an extremely strong mental stimulation.

Thus, Chopin's entire person, for the catharsis of music, reached the maximum!

Therefore, He Shen pulled all the contrasts to the maximum without any hesitation!

Exaggerated, extremely exaggerated contrast, burst out in front of everyone.

Everyone, everyone who listened to He Shen's performance, was numb...

They could clearly feel He Shen's understanding of music.

This understanding of music was beyond the imagination of all of them.

Therefore, they were numb.

Fu Diao closed his eyes, raised his head slightly, felt the music flowing in his heart, and said nothing.

This is music...

This is Chopin...

This is He Shen!!!

At this moment, Fu Diao really got to know He Shen.

Although he had supported He Shen very much before, he felt that He Shen was a very powerful and even first-class pianist in China.

But that was all.

He felt that He Shen was first-class, not top-class.

He Shen was moving towards the goal of top-class.

He and others must not let this pianist who was on his way to the top suffer any damage.

But now...

He suddenly realized...

He Shen was not a first-class pianist.

At least, in terms of Chopin, He Shen had already reached the top position!

Other aspects might still be first-class, but Chopin...

He Shen was definitely top-class!

The top pianist in China!

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely qualified to represent China in the Chopin International Piano Competition!

Similarly, he is also the most promising candidate to win the Chopin International Piano Competition!

And there is one more thing...

Fu Diao opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling above his head, and said nothing.

In the whole world, it is already very difficult to negotiate with a musician and become the representative of that musician.

How many people can be the representative of all musicians?

The slightly more powerful ones are two or three...


At least, Fu Diao can't remember how many there are.

Either all of them are high-level performances.

Or only a few can reach the level of master.

All of these depend on the performer's own choice.

Obviously, He Shen now walked out and stood in front of everyone, which represents one thing.

That is...

He chose the first path, Chopin!

Now, he is already one of the first few people on Chopin's path in China!

Perhaps, he may have reached...

The first person who has walked the farthest in China!

[Do you remember when I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of each chapter? Share it on Facebook and you may get a surprise]

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