The world's number one pianist

Chapter 212 China stands firm!

Everyone turned their eyes to the staff member who was walking towards them.

He Shen did not look at the staff member, but looked up at the people around him and found that many of them were a little bit abnormal.

Their hands were shaking!

They were shaking constantly...

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Their eyes were filled with fear when they looked at the box in front of them.

Their emotions obviously affected their physical condition.

You can even clearly notice the stiffness of these people's facial expressions. There was no movement on their faces for a long time.

The muscles on their faces completely locked their expressions, and they had no strength to relax their muscles to make themselves look more normal.

These people basically all represented their countries. There may be only a few contestants in their entire country.

Therefore, they are entrusted with the hopes of their entire country.

In addition to the hopes of their country, they also have some of their own ideas.

Like He Shen, they are all waiting for this game, hoping to win in this game!

As long as they can win, they can basically be sure that they can go the path of classical music in the future.

In this industry, they can make a living!

If they donโ€™t win, as they get older, the number of competitions they can participate in will become fewer and fewer, so few that they are a little pitiful.

In the end, they will not have any competitions to participate in, so that they will never have any chance again.

This extremely huge pressure of survival is pressing on them, making it difficult for them to breathe.

These are just people from those small countries, and although many people in China are shaking, they donโ€™t actually have too much pressure from China.

People in China are most looking forward to them being able to enter the next round smoothly, and they donโ€™t actually give them too much hope of winning the championship.

Those who watched the game in China think that the one who has the most hope of winning is He Shen from the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University.

They are very satisfied that so many people in China can enter the first round.

Therefore, the pressure on these people is not great, and the main pressure on them comes from themselves.

I hope that I can play well, show my strength, and successfully enter the next round, or a higher round.

And the expressions of those big guys who are the focus of everyone have not changed at all.

Just like He Shen...

The staff handed the box in his hand to everyone, one by one.

These people also quickly took their notes in their hands.

Some people were obviously relieved.

Similarly, there were also some people who became very uncomfortable when they got the notes, and their faces were tangled together.

Looking at the expressions of these people, He Shen couldn't help but feel a little funny and chuckled.

"Hello, please take your round card."

The staff walked to He Shen, handed the box to He Shen, and said.

He Shen didn't hesitate at all, and directly reached out to find a folded paper from it. After opening it, a time was written on it.

13/10, 21:00 [3]

This time means that He Shen needs to prepare to start the competition at 9 o'clock in the evening on October 13.

And this 3 is the third evening session.

This time is about 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock in the evening.

Judging from this situation, the time should not be too late.

After all, the evening session starts from 9 o'clock in the evening and lasts until 4 o'clock in the morning.

It is exactly the same as the time of the previous preliminaries, without any changes.

Therefore, this time is not bad, and the audience and judges are not too tired.

He Shen nodded silently and glanced at the other people around him.

Most people had no expression on their faces, and a few people were very frustrated.

It seems that these people's time should be put very far back, probably around the tenth night session starting at 9 o'clock in the evening?

Maybe they can only play at 2-3 o'clock in the morning.

When He Shen thought of this, he couldn't help but shook his head.

The time of the competition is actually very important.

The daytime should be considered the best time!

From 4pm to around 8pm.

Everyone was still relatively sober and could give their judgments very smoothly.

When it was night, especially in the early morning...

He Shen could almost imagine the resentment in the judges' hearts.

Chopin's nocturnes basically have only a few particularly popular ones, and Chopin's etudes have only a few particularly popular ones.

If you are unlucky, it is entirely possible to listen to the black key etudes, the east wind etudes, and the third and octave arpeggio etudes from the beginning to the end.

The Mazurka at the end is similar.

It can almost make the judges vomit!

Therefore, the later the contestants, the smaller the advantage they have...

These are unavoidable. The competition time is not long enough, and there is not enough time to give these contestants and judges enough rest time to let them spend this round very easily.

Soon, everyone got their rounds. After the staff confirmed that there were no remaining papers in it, they nodded slightly to everyone and said.

"Okay, the draw is over. All contestants, please leave the backstage and wait somewhere else."

"Everyone, enjoy this concert tonight. Today may be your last time to relax."

"At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone remember to try the piano in order."

"We will officially announce the specific time after the competition."

After that, the staff waved the empty cardboard box in his hand, pushed everyone, and asked them to go outside.

After everyone walked out of the door, they looked at each other. No one had the intention to stay. They all left the backstage of the contestants, scattered around, and went in their own directions.

However, when leaving, some people's legs were obviously shaking.

They were too nervous, so nervous that they had a little difficulty walking.

The most special one was a girl who seemed to be from a small country?

He Shen had been paying attention to this girl when he left.

This girl's body was very stiff, as if it was already very difficult to successfully enter the finals. As for the next round, she wanted to enter, but was afraid that she would not be able to enter.

This was just the beginning of the lottery. What would she do if she really came to the end and it was her turn to go on stage?

Just give up?


If she continued like this, she would be eliminated directly!

He Shen frowned and thought about it, and finally felt that it had nothing to do with him. He shook his head and followed the crowd to the direction of the concert hall.

Although in this place, there is no special area for these contestants to sit down and listen to the concert seriously.

However, it is still okay to find a place to stand and stand in the concert hall to listen to the judges in front of them!

Unless they also buy a ticket, don't think about sitting down.

But since they can enter for free, who has the time to buy a ticket for themselves to sit down?

Soon, He Shen followed the other contestants along the passage to the end of the concert hall.

He Shen walked to the corner, leaned against the soft, sound-absorbing wall behind him, and looked at the big stage in front of him.

Just now, the speeches of the important personnel from Warsaw and the members of the Chopin International Piano Competition Organizing Committee had ended.

Next, this group of people handed the scene back to all the musicians.

The host walked onto the stage, bowed slightly to everyone, and after briefly introducing himself, he spoke to everyone.

"Next, I will introduce the members of the organizing committee of this competition! The members of our organizing committee this time will all be composed of the world's top Chopin performers!"

"First, Dmitry Alexeev!"

An old man sitting at the edge of the judges' seat stood up, bowed slightly to everyone, and slowly sat down.

Thunderous applause suddenly rang out in the concert hall!

The host waited for the applause to die down and continued to speak to everyone.

"Sa Chen!"

Chen Sa stood up from his seat and bowed slightly to everyone in an extremely casual manner.

He Shen glanced at Chen Sa and nodded silently.

Unfortunately, the two were too far apart and no one saw each other.

After all, one was in the center of the auditorium, where the overall sound could be heard very well.

The other was in the corner of the concert hall, close to the sound-absorbing wall.

They were not even on the same floor.

How could they see each other!

He Shen couldn't help but shake his head, leaning against the wall, watching the host read the names of the people below.

Unfortunately, He Shen didn't hear the names of several people who were called out in succession.

Until a particularly strange name, but the name that could be heard at a glance, appeared in the host's mouth.

"The champion of the 10th Chopin International Piano Competition, Dang Soe Son"

Strange accent, but the name of Dang Soe Son could be barely heard...

It even sounded a little like Deng Shansong?

He Shen immediately focused his attention on the person who stood up.

This person was smiling and gentle, and his gentleness made him feel like Dan Yi.

And this pure Asian face, if he was not from a small country next to China, with his name, He Shen would really think he was Chinese!

Deng Songshan bowed slightly to everyone, and the whole person looked particularly elegant and indifferent.

Just looking at him like this, you can't feel how powerful this person is at all, just like...

An ordinary old man next door?

There is very little artistic atmosphere on him.

Why did Dan Yi think that Deng Songshan was so strong and that he had a strong control over this game?

He looked very ordinary, right?

He Shen shook his head slightly, just remembering Deng Songshan in his heart for the time being, and looked at the judges who appeared next.

The judges read one by one, and finally, when they were about to finish, they read Argerich's name.

"Marta Argerich!"

Argerich slowly stood up from her seat and bowed slightly to everyone. The overflowing sense of art on her body almost overwhelmed everyone.

Just by looking at her, you can clearly feel the sense of art in her.

And the sacred feeling that seems to be talking to the gods!

This feeling made He Shen nod slightly.

Sure enough, it's no wonder that Argerich can become the representative of the last generation of pianists. Her strength is really not to be underestimated!

During the preparation for the competition, He Shen also listened to some Argerich's performance videos. In her performance in the video, she just waited for her to be ready and then started playing immediately.

She didn't give the audience any chance to prepare at all.

If this is actually fine, it might be very unpleasant to listen to?

However, Argerich's strength lies in that she can make unprepared audiences instantly attracted by the music she plays, and then stare at her and watch her performance.

This is her ability!

He Shen stood in the corner, looking at Argerich for a long time without saying a word, until all the judges were introduced, then he let go of his sight and looked at the stage.

At this moment, as the host spoke, five pianos were pushed onto the stage!

In addition to these five pianos, there were also several stools placed behind.

Just when everyone was wondering what this was for, several players with violins, violas, and cellos walked to the stage one by one.

And behind these people, followed by five judges!

Deng Songshan - 10th Chopin International Piano Competition, first place.

Kevin Kenner - 12th Chopin International Piano Competition, second place.

Philip Chiusiano - 13th Chopin International Piano Competition, second place.

Yuliana Avdeeva - 16th Chopin International Piano Competition, first place!

Zhao Zhencheng - 17th Chopin International Piano Competition, first place! ! !

He Shen's eyes immediately shrank slightly.

This group of people?

This group of people, not to mention Deng Songshan for the time being, the other few people, either the first place or the second place, what is this?

Sure enough, before He Shen's idea came out, the host standing on the side immediately spoke.

"Next, it is the opening performance of the opening concert of the Chopin International Piano Competition, the performance is..."

"J.S. Bach, BWV1065, Four Piano Concerto in A Minor."

"Robert Schumann, Piano Quintet in E-flat Major."

"Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor."

"Accompaniment Orchestra: Warsaw Wind Philharmonic Orchestra."

After that, she bowed slightly and quickly left the stage.

And just after she left, the judges on the scene immediately sat in their respective seats.

The people standing on the stage looked at each other, and then all their sights were focused on Deng Songshan.

Deng Songshan nodded gently to everyone, slowly raised his arm a little bit, and gently pressed it down.


An extremely brisk sound came out, extremely relaxed and happy.


Filled with the unique feeling of the Baroque period!

This feeling instantly hit He Shen, causing He Shen's pupils to slightly widen.

This, this performance?

He Shen lowered his head slightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

This group of people's performance is very good.

This is inevitable, after all, these people are either the first or second place in the Chopin International Piano Competition. If their performance level is not good enough, I really don't know who can.

The timbre in their performance is also very good, even He Shen felt that he was instantly hit by this timbre!

This timbre is so beautiful that he doesn't know what to say.

This is actually very normal, after all, Chopin is based on beauty.

But here comes the problem!

What these people played was not Chopin, but Bach's works from the Baroque period!

It was almost completely different from Chopin's works from the Romantic period!

He Shen's Baroque works were still at the level of Lv1-2 as a whole, and he practiced these works very little.

But he could still hear the strength of these people in front of him.

Especially Deng Songshan!

He was so old, and he didn't know how old he was.

His level had not declined at all!

Just Deng Songshan, just talking about Deng Songshan, the strength of his piece could definitely reach the level of Lv8!

That is, the peak level under the master level.

He Shen didn't know whether he could reach the master level.

After all, it was just an opening ceremony, and these people were just playing music!

It was still Deng Songshan, and he was looking at the score...

It was obvious that Deng Songshan didn't memorize the score at all. He probably had a little understanding of this work, but definitely not much.

He just looked at the score, leaning forward to look at it, and played Bach in front of everyone, half playing, half trying it out!

The others all did the same!

Just by looking at the score, they played a piece that was infinitely close to the Lv9 level.

These people were all just playing music, and the orchestra behind them was also playing music!

Really, playing music!

He Shen looked at this group of master-level figures and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Several other people, such as Zhao Zhencheng and Yuliana Avdeeva from the previous session, actually had obvious signs of serious practice.

But look at those people, look at those earlier.

Those master-level performers from about decades ago.

The traces left by the years on them were taken as experience and thoroughly absorbed by them.

This is the gap of decades, decades, the gap after years of precipitation!

This gap made He Shen sigh, looking at the increasingly excited Deng Songshan playing in front of him, and said slowly.

"This is..."

"Deng Songshan?"

Dan Yi, who was sitting in another corner, stared at Deng Songshan on the stage and slowly said.

He didn't know what attitude he should have towards Deng Songshan now.

He was a little confused for a while.

He always thought that it was difficult for Chinese people to enter the Chopin International Piano Competition because of Deng Songshan.

He thought that Deng Songshan was able to reach this point today because of the Chopin International Piano Competition Organizing Committee.

So many people followed Deng Songshan to learn.

He never expected that Deng Songshan was really capable!

Moreover, his strength was not weak, and it could even be said that he was very, very strong!

Dan Yi didn't know what to say for a while.

He looked at Deng Songshan, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

Then he shook his head helplessly, got up and left.

In any case, if you want to successfully enter the finals of the Chopin International Piano Competition, you will definitely encounter resistance from Deng Songshan's students.

This is unavoidable.

Since his piano playing ability is not as strong as Deng Songshan's now, he can only rely on some other experiences, such as the experience of bringing out Li Diyun and Chen Sa last time, to help He Shen as much as possible and win the championship of the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Dan Yi walked outside the concert hall, looked at the completely dark sky outside, and exhaled a breath of foul air.

This foul air turned into extremely white water mist in the dark night, and then slowly disappeared.

At the door of the concert hall, it seemed that the performances coming from the concert hall could still be heard.

And the cheers and applause of the crowd.

Dan Yi listened to the applause of these people and became more and more confused. He didn't know whether he could defeat Deng Songshan.

After all, he was just a very, very ordinary piano teacher who had only taught two or three world champions.

And Deng Songshan himself was a world champion!

He had taught more world champions in other competitions than himself.

He had worked much harder in the Chopin International Piano Competition than himself.

Can he really defeat him?

Can he really defeat him and his students with He Shen?

Dan Yi didn't know that he had no way out now and could only continue to move forward with his head held high.

After all, they were already on this road now.




A sound of footsteps came from behind Dan Yi, and a dark shadow gradually covered Dan Yi's body.

He Shen stood behind Dan Yi, looking at Dan Yi who was lowering his head and was obviously a little disappointed, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

He could probably guess that Dan Yi was distressed because of the matter of Deng Songshan.

He Shen had no way to deal with this kind of thing, so he could only reach out and pat Dan Yi's shoulder, looking at the moon covered by dark clouds above his head, and said casually.

"But teacher, it's okay, I will prove to everyone that you are a very, very strong teacher!"

"As long as I successfully win the Chopin International Piano Competition, no matter who it is, they will admit this..."

"You are the strongest instructor in the Chopin International Piano Competition!"

"And China will once again appear in front of everyone in the classical music world and tell them all."

"The Chinese can completely defeat you even in the field you are best at..."


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