The world's number one pianist

Chapter 217 This is He Shen!

He Shen only chose two Chopin piano etudes.

One is called Winter Wind, and the other is called Thirds.

These two Chopin etudes are the most difficult works among Chopin's etudes, almost comparable to Liszt's piano etudes.

And... the musicality contained in Chopin's works is much more than that contained in Liszt's early etudes.

After all, Chopin is a piano poet. In the process of music writing, the most important thing is to make music more musical.

Liszt is the king of piano, crushing everyone with his extremely strong skills.

This is the most significant difference between Liszt's early works and Chopin's early works.

When it comes to Liszt's late works, although he is still known for his extremely powerful skills, the kind of thinking about music contained in his music has become much more and deeper, just like his "Sonata in B Minor".

At that time, it is really hard to say who is better or worse between the two.

At least now, in the early days of the two of them, Chopin still has a little advantage in terms of musicality.

And this Chopin Winter Wind Etude is a perfect fusion of musicality and technique.

It contains both extremely rich techniques and even more indescribable musicality.

At the beginning, the simplest single note that almost any child can play appears.

If it is an ordinary person, the kind of ordinary person who has hardly heard of Chopin's works, may think that this song is too simple, basically the kind of I can do it.

However, this is just a beginning.

Just like the warm water at the beginning of boiling a frog in warm water.

The first eight bars are so simple that they can't be simpler.

It's just a most basic sound, the most basic main melody, which makes people unable to distinguish the horror behind it.

He Shen's hand slowly crawled over the piano, and the music flowed out of his palm.

His interpretation here is the same as the previous nocturne, without any difference.

At first glance, it doesn't sound particularly trembling.

However, the depth contained in the music can be heard very clearly.

People can be attracted by his interpretation as soon as they hear it.

At this time, the gap between ordinary performers and big-name performers is reflected.

Just like ordinary people, they may just press such a simple sound and be done with it.

But He Shen did not.

He was thinking, thinking about what he wanted to express at the beginning.

It is a piece of tenderness and warmth.

It is the kind of warmth that is warm in a cabin in the woods among the Mantian University.

And this warmth will be the most determined flame after his work, and it will not be extinguished by anything.

Small, but extremely firm.

This is what he wants to describe!


After the eighth section, He Shen pulled the water temperature to the highest place and slowly stopped.

Just like a roller coaster, it stopped at the highest point.

Everyone, everyone present, they all knew what would happen next.

A long series of performances that tested the performer's skills.

Notes like a volcano car sliding down.

If the snow on the snowy mountain in winter is as heavy as a knife!

Everyone knows, everyone has heard this piece.

Then next...

He Shen took a deep breath, raised his arms, and leaned forward slightly.

At this time, everyone was watching him play, and his fingers pressed down suddenly.


Snowstorm broke out!

The blizzard hit the forest hut deep in the snow.

Extremely powerful, extremely explosive!

This tension that almost swallowed everyone made it difficult for them to breathe for a while.



The music fell from the sky like a blizzard, making the bodies of everyone around them cold.

Their eyes were full of shock.

Some judges sitting in the back couldn't help but light up their eyes.

This playing method? This playing technique?

They used to think that He Shen might be a person who was particularly good at this kind of slow movement, with a particularly delicate musical language and liked to make a fuss about details.

But they didn't expect that He Shen could do so well in this place, in this place where emotional outbursts are particularly needed!

Unlike the previous outburst that was slowly lifted up and laid out for who knows how long.

This one, the emotions burst out at the very beginning!

This feeling?

Everyone opened their mouths, not knowing what to say for a while.

This performance technique, this interpretation of music, is really great!

Perfect, especially perfect, without any mistakes.

Just like Chopin himself playing!

Pure, especially pure!

Completely separate yourself from the music, let yourself become Chopin, let Chopin play on your behalf.

Is this the direction of He Shen?

The music kept moving forward, and more and more judges were moved.

The level of this performance is really too strong!

If they were to feel it, they felt that He Shen's performance was basically at the master level.

If the judges were from recent years, such as the contestants from the previous session, the second and third place winners might not even be as good as He Shen now!

Unless it was a long time ago, such as a few decades ago, the strongest contestants of that generation, it would be possible to reach He Shen's level.

The peak of the master level, the level of normal performance of the most powerful masters, such as Argerich, Zimmermann, Richter, and these LvEX-level pianists in concerts.

And these levels, in the eyes of others, are actually very strong!

After all, most of He Shen's current works, such as the one that He Shen is about to play in the finals, Chopin's First Piano Concerto, have reached the level of the first in China.

There are also some other works, which are basically the first and second in China.

Even He Shen's overall level, the level of all Chopin's works combined, including those that He Shen is not good at and has not played much.

The level of all these works combined has reached the level of the top 100 in the world!

Among the younger generation, that is, those under 30 years old, including all the previous champions who have not yet reached 30 years old.

He Shen's level may have really reached the top ten in the world.

This is He Shen's current level!

Some judges looked at He Shen and didn't know what to say.

This level, this strength?

He is definitely qualified to win the Chopin International Piano Competition!

Except for judges like Deng Songshan, who have high requirements for personal presence, they don't like He Shen's performance very much.

The other judges have basically given He Shen a score in advance.

A few people gave a high score of 25 points.

Most people gave 24 and 23.

This is what they think is the most appropriate score!

Deng Songshan and others who have high requirements for the performers in music, after hesitating for a moment, finally gave He Shen a score of 23.

This score is the highest score they can give.

It's not that He Shen's performance is bad, but they really don't suit their appetite.

For example, if someone likes to eat sweet tofu pudding, then he goes to the shop that sells the best salty tofu pudding in China to eat it.

Yes, this shop makes really good tofu pudding, really, really great!

But... I don't like it!

There's nothing we can do about it...

They can only give a slightly higher score, not a full score.

After all, this thing is really too unpalatable.

And the judges who wrote down He Shen's score couldn't help but lean back on their chairs and watch He Shen's performance with a smile.

They don't have to think about it anymore, He Shen's performance is absolutely very, very good, very, very great!

There is no doubt about this!

Unless He Shen is like the previous contestant, and suddenly forgets how to play the piece after playing it halfway.

Otherwise, their scores will not change.

With the two outstanding performances in the front as the foundation, how can the back be worse, right?

The musicality of the piece, the harmony of the piece, and the musical color of the piece are all performed vividly by He Shen.

Each of his performances, to those who know the subject, sounded like an ink painting from China.

One more point is more, one less point is less.

In a casual way, he interpreted Chopin perfectly.

This level of performance can even be directly called the best of the day.

There is no other need to consider.

Deng Songshan looked at He Shen, touched his chin, and showed a trace of regret in his eyes.

It was a pity that He Shen was not his student. He had visited China before, and no one he had contacted had ever mentioned He Shen.

In addition, his base camp was not in China at all, so it was difficult to have the opportunity to meet He Shen.

This time he directly missed a very good student.

If He Shen asked him to teach, he felt that he should be able to teach better than Dan Yi, so that He Shen could go more smoothly in the Chopin International Piano Competition!


Deng Songshan shook his head.

In He Shen's performance, he could feel that He Shen's part was very small, no different from the preliminaries.

Basically, the works that He Shen interprets have the most of Chopin's own feelings.

The feeling that is unique to He Shen is very, very rare, so rare that it is a bit pitiful, and he doesn't know what to say.

He personally doesn't like this feeling very much.

The people in the past are gone, and the works they interpret should be interpreted according to the ideas of the people in the past.

However, this piece should be played by them, not by the people in the past.

So there must be more of his own thoughts in the work!

Otherwise, what is the meaning of this Chopin International Piano Competition? Isn't it just an ordinary imitation competition?

Unfortunately, this is his idea, and his slightly extreme idea can only be said to occupy about 20% among so many judges.

Most people belong to the middle school. If you play well, you will be given points.

And a smaller group of people, about 10% of the judges, think that your music must be infinitely close to Chopin's interpretation.

He Shen's performance is good, but it's a pity that the score is not as high as he thought.

If He Shen is his student, it would be great...

Deng Songshan thought of this and shook his head, putting this idea aside.

Now is a competition, not a scene to recruit students.

And if he is right, even if He Shen continues to study with the world's top piano educators, he will not be able to learn from him.

If you miss it, you miss it.

Deng Songshan let his eyes go and casually swept over He Shen, without any regrets in his eyes.

He has let it go.

The other judges are the same.

Argerich looked at He Shen and just nodded silently.

In such a short few days, He Shen's performance has improved a little more.

In other words, He Shen had been very restrained in his selection of songs in the previous preliminaries, and now was the time for him to officially show his full strength.

And He Shen's performance did not exceed his expectations.

It was almost at the master level.

Among these contestants this year, there are probably many who can approach the master level with a single song.

The overall selection of songs is all at the master level, and there should be one student of Deng Songshan and Kyohei Fantian from Japan.

And Kyohei Fantian's performance is too sweet, so sweet that Deng Songshan, who pursues a personal style, can't accept it.

Now, it depends on who can explode!

Argerich thought about it, couldn't help but smile, and shook his head helplessly.

Forget about the explosion, it's too unreliable.

Everyone turned their eyes to He Shen and admired his performance.

Although they wanted to find faults to see if there were any mistakes in He Shen's performance.

Unfortunately, no matter how they looked at it, there were none.

All the basic problems did not occur.

Even the fingers didn't touch the wrong notes...

There was almost no problem with the balance of the music.

Basically, there was a problem with personal style.

Some judges liked this style, while some judges didn't like this style, that's all.

Everyone watched He Shen's performance quietly. After watching him play Chopin's Winter Wind, he paused for a while and then played the third etude.

Still powerful, still impeccable, a master-level performance!

This level is very, very powerful...

Everyone was numb and didn't want to talk at all. They just watched He Shen and his fingers running wildly on the piano.

The fingers played quickly and staggered, almost tangled together.

Even so, He Shen didn't have any problems at all.

Steady, especially steady.

Just like a bulldozer, he moved forward on the ground very steadily, not giving others any chance to resist.

This feeling gradually changed the faces of some judges.

They thought of Zimmermann, Argerich, and Pollini.

Back then, under the pressure of these people, they had no room to resist and were crushed.

This feeling had not been felt for a long time, so long that they had forgotten it.

But at this moment, they all recalled the fear of being crushed by a true genius.

"So, this is a genius?"

Everyone looked at He Shen with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say for a while.

If this level can be maintained until the second round, the third round, and even the finals...

Then the He Shen in front of him really has a chance to win the championship.

Completely, the champion!

He Shen ignored the judges sitting on the side, he just looked at his hands seriously and thought about his own interpretation of music.

Let his music continue to flow, from the piano, to the entire concert hall.

Without any pause, it gradually filled the entire concert hall.

And after the third practice, He Shen's next piece, Chopin's Second Piano Ballade, made people speechless.

There is still no problem.

The judges, the audience, they are all a little numb.

The first piece, strong.

The second piece, so strong.

The third piece, what the hell? How can it be so strong.

When it comes to the fourth piece, everyone is too lazy to say anything, and even their expressions have become a little dull.

He Shen's performance in this first round of the competition is so strong that they can't describe it in words.

This level of performance is basically the strongest among all the contestants.

It may even be the strongest level.

At this level, no matter what they say, it seems particularly powerless, and even feels unnecessary.

Everyone's expressions are numb, and they are completely shattered by He Shen's interpretation of music. There is no thought of resistance at all.

Just sitting on the chair, listening to He Shen's performance, until the end.


With the appearance of the final form of Chopin's Second Piano Ballade, the music ushered in the end.

At this time, everyone realized that He Shen's performance had ended.

It was as if nothing had happened, as if time had just disappeared.

He Shen had actually finished his performance.

At this time, everyone realized how powerful and unimaginable He Shen's performance was.

He Shen slowly closed his eyes and listened to the piano sound, the last echo in the concert hall.

As the last trace of sound dissipated, He Shen stood up, walked to the front of the concert hall, and bowed slightly to everyone.


Applause rang out instantly.





The cheers of the crowd came one after another, not caring that this was a game, not a concert.

Because He Shen's interpretation deserved their greatest applause and the greatest cheers to praise He Shen's interpretation.

He Shen bowed slightly to everyone, reached out to pick up the hand towel on the piano, turned around and walked slowly towards the stairs, and walked to the back of the stage amid the applause of everyone.

At this moment, the next contestant was already standing at the door waiting for his turn. When he saw He Shen coming down, his face turned pale instantly.

He Shen's performance directly heated up the whole venue.

If he couldn't control this venue, then he might just...

be eliminated!

Thinking of this, the next contestant's face became even more miserable, and he didn't know whether he should go up for a while.

He Shen stood at the entrance of the concert hall, looking at the long guns and short guns surrounding him, shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand and patted the pale-faced contestant next to him, and said lightly.

"Come on!"

After that, he returned to the lounge, took out a lollipop, opened the package, and put it in his mouth.

Under the gaze of everyone, he left the contestant's backstage.

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