The world's number one pianist

Chapter 243 Deng Songshan, join us!

As the time gets closer to the finals of the Chopin International Piano Competition, more and more people are beginning to set their sights on the city hosting the Chopin International Piano Competition.


And, those who are preparing to participate in the Chopin International Piano Competition.

I don’t know when, but the heads of all the contestants have been placed in every corner of the city by the staff of the Chopard International Piano Organizing Committee.

No matter where you are, you are bound to see photos of certain players.

Twelve contestants, some serious, some smiling, some friendly...

Every player has their own characteristics. As long as you see them for the first time, you can feel the different feelings they give everyone.

Even if you are looking for a toilet on the roadside, you might be able to find photos of certain players near or inside the toilet.

Of course, there are some malicious GG dealers who will put photos and personal information of players in the toilet.

In this way, those who go to the toilet can completely pass the time while looking at the profiles of everyone in front of them while going to the toilet.

Like the more advanced toilets, they will even put professional players inside to play the highlight moments of each player in turn when everyone goes to the toilet.

This is not only the effort made by Warsaw, but also the joint efforts of other sponsors.

After all, these sponsors have invested in this game, and all of them are looking forward to what kind of benefits this game can bring them.

It is precisely because of their efforts that this game can almost be regarded as the most famous game in the world and the most commercial game.

All those who want to learn piano will know about this game.

Everyone can guess that as long as He Shen and the other twelve people can get the ranking, let alone the first place.

Even the top six will definitely be signed by various brokerage companies to prepare for subsequent music activities.

Not only that, there will also be offers from major symphony orchestras around the world to these contestants.

As long as these players can get a good ranking, they will invite him to their territory to perform Chopin's works.

At that time, these players will not have to rush to apply for top orchestras and apply to cooperate with them.

These top bands will come to them themselves, invite them to be guests, and play music according to their ideas.

All of this, if you have not truly entered the world's top music competitions and have not won awards in these world's top music competitions, there is no way to get it.

After all, only the top players are eligible to enjoy these privileges.

If you don't even have the qualifications to enter the world stage, never think about these top bands paying any more attention to you!

Hmm...not rigorous enough!

If you spend money to buy their band, you can also make the band think more of you.

After all, this is an orchestra controlled by management.

In addition to the orchestra, the tickets for the finals of the Chopin International Piano Competition were sold out in advance.

In the few seconds it took to go on sale, the tickets for the Chopin International Piano Competition were completely sold out.

No classical music lover is willing to miss such a top event.

And now it is the final competition. On the last night of the finals, the Chopin International Piano Competition will completely determine the winner, the final champion!

Let all classical music and piano lovers around the world know who these new players who have stepped onto the world-class stage are qualified to do so!

All the judges are also quickly sorting out the music scores and making final adjustments.

This is already the final game, and they need to give those players what they think is the fairest score at this final stage.

Therefore, even if they are already familiar with the music score, they will look at it a little more at this time.

This is to prevent the player from playing correctly, but you think that the other person's performance is wrong, resulting in the two not reaching a consensus, and giving a very poor score to such a strong player.

The same is true for Deng Songshan, who has been a judge for countless times and has brought out countless top six players in the Chopin International Piano Competition.

He sat slowly on a chair in his small house, which was awarded by the Warsaw authorities, listening to the Chopin No. 1 and No. 2 pianos interpreted by other top pianists in the world. concerto.

He was almost done listening to these things, and even when listening, he could feel with incomparable precision what he was thinking when playing every note, and what the markings on Chopin's original score were. .

From this we can conclude why this performer wanted to interpret Chopin in this way.

He just sat on the chair, squinting his eyes slightly, feeling the warmth of the sun shining on him outside the window.

Just when he was extremely relaxed and almost fell asleep to the music, the doorbell outside his door suddenly rang.

Deng Songshan was slightly stunned, and looked at his door. He frowned and thought for a while, but no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't figure out when he had an appointment with a new guest.

This time is very sensitive. There are so many strange people around these judges.

It may be candidates with ulterior motives, reporters who want to catch these judges manipulating the competition, or some other people.

These people stayed around his house, making him afraid to go out.

Who would want to come to his place at this time?

He frowned and thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of any information about the visitor.

Hearing three more knocks on the door, Deng Songshan sighed, got up from the chair, walked to the door, and looked outside through the cat's eye at the door.

Outside the door was a person he didn't know at all. Judging from his appearance, he was a Chinese.

Even a bald head?

No, that's not right. It's not a bald head. It seems that there are two or three hairs on it!

This person...

No matter how hard Deng Songshan thought, he couldn't figure out what this person had to do with him.

He took a few steps back and asked in a deep voice.


"I'm Zhou San, the principal of Jiangzhou Music School in Huaguo. I came to visit you!"

Outside the door, a slightly high-pitched voice sounded, followed by the sound of rubbing his head.

Zhou San rubbed his head and smiled at Deng Songshan in the room.

"I came to visit you, but you don't even want to open the door? This makes me so sad!

The glory of Asia, actually didn't even think of opening the door to the principal of the top music school in Asia...

You really make me so sad..."

Before the voice was finished, Deng Songshan's face sank, stretched out his hand to open the door, looked at Zhou San outside the door, and couldn't help frowning.

"Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music? I haven't heard of it. There is no such top conservatory of music in Asia!"

"Of course, there is no such top conservatory of music in Asia, but it will be there soon!"

Zhou San held Deng Songshan's hand that wanted to close the door, smiled at him, and walked into Deng Songshan's room.

He looked around Deng Songshan's house in Warsaw, nodded and praised.

"Not bad, full of the 1980s and 1990s, old island style, it would be better if the decoration could be more fashionable!"

"Who are you! Why did you come to me?"

Deng Songshan looked at Zhou San who broke into his house, and was a little unsure.

A person who claimed to be the principal of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music in China suddenly came to his house and evaluated his house.

What exactly does this person want to do?

Zhou San turned his head with a smile, looked at Deng Songshan, and spoke slowly.

"I told you, I'm the president of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music. Although this conservatory of music has not been established yet, it will be soon. I've prepared everything almost!"

"Not established yet, but prepared...almost?" Deng Songshan closed the door and looked at Zhou San in front of him, uncertain.

"Yes, I'm almost ready!"

Zhou San found a seat to sit down. He didn't sit in the seat Deng Songshan had sat in before, but found a seat that was obviously a guest seat. He looked at Deng Songshan and continued.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm the president of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, and also the president of He Shen. I'm He Shen's leader, and he's my subordinate."

"He Shen? Is..."

"Yes, He Shen! It's the He Shen you saw before, the one who won the first place in the third round and directly suppressed your apprentice!"

Zhou San reached out and took out a document from his bag, handed it to Deng Songshan in front of him, and continued.

"Deng Songshan, I know you. You are very famous in our Asian piano circle and even in the global classical piano circle. You have also given lectures at the Huaguo Conservatory of Music and Haicheng Conservatory of Music before, and finally became an honorary professor at the Huaguo Conservatory of Music!

But you never returned to China in the later period. You put your teaching focus on Maple Leaf Country, a country that relies on the United States!

Although this country is not very well-known, there are really many pianists in it!

But this is not the point. My point is...

You have been away from China for so long, and your reputation as an honorary professor at the Huaguo Conservatory of Music is only in name. So have you ever considered coming to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music to serve as our honorary professor?"

Zhou San looked at Deng Songshan in front of him with a smile, pushed the documents on the table to him, and said slowly.

"Although our Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music has not been established yet, it will be soon. The procedures in China have been completed. Now we just need to wait for the best time to announce it.

During the He Shen competition, I also traveled to several other countries and found teachers from several other top art schools. I invited them to return to our school to become honorary teachers, or... in-service professors!

You have to know that in the place where you are now, many very powerful teachers have a hard time getting the chance to move to a higher level. They are just ordinary lecturers now.

The professors above have not died yet, and their positions have not been resigned. These professors who have not died occupy the positions, making it impossible for the associate professors below to be promoted.

After the associate professors below cannot be promoted, the lecturers have no hope. There are even some old Jiang teachers who have been lingering in the lecturer position for decades, almost in their sixties, waiting for the death of the associate professors above!

After evaluation, our Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music gave these lecturers very generous conditions. Nearly a hundred lecturers who are particularly powerful but relatively young associate professors above were recruited to form a new team together!

The team is mainly composed of young teachers from various countries!

A team that is particularly young but full of people in the court!

Now we are still short of some old artists who can calm down the scene to help us shock the scene. Now... I found you!

I don’t know if you are willing? "

Zhou San smiled at Deng Songshan in front of him, with his hands on his knees, waiting for Deng Songshan's response.

Deng Songshan looked at Zhou San in front of him, and then glanced at the side, where there were many names of very young instrument lecturers written all night.

Lecturers from various places and majors.

A very young team with strong strength.

He couldn't even see the meaning of his existence in this team.

There were even some names on it that were stronger than his own!

However, he didn't refuse immediately. It wasn't that Zhou San said that he needed to be the stabilizing force for this school so that others couldn't have any ideas about this school.

What he noticed was that Zhou San had just said something.

He Shen is the core!

He sat back in his seat, looked at Zhou San, and asked slowly.

"You just said, He Shen is the core?"

"Yes, He Shen is the core, the core of our Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music! Everything is just waiting for that time, when He Shen completely wins the championship! "

Zhou San grinned: "Don't you think He Shen can't win the championship?"

"Or do you think He Shen can't win the championship? You and those behind you who stubbornly believe that Chopin should have the performer's own thoughts and want to control the Chopin International Piano Competition to go according to your ideas.

Can you make all the judges not vote for He Shen and prevent him from winning the championship?

Or, let your two disciples get the first and second place?

Do you think... are they really qualified? "

Zhou San just smiled and looked at Deng Songshan, without saying a word, just looking at him.

Deng Songshan also looked at Zhou San, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Manipulating the game?

Yes, Deng Songshan did admit that he had the idea of ​​manipulating the game.

That was when he was in the first and second rounds, he wanted to get the Chopin International Piano Competition back to normal.

Before 2000, all the champions selected in the Chopin International Piano Competition were players with a strong personal style.

Almost all of the players of their generation are people who lead an entire era!

For example, he, Argerich, Zimmermann and others...

Everyone has become a world-class pianist.

But now?

After 2000, there are not many particularly powerful pianists. Why is this?

There is only one reason, those people began to think that Chopin should be like Chopin and interpret the feeling of Chopin. !

So, he wanted to set things right and get the Chopin International Piano Competition back on track, back to the era when all the contestants showed their brilliance.

He did admit that he manipulated the competition, but he also had to say that.

In the third round, he had completely given up manipulating the competition.

He Shen's strength was too strong, which made him see hope again, the hope of becoming a world-class pianist with the pure Chopin.

He even felt that He Shen might be the next Horowitz!

The world's number one pianist of that era!

Deng Songshan looked at Zhou San in front of him, slowly stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside the house.

There were many people outside the house, and from time to time some people would look at the window of the room where Deng Songshan was now.

Deng Songshan looked at these people and slowly spoke.

"You are right, we can't stop He Shen from becoming the first in the Chopin International Piano Competition!

As long as He Shen's piano concerto in the finals is not as bad as the last one!

Then, he has a chance to become the first and the champion of this Chopin International Piano Competition!

But you are wrong about one thing. We don't want the Chopin International Piano Competition to proceed according to our ideas. We just want to set things right!"

Deng Songshan turned around and walked to the contract in front of him. He didn't even look at the contract, about the benefits he could get in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music in the future, and just signed it.

Deng Songshan looked at the document he signed, sighed, picked up the document in front of him, threw it to the smiling Zhou San, and said coldly.

"I agreed to your invitation, but it's not because of your threat. Your threat has no effect on me. It's just because I'm a little tired of it.

Especially when I saw the Chopin International Piano Competition, which was all the same and had no characteristics at all.

The main reason why I agreed to your invitation was only one.

That was He Shen!

I want to see how far your so-called Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music can go under the leadership of you and He Shen!

Can it become the world's top conservatory of music as you said! "

After saying that, Deng Songshan stretched out his hand to open the door and stretched out his hand to the outside.

Zhou San did not care that Deng Songshan changed his previous "Asia's top conservatory of music" to "world's top conservatory of music". He just smiled and picked up everything on the table. After taking away all the evidence, he rubbed his bald head with two or three hairs left, walked to the door, and bowed slightly to Deng Songshan.

"Thank you for joining us. After the competition, we will meet in Jiangzhou, Deng Songshan... Teacher? "

Zhou San blinked at Deng Songshan, rubbing his bald head while walking away.

Soon, he disappeared from Deng Songshan's sight.

Deng Songshan looked at Zhou San's departing back, his expression did not change at all.

He just saw too many great names, in addition to those young musicians, there were also a few names of old friends that he was particularly familiar with.

For example...

Marta Argerich!

This Zhou San, before coming to invite him, had already invited Argerich to join his small music school in advance.

Although , Argerich should only be a figurehead and will not participate in teaching activities.

However, being able to have Argerich listed in their school means that their school must have something extraordinary.

It is definitely not what Zhou San is describing now!

Zhou San took the file to a corner where no one noticed, and looked at the densely packed names on it, with a slight smile on his lips.

Everything is complete.

Just waiting for He Shen's championship!

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