The world's number one pianist

Chapter 260 Are you kidding me? That’s it?

With the end of He Shen's concert, He Shen's reputation instantly spread to the surrounding areas with Jiangzhou as the core.

Moreover, it did not stay near Jiangzhou. It soon spread to all parts of China.

Gradually, all people in China who are interested in classical music know one thing.

That is, a particularly awesome person has returned.

The champion of the last Chopin International Piano Competition!

He Shen!

A top master who has been accumulating for four years!

He Shen alone has been accumulating in various parts of Europe for a full four years.

After absorbing the understanding and experience of countless top musicians for music.

With an unparalleled attitude, he stands on the Jiangzhou Grand Theater!

Announce to the people of China and even the world.

Chinese classical music is not without successors!

After Lang Liangyue, another top pianist is about to appear on the world stage.

And all those who are fighting on the classical music stage.

Face to face.

No matter if they are younger than He Shen, similar to He Shen, or older than He Shen.

There is no age on the world classical music stage.

It is not because you are young that I look up to you.

Not at all!

In this battlefield, everyone can only rely on their own strength.

Their strength as musicians.

Everything is determined by their own strength.

Moreover, the market for classical music is constantly weakening.

And those who stand in this market are becoming stronger and stronger.

Only stronger and stronger performers can gain more status in this weakening market.

This is an extreme involution.

The involution that develops everyone towards the direction of elitism.

Some people who originally had difficulty in getting food in this market couldn't help but look ugly.

They may have had no food to eat, and finally got a little bit of food and clothing in front of them. Now there is another top boss who wants to grab their jobs.

Those who have already eaten have even uglier faces.

This means that their market will become smaller.

If they are the kind of people who come out after winning the game, they don't really care. After all, those people are young and need to settle down.

And these constant performances around the world make it easy for them to not be able to settle down completely.

Therefore, the possibility of these people becoming top pianists is not particularly strong.

Maybe after a while of being in the limelight, they were attracted by the temptations around them, gave up continuing to learn piano, and turned to the entertainment industry.

Therefore, these people are not particularly competitive with them.

But He Shen is like this.

He settled down seriously, did not conduct any concert activities, and did not make any music-related sounds.

He is the only one who follows musicians all over Europe and keeps learning their strengths and their understanding of music.

This kind of person is very scary!

Terrible to the extreme.

Once this kind of person appears, as long as he can ensure that his artistic career path is normal and will not be attracted or disturbed by the outside world.

Then this kind of person can definitely be regarded as the top pianist!

This kind of person can definitely get a huge share of the pie in this market!

Before their faces became particularly ugly, magazines all over the world began to publish comments on He Shen's performance.

The editor-in-chief of the top music magazine in China, Philharmonic, spoke directly.

"He Shen's performance this time is almost the most powerful one I have ever seen among the younger generation!"

"I don't know what other people think of He Shen, but for me, He Shen's music has reached a very mature stage."

"What he is doing now is to broaden his music line, to contact and understand some music levels that he has not touched before."

"In this concert, he showed all of us his understanding of Chopin, Bach, and Beethoven."

"Bach and Beethoven, in fact, for me, can only be regarded as world-class level, which sounds very good. But it is definitely not the world's top."

"But! He Shen's Chopin has definitely reached the world's top level!"

"Around the world, there are many people who can play He Shen's Chopin. "There are only 100 top pianists in the last century, that is, the 20th century, who are good at playing Chopin and playing it perfectly. "

"No one else can compare to He Shen!"

"Whether it is the champion of the last session, Zhao Zhencheng, or the previous session, the previous session!"

"I can even say that even Li Diyun's Chopin, the current level may not be as strong as He Shen!"

"If we only talk about Chopin, He Shen is definitely not at the level of an ordinary pianist now."

"He is a piano master!"

"I can say without exaggeration that He Shen is a piano master! A piano master in the direction of Chopin! No one can surpass He Shen at the level of Chopin, no one!"

"Even Lang Liangyue, he can't do it."

"If I were asked to choose the best Chopin player in the 21st century, I would not have to think about it at all. I could just announce it to everyone."

"He Shen is the best Chopin player among the greatest pianists in the 21st century!"

"No one else!"

"This is not flattery. This is something I can tell from my years of listening to music!"

"I bought a live recording of He Shen produced by Deutsche Grammophon, DG."

"I can clearly hear the progress He Shen has made in the past four years."

"The speed of progress is so fast!" Fast, and is constantly improving!"

"I have reason to believe that after a few years, when He Shen becomes a mature pianist, He Shen's understanding of Chopin will definitely reach a new level!"

"This is He Shen!"

"If He Shen holds a pure concert with only Chopin in the future, I am willing to pay a high price to buy a front-row ticket to support He Shen!"

"After all, the only person who can play Chopin like this nowadays is probably He Shen!"


The editor-in-chief of "Philharmonic" magazine praised He Shen on a whole page.

This page did not publish anything else, just a very simple news.

He Shen, awesome!

He Shen's Chopin is awesome to the extreme!

It's so awesome that he doesn't know how to brag about it, he can only say awesome!

After this set of speeches, everyone was dizzy.

It feels inexplicably that He Shen seems to have become a top pianist.

Then, it seems that he is still going to be deified.

For a while, a bunch of people couldn't help but question the official WeChat account of Philharmonic.

"Is it really that amazing? Is it just an exaggeration? Are they charging money?"

"Is Philharmonic also encouraged to charge money? Is it really that good?"

"I think this is a scam. The first concert after returning to China, there is no information at all. It just allows those music academies and those music magazines to listen. It looks weird no matter how you look at it."

"Yes, I asked a scalper last time if I could get the ticket and how much it would cost. The scalper directly said 10,000 yuan!"

"Fuck, is this scalper crazy about money, or is this scalper also hired by He Shen to exaggerate him?"

"I think it's also hype. How can the ticket for this concert cost 10,000 yuan! This is too expensive. Even if some other masters perform, the ticket price seems to be about 3,000 or 4,000 yuan. This It's already high!"

"This is definitely a premium. This price is probably because there are not many tickets circulating outside. That's why it's so high."

"So, how well He Shen plays depends entirely on these magazines?"


"Does anyone know the reviews of other magazines?"

"Just now, the Yellow River magazine next door also published a report about He Shen, which is opposite to the report of the Philharmonic, but..."

"But what? Tell me quickly!"

"But, well, that is, I can't tell whether this opposite is good or bad."

Without any hesitation, everyone went directly from the public account of the Philharmonic magazine to the public account of the Yellow River according to the guidance of others.

However, when they saw the title of the public account for the first time, they all had goose bumps.

Compared with the "subtlety" of the Philharmonic, the Yellow River seems to be more "passionate and unrestrained"!

The title of the Yellow River is very direct and naked.

"He Shen, the hope for the future of classical Chinese piano music!"

"Yesterday, I received an invitation from He Shen and Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music to attend a concert by He Shen at Jiangzhou Grand Theater."

"I thought that this concert might be just an ordinary concert, nothing special, just to show everyone that a certain pianist might start a musical activity."

"Even if this person is He Shen, I don't care much, after all, He Shen is nothing."

"Since he won the Chopin International Piano Competition four years ago, he has not appeared. I even thought that he gave up everything about music after winning the honor."

"Then, when I heard his music, I was stunned and even cried!"

"At the moment when He Shen pressed the piano keys, I seemed to be able to feel God's call. Call! My soul is almost enough to ascend!"

"Holy, peaceful, my mind has completely no room for any music except this Goldberg Variations!"

"He Shen's music has almost reached the realm of perfection, so perfect that people are willing to indulge in his beauty."

"He Shen's understanding of music is beautiful. He requires that music must be beautiful. That's why he is so gentle when interpreting music."

"Simply, beautiful to the bone!"

"Then, the author personally thinks that He Shen is a gentle player. His favorite thing about music is just gentleness. In addition to gentleness, he doesn't have any other extra ideas."

"But the facts prove that it's wrong!"

"He Shen's second Beethoven, like half a slap, slapped directly to my face, tell me something."

"His music has no restrictions!"

"Everything about him serves the music itself, not himself."

"Intense, explosive, full of contrasts, and extremely emotional!"

"Beethoven, who was like a king, completely broke my nerves. I had no idea at all to think about anything else."

"There are only two words in my mind."

"So strong!"

"He Shen's ability to control emotions is the best I have ever seen among the younger generation!"

"He Shen let Beethoven's emotions shake everyone in the concert hall when they were released."

"It's like an army is half-pressed, and no one can resist at all in the face of this situation."

"We can only sit there quietly and let our spirits knead at will under the extremely strong emotions."

"Pinched under me, unable to move."

"After listening to it, when I heard the closing gesture of parting the clouds and seeing the blue sky, I instantly became energetic!"

"A chilling feeling arises spontaneously!"

"It's as refreshing as sucking a whole bowl of jelly in the summer!"

"It's hard to express this kind of joy in words."

"Everything can only be experienced through music."

"Chopin behind He Shen is more powerful and can move the emotions of all the audience more clearly."

"It's just a pity that I no longer have the energy to appreciate He Shen's interpretation of Chopin."

"After listening to Beethoven, the author was completely exhausted and unable to extricate himself."

"He Shen's Bach and Beethoven are not weak compared to his Chopin!"

"It's even said that you can still get a very high position among the young generation!"

"If He Shen can continue to improve, he will definitely be the first among the young generation in China!"

"I am willing to give He Shen 5 points for this concert. The last 5 points are just because He Shen arranged this concert too fullly, and I was unable to enjoy the countless highlights that followed."

"If you are interested, you can definitely go to He Shen's concert."

“Definitely something that everyone can relate to a little bit.”

"That's... a worthwhile trip!"


From what follows, I will basically praise He Shen’s concert.

Everyone looked at the editor of "Yellow River" with extremely strange expressions.

Is this "Yellow River" which proposes completely opposite opinions to "Philharmonic"?

You call this a contrary opinion?

The first person thought He Shen's Beethoven Bach was terrible, while the latter person thought He Shen's Beethoven Bach was very powerful.

You call this a contrary opinion?

Don’t these two things mean the same thing?

Everyone is numb

The two largest music magazines in China have fallen.

He began to praise He Shen, saying that He Shen was the number one pianist in China.

For a moment, everyone didn't know whether they should believe these people or not.

Because there is another possibility...

Is it He Shen who bought all these two major magazines?

Maybe? Maybe someone is rich and willful?

However, following a series of announcements, they became completely uneasy.

Local music magazines from various places began to promote He Shen's concerts.

He Shen's concert invited a wide range of people, including music conservatories in every major state, as well as local music magazines.

Therefore, there are no exceptions for these local music magazines.

All of them were playing He Shen. This concert was truly a grand event!

Occasionally, some people may feel that there is a slight flaw in He Shen's concert, that is, the final Rachmaninoff is not as good as the previous Chopin.

It's just a very ordinary Rachmaninoff, which can be regarded as about 90 points.

Compared with other 100-point or 99-point works, it seems a little bit inferior after all.

When these words came out, they obviously seemed like criticism, but they almost didn't make those people's backs flinch.

If a normal person can play a piece with a score of 90, he can basically play for a long time.

What kind of concert do you have now, where a piece with a score of 90 points was played, and it turned out to be a failure?

Is this justified?

Is there any royal method for this?

Everyone looked at this local magazine, felt dissatisfied, and immediately closed it.

Out of sight is pure.

After all, such people are only a minority. Most people just play He Shen's music normally and played very powerfully in this concert.

Gradually, everyone came to their senses.

There is absolutely no need to buy the style of this kind of magazine for classical music. It is a niche direction in the first place. Why should I buy the style of this kind of magazine?

By then, the money earned from performing concerts will not be enough to buy those magazines, right?

Just losing money?

Totally unnecessary.

Moreover, He Shen is not the kind of person who holds one media concert but no other concerts.

It is obvious that after He Shen finishes this concert, he will definitely give other concerts.

When the time comes, it’s best to take a look.

Just one look at it, no matter what kind of player it is, can definitely reveal its own strength.

The masses are not blind. You are really not good at playing. Is it possible that there are still people who will compliment you?

When the time comes, don't flatter others and become a joke yourself.

The reputations of so many magazines have been built up with great difficulty, and it is unlikely that He Shen will destroy the reputations of everyone just because of one person.


He Shen's second concert after this media concert.

A concert officially open to all classical music lovers in China, ticket sales have begun.

Just three minutes after tickets for He Shen's concert began to go on sale.

More than a thousand chapter tickets, all gone!

This is still under the restriction that one ID card can only purchase one ticket on the official website of Jiangzhou Grand Theater Concert Hall.

If buying is liberalized, everyone can buy at will without restrictions on ID cards.

It doesn’t take three minutes at all, it can be sold out in just a few seconds!

This is the effect He Shen has brought about under the spontaneous publicity of countless media.

Many people who originally thought that classical music was not particularly popular slowly opened the ticket sales website and looked at the sold-out pictures on it. They were dumbfounded.

etc? Where do I have so many votes?

Doesn’t it mean that not many people like classical music, is it a niche hobby?

It's only been a few minutes and all these tickets have been sold out?

Are you kidding me?

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