The world's number one pianist

Chapter 302 Turning Point!

Beethoven's First Piano Sonata...

Beethoven's Second Piano Sonata...

Beethoven's Third Piano Sonata!

He Shen sat on the stage, his fingers running quickly on the piano. Google Search Reading

He was thinking about the music in his hands, feeling the meaning and emotions that the music brought to him.

Music is not just music!

It is Beethoven's entire life!

All of this is what Beethoven wrote when he was young and studying with Haydn and Mozart!

All of this is filled with Beethoven's talent and his deep understanding of music!

Therefore, from the beginning, the music played by He Shen had an inexplicable sadness.

It seemed to foreshadow that something bad would happen later.

All of this is a clue that runs through the entire piece of music!

Even if the original emotion in the music should be extremely passionate.

But those music critics always feel that there seems to be a sense of sadness hidden in the work.

This emotion is hard to explain.

It just lingers around them, unable to be captured...

It makes people anxious!

He Shen looked at the keyboard in his hand, ignoring the anxiety of those people, and his eyes were extremely serious.

Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 3, the largest sonata among Beethoven's first three sonatas, Op2-1, 2, and 3!

The technique is gorgeous, showing Beethoven's most proud style at the time!

The entire classical music circle is about to belong to him alone!

He thinks he can be the most handsome guy in the classical music circle!

Therefore, it can be clearly seen that Beethoven has made great progress in the construction of the overall music!

The result of this progress is the rise of the overall mood!

The music rushed in the concert hall, and the people around him had no way to focus their attention on themselves.

All their attention was taken away by He Shen's interpretation.

Follow Beethoven's steps and move forward together, feeling Beethoven's extremely strong interpretation of music!

Suddenly, a music critic felt something was wrong while listening to He Shen's music, and woke up suddenly.

He felt a little bit of disharmony!

A very bright spot was covered up in this piece of music!

And this spot...

No one else noticed it!

He looked at He Shen, and then glanced at his colleagues who were motionless around him.

Without any hesitation, he picked up the pen in his hand and quickly wrote on the small table in front of him.

He muttered to himself while writing, his eyes shining!

"Sure enough! All Beethoven's sonatas in He Shen's concert are not a single interpretation!"

"This is a whole! A very strong whole!"

"According to the timeline, in addition to those performed in the music, there are many, many interpretations of Beethoven's works that belong to the creator himself!"

"First is the first sonata. This sonata is extremely passionate at the beginning, We can all see He Shen's performance in music!"

"However, there is a very obvious emotion in this place, that is sadness, as if missing someone!"

"It is even more obvious in the second sonata!"

"When it comes to the third sonata, it is simply revealed!"

"This emotion is not sadness, but nostalgia!"

"From a modern perspective, use Beethoven's perspective to show Beethoven's life!"

"At the beginning, he was proactive and wanted to show his own talent to everyone! Show his different characteristics from Haydn and Beethoven!"

"This place is a trace of nostalgia, missing the arrogance of the time!"

"When it comes to the second sonata, these things are even stronger!"

"The third sonata is Beethoven OP2, the last chapter in the second sonata trilogy, and the most A brilliant chapter!"

"In this chapter, He Shen wrote a lot about sadness and Wallenstein's interpretation!"

"This is a foreshadowing, a preview!"

"Previewing everyone, previewing that this work will be integrated with the two works that follow, showing the appearance that everyone has guessed in their hearts!"

"The kind of appearance that has been notified to everyone in advance!"

"He Shen's concert of 32 Beethoven piano sonatas is not a simple pile of concert repertoires, piled up into a work that no one can bear and has no patience to listen to!"

"This is a construction!"

"Construct a concert that no one has thought of, from Beethoven's perspective, a concert of Beethoven's own life!"


This music critic looked at He Shen with an extremely deep gaze.

He seemed to feel something.

He quickly slid the pen in his hand and stopped on Beethoven's three sonatas!

The pastoral sonata that represents Beethoven's mid-term direction!

The Appassionata Sonata represents the mature works of Beethoven's sonatas!

And the sonatas that represent Beethoven's late period!

Sonata No. 28 to Sonata No. 32!

As time went on, Beethoven thought more and more about his music!

Can He Shen really interpret these things?

There are actually many people in the world who interpret Beethoven, and interpret the entire Beethoven.

For example, Hans von Bülow, the first person to interpret the entire Beethoven in a concert! This is the first person to play the entire Beethoven sonata in a concert!

However, he did not dare to play from memory!

In the true sense, the person who played the entire Beethoven from memory in a concert should be Arthur Schnebel. His interpretation of Beethoven can almost be called a model!

Even Schoenberg called him the person who invented Beethoven!

In modern times, a more famous person should be Barenboim.

Barenboim is the only person who often likes to play the entire Beethoven concert recently!

He held a personal concert and played for more than ten hours just to play the entire Beethoven.

But most of their performances like to have a little bit of emotional disconnection, not a whole line.

The interpretation of music is basically to interpret the work from the direction of the work itself.

So what about He Shen?

He Shen wants to interpret Beethoven from the direction of Beethoven!

Can he really do it?

The music critic looked at He Shen and couldn't help but have some doubts.

This requires a very strong coordination ability and sensitivity to music!

He Shen... is there really no problem?

This is the first music critic who paid attention to this issue!

He looked at He Shen, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked, the less he knew what to say.

He Shen's performance on the stage was silent, but full of brilliance!

Almost everyone's attention was attracted to him.

No one could escape.

They all looked at He Shen, looked at He Shen's interpretation of music, and looked at He Shen's performance in music!

Look at He Shen releasing brilliance on the stage!

In He Shen's hands, the music was extremely docile and was manipulated by He Shen at will.

There was no thought of escaping at all.

Every detail in the music did not produce any surprises.

All this...

Countless music critics could not help but admire.

Those music lovers also felt pleasantly surprised.

Not to mention those ordinary people who came to support He Shen just because He Shen was Chinese and brought glory to China!

These people looked at He Shen with shining eyes.

They had never thought that classical music could be so beautiful!

There were even people around who could not help but raise their mouth corners while listening, closed their eyes and let themselves fall into the music.

Slowly fell asleep.

No one laughed at him for not understanding classical music.

Music, after all, needs to bring beautiful things to people.

The most important thing about listening to classical music is to listen comfortably.

He Shen used to see some old men and women in Europe. They came to the classical music scene, closed their eyes at the beginning, felt the music, and prepared to go to bed.

Falling asleep while listening to classical music, the first to stand up and applaud as soon as the music ends, shouting "Bravo!"

Do these people not understand classical music and blaspheme it?

Definitely not!

These people definitely know classical music very well, and it is precisely because of this that they will not force themselves to sit up straight and listen carefully.

They are enjoying classical music.

Therefore, in the concert hall, many people just close their eyes and feel the flow of music.

He Shen's interpretation of music makes them feel comfortable.

Everyone is enjoying the music.

The camera is meticulously recording everything in front of it, preparing to record it into a record.

The works are played one after another.

But, unfortunately.

Not everyone can hold on for that long!

No, maybe...

They want to continue listening, but they are too tired!

They didn't move for four or five hours.

Gu Chu

The music almost never stopped except for a five-minute break in the middle!

It's just like a class!

Therefore, some people began to be unable to hold on!

People went out in groups and came in groups! Come in.

The entire concert hall was no longer full, but maintained at about 80% overall.

Those non-professionals who just came to listen to the music were the first to give up and go out to rest.

Later, it was the classical music lovers.

At the end, a few music critics also chose to leave.

They couldn't hold on.

They rarely heard such a long-distance marathon-like work.

This is not only a test for the performers, but also a test for the audience!

Especially for the music critics!

They really want to stop.

But except for some top music critics who are very powerful, they are well-informed and think there is nothing special.

Everyone else is a little tired.

It's just the reason whether they can hold on!

And He Shen on the stage is also very tired!

From the first piece to the fourteenth piece now.

He played for a full four or five hours!

Beethoven's early works are also gradually being played!

The fourteenth piece, Moonlight Sonata, brought all the people who had left back to the concert hall.

Everyone likes Moonlight Sonata very much.

After all, even those who came to support it because of He Shen's name have heard of it.

Especially Moonlight III, the third movement of Moonlight Sonata.

It is so familiar that it can't be more familiar.

He Shen's interpretation of Moonlight Sonata is also very profound.

It is full of Beethoven's feeling.

It does not contain any personal emotions of He Shen.

Those music critics are almost crazy.

When Moonlight Sonata ended, they looked at each other and discussed in a low voice as they watched He Shen leave.

A music critic sitting in the middle said casually to the people next to him.

"I have to say that He Shen is really strong. I really can't imagine that He Shen can keep the feeling of Beethoven until now!"

"Four or five hours, full of concentration! Even some of us critics left first, but He Shen was fine?"

"He Shen's physical strength is quite strong. I think he will have no problem playing Prokofiev's works!"

"Yes, I think He Shen can try Prokofiev II, Prokofiev III, Prokofiev II and Prokofiev III. I don't think there are any big challenges for He Shen's romantic period works. Sex, even Liszt, it shouldn't be particularly difficult! "

"Yes, now that He Shen has finished playing all of Beethoven, I'm really curious about what direction he will continue to move in. It would be fun if he continues to move towards modernist works."

"No matter what, Beethoven's piano sonatas have only been played for 14, and there are still 18 to go!"

"I just saw He Shen's steps going down, and he has begun to feel a little weak. I really don't know how far He Shen can hold on!"

"Now it depends on whether He Shen can hold on to the peak of his late works!"

Everyone discussed with each other, and He Shen didn't know.

He Shen returned to his position backstage and sat directly on the chair backstage.

The staff on the side handed over a cup of water and a lollipop without any hesitation.

And a warm towel.

This time, He Shen didn't eat the lollipop immediately, but drank a big sip of water first, and then put a warm towel on his face.

The moisture in the towel flowed along the nasal cavity to the lungs, relaxing He Shen's muscles and making him more awake.

He took the towel off his face, put the lollipop into his mouth, and closed his eyes to rest.

He was so tired!

The continuous performance of fourteen pieces almost drained most of his energy.

"Teacher, how do you feel?" Li Hua finally started first this time. He ignored Zhang Wei beside him and asked He Shen very seriously: "Can you still hold on?"

He Shen opened his eyes, looked at Li Hua, Zhang Wei, and Wei Zijie hiding on the side, and nodded slowly: "Well, no problem."

He Shen looked at the closed stage door, as if he could see through the stage door to the music critics and other classical music lovers behind the concert hall.

These people are his helpers and also his traps.

If he plays well, these people can help him promote, and the promotion is even more powerful!

If he plays poorly, those people will never say anything good to him.

They would probably think that he was overestimating his own abilities, actually choosing such a subject, actually choosing one person to play all Beethoven's piano sonatas.

No one would feel sorry for him or anything like that.

They would say that he played well in the beginning, but poorly in the end.

He could even be sure.

If he made a mistake in this part, his video would definitely be posted on P station without any accident.

Those people would specifically cut it out and post it online to complain.

They would say that this was his skill, a crazy mistake.

Those people on the Internet would never see how strong he was in the normal performance part, they only liked to see his mistakes.


There must not be any mistakes!

Now everything is just halfway done!

The next pastoral performance is a turning point!

The turning point of the road that Beethoven would take after finding himself.

He Shen clenched the warm towel in his hand, looking at the slightly noisy concert hall outside the door, his eyes deep.

After taking a deep breath of the air backstage, He Shen felt that the lollipop in his mouth had completely melted, and threw the towel in his hand aside casually.

"This is my interpretation of Beethoven's life!"

"Therefore, this is my Beethoven!"

"I know there may be many people outside who want to see my troubles, want to see my failure without knowing my own limitations..."


"I won't let them do so!"

"Because, this is my Beethoven!"

He Shen straightened his clothes and stepped out.

The concert hall was instantly quiet.

Everyone looked at He Shen.

The next sonata was called Pastoral Sonata, which everyone was familiar with, at least they had heard of this name.

Therefore, not many people thought of leaving the concert hall at this time.

The critics, the few critics who had left before, also returned here.

This place is a turning point. Although the overall mood is relatively calm, everyone can hear a little bit later.

He Shen looks at Beethoven's previous works from the perspective of Beethoven's later period.

Therefore, they want to see what kind of interpretation He Shen wants to give here.

This thing is very important!

The whole concert hall is dark, full of dense black hair and dark clothes.

He Shen looked at everyone, took a deep breath, returned to his seat, raised his hand, and pressed it very gently.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

The sound of music sounded instantly.

The repeated bass, like a clock, echoed in everyone's ears.

The melody of the right hand, just after a little pause, immediately opened.

The pastoral scene appeared in front of them in an extremely simple way!

This is the pastoral scene!

The beautiful scenery of the pastoral!

The scenery displayed when the whole earth has not yet awakened.

Everything is full of vitality.

Everything is full of possibilities.

This unknown, this newborn, makes everyone's eyes light up!

The mood is very good!

The atmosphere of the music is also perfect.

The beginning of He Shen's Piano Sonata No. 15, the beginning of the pastoral!

The performance is perfect!

This beginning is so beautiful that people are speechless!

This feeling...


At this moment, He Shen completely forgot everything around him!

He was thinking about the music.

Just like the scene in Beethoven's memory before.

The extremely short theme makes the whole music present a complete mood.

This is this sonata, the most perfect interpretation of Beethoven's mid-term works!

The whole!

The sense of the whole!

It is not like the previous place, full of drifting and fragmentation.

Emotions cannot be unified.

In this work.

Emotions, at this moment, have achieved an amazing unity!

One that connects everyone's spirit...


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