The world's number one pianist

Chapter 55: The Next Wave, Hope

Successfully entered the semi-finals...

He Shen looked at the message on his phone, his expression did not show any fluctuation. After seeing other people's performances, he knew that he could definitely enter the semi-finals. It was just a matter of time.

Zhao Zitong, who was standing on the side, was not as sure as He Shen. When she saw He Shen standing there looking at his phone, she immediately looked at his phone carefully.

Without any doubt, she saw the text message Zhou San sent him.

"The results of the semi-finals are out. Have you entered the semi-finals?"

Zhao Zitong read it word by word. After reading it, she looked at He Shen, whose expression did not change, with a strange look.

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"Hey, He Shen, aren't you excited? You have entered the semi-finals."

"Oh, I'm so excited."

He Shen read it emotionlessly, then put away his phone, and ignored Zhao Zitong. He planned to go back and consolidate the next piece he was going to perform.

Mozart's K330 is not so easy to play. This piece can be regarded as a piece with special significance among Mozart's sonatas.

This piece was written during the transition period of Mozart's life. He was struggling in a completely unfamiliar city where no one appreciated him. In the distance, his mother's death came...

All kinds of sorrows together created such a piece of work that buried sadness in the prosperous age.

He Shen pushed open the door, greeted Xi Shuwen who was cooking in the kitchen, and left first, returning to his shabby little basement.

He stood still, exhaled slowly, looked around, picked up the scores scattered on the ground, put them in order according to the composer, and then took out Mozart's K330 and began to perceive the score again.

From every detail on the score, perceive the score and experience Mozart's mood at that time.

Yue Li also returned to his house, a single room in the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Art College. This was applied for by Wuzhou Conservatory of Music after communicating with Jiangzhou.

Although it looks a bit shabby, it is good that you don’t need to pay a lot of money here, and there is a piano room specially allocated to him in the school.

So instead of renting a house and practicing without a piano, it is better to live in this school teacher apartment.

Yue Li also has an insider in the Golden Piano Award, so he got the news of his entry into the semi-finals at the first time.

Yue Li’s face did not change at all. He knew that he could definitely enter the semi-finals, so he responded to the insider for a few words and returned home immediately.

Reaching out to open the backstage of the Golden Piano Award, he was ready to study all the contestants carefully.

This is Yue Li’s habit. Before the competition, he would listen to his opponent’s recordings many times to feel where his opponent’s strengths are and where their weaknesses are.

It may not be of much use to ordinary contestants, but for contestants like Yue Li, he can have a reference.

See how much effort he has put into entering the finals.

He originally planned to study all his opponents, but after listening to He Shen's performance last time, he was stunned and felt a tremor.

There was a very strong power in He Shen's performance, which could easily control the hearts of all the audience.

He could not imagine that this piece of Chopin's Third Ballade could be played like this and played so well!

So, as soon as the list of the semi-finalists of the Golden Melody Award came out, he logged into the Golden Melody Award backstage.

Ignoring so many discussions under his own performance, he went straight to He Shen's performance, quickly clicked it, and jumped to the part of Chopin's Third Ballade at the back.

After seeing He Shen's hand raised, he clicked to start playing, and the sound of He Shen's performance immediately flowed out of the piano.

"This... this sound..."

Yue Li's body was trembling. The equipment he used to play was a speaker that cost tens of thousands of yuan, and was specially brought from Wuzhou, so it sounded particularly good.

In addition, the official recordings uploaded by the Golden Melody Awards were all lossless recordings, so Yue Li felt like he was back on stage.

Every note was particularly clear and thorough, brushing past his ears like silk.

"Very powerful..."

Yue Li rubbed his thumb and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This was his first direct contact with He Shen, and it was also this time that he seriously felt He Shen's strength.

Before, he just heard that other people said that He Shen played well and that He Shen was the one who took over the banner of Wuzhou Young Musicians after him.

Now, he completely realized why others said that about He Shen.

Yue Li leaned back and leaned on the sofa behind him. He took out a metal ring from the coffee table next to him, put it on his thumb, then closed his eyes and slowly rotated the ring on his hand.

With the appearance of the cadence, the music stopped, and Yue Li also opened his eyes, got up and pulled the progress bar back to the beginning of Chopin's Third Ballade and played it again.

As the music played over and over again, Yue Li's aura became stronger and stronger. At the moment when the music ended, Yue Li's aura reached its peak.

Yue Li stood up, poured himself a glass of water, stood in the corner of the room, and looked at the wall. It seemed that he could see He Shen who was somewhere through the wall.

"Interesting, very interesting, He Shen, right? Interesting..."

Yue Li shook his head, drank the water in the cup, put it aside, and walked to the piano room. He also wanted to practice the piano.

He felt a pressure, a pressure from the waves behind him. If he didn't continue to work hard, he might be directly hit on the beach.

This result is definitely not what he wants.

So, he must continue to work hard and must not be surpassed by those younger generations!

Yue Li walked to his bookshelf, found the Liszt Sonata, and took out a very long work from it, his eyes flickering.

He was a little hesitant about whether to play this piece.

Liszt B minor Sonata, a work that can be deified if it can be played well.

A work that exceeds everyone's imagination and represents the pinnacle of sonata.

Should I play this work to confront the man named He Shen head-on?

Is he sure that he can play this work with the style it should have?

Yue Li gritted his teeth, took out this work, put it on his piano, and slowly pressed it down while looking at the music score in his hand.

"It's a waste, but I can't lose. I'm the youngest and most powerful pianist in Wuzhou. I can't lose..."


Yue Li raised his hand, then slowly pressed it down, feeling the music in his hand, and experiencing the feeling that belongs only to Liszt.

Time passed like this, and there were many sleepless people in the whole city. They were preparing for the semi-finals the next day, and they seized the last bit of time to practice so that they could have a better grasp of the next performance!

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