The world's number one pianist

Chapter 61: The dawn of piano education in China

Seeing that He Shen seemed to still have some doubts, Zhou Renguang immediately explained. ReadМ

"If I give you an evaluation after selecting the finalists, it would be too late, and it would be detrimental to your progress. So I think I will give you a review directly after you finish your performance, so that you can know better. Your question, okay?”


He Shen nodded immediately, returned to the center of the stage, looked at Zhou Renguang in the distance, and waited quietly.

Everyone else around him also fell silent, looking forward to Zhou Renguang's evaluation and wanting to know how she evaluated He Shen.

After all, in their eyes, He Shen is very powerful, so what about these real bosses? What do they think?

Zhou Renguang coughed slightly and said slowly.

"First of all, I can say that your performance is very good. This can be regarded as the best set of Chopin Preludes I have heard this year. It is a full 30 minutes of Chopin Preludes. Your level of completion surprised me. "

"This prelude of yours is almost perfect. In my perception, you are as if you have had lessons with Chopin, and you have almost inherited Chopin's will!"

"It's really hard for me to imagine what kind of teacher can teach a student like you. It's also hard for me to imagine that someone can play such a beautiful Chopin Prelude at such a young age."

"Such a beautiful prelude. If possible, I really want to record it and treasure it!"

"Especially the processing of the timbre inside you, it just shocked me. I have never heard such a beautiful timbre, perfect!"

"So, I very much hope that I can see you in the finals. I want to listen to your concerto."

Zhou Renguang's words shocked everyone.

What does this mean? Did she mean... to decide in advance that He Shen will enter the finals?

Everyone couldn't help but feel confused. Even Yue Li, who had played so well before, was not mentioned by Zhou Renguang. He hoped to see him in the finals.


Everyone was just surprised and did not feel any strangeness. It would be strange that He Shen, with his strength, could not enter the finals.

He Shen also bowed slightly to Zhou Renguang to show his respect.

Zhou Renguang looked at He Shen with a smile. For some reason, there was a trace of nostalgia in her eyes, and she spoke to everyone.

"He Shen, you are very good, very good, really, very good!"

"When I look at you, the future music practitioners of China, I feel really happy because I see hope!"

"From the time I won the world championship for the first time, I tried to prove something to the world. Even if it is your Western musical instrument, we Chinese can not only play it, but we can also play it better than you! We understand it better than you. More profound!”

"However, they don't think so highly of us just because I learned piano in Germany, not China itself."

"At that time, those people never dared to say this in front of me. They kept saying it behind my back, which even made people from other countries gradually come up with the idea that our country cannot cultivate its own musicians. We can only win the championship with their teaching.”

"But I don't accept it. Why do they think so? I want to prove to them that we Chinese can defeat them without using their schools, and defeat them in the fields they are best at!"

"So, I have established many piano schools, music academies, national piano competitions, and a systematic training process, just so that our country can produce more pianists and defeat those arrogant people!"

"I succeeded, but also failed. xxx proved that a pure piano player in China can defeat those foreigners and win the world championship!"

"But he also proved that there is no chance of success by relying on school. Only by following a teacher and learning in a master-apprentice way can you win the championship."

After saying this, everyone suddenly fell silent.

Many famous pianists in China rarely came out of academies, and most of them studied with professors.

I have followed these professors since I was a child, just like a master and apprentice, learning piano using the methods of those professors, instead of systematic learning in school.

Lang Liangyue is the same, and many, many pianists are...

After Zhou Renguang was silent for a moment, he suddenly looked at He Shen and smiled.

"However, when I see your new generation, I feel like I see hope, especially you!"

"I know many players, and I have heard their names because their teachers have told me about them, but I have never heard of you."

"No one has told me about you, and there is no trace of studying with such a famous teacher on your resume!"

"With such a lack of resources, you can still perform such a powerful work. I am really touched by this achievement. The dawn of piano education in China may really shine soon. "

"When the time comes, we will be able to prove to everyone that we Chinese are not only great at playing with our own local culture, but we are even better at playing with your culture than you are!"

"Is it possible that only Polish pianists understand Chopin? Only German pianists understand Beethoven? No, haven't so many Chopin competition champions from other countries proven that Poles don't understand Chopin best?"

"If that's the case, why can't we be the ones who understand Chopin the most, the ones who understand Beethoven the most, and the ones who understand Mozart the most?"

"Why can't it be us?"

"With such a long history of music, can it be that we are not as good as their music of hundreds of years? This is definitely not the case. It's just because we haven't found the direction yet."

"If we can find it."

"We will be... invincible!"


Everyone suddenly applauded. Some contestants in the backstage saw Zhou Renguang's speech and couldn't help but stand up and applaud crazily.

Many of them have been learning piano for so long, but they don't know what they are learning. They are just confused. They just know that their future job is piano, but they don't know why they should work on piano.

If you ask them, they probably think that since childhood, if they don't work on this, what will they do in the future?

But now, they suddenly have a belief that they are not just playing the piano for themselves, but for the entire Chinese piano industry.

Their work is not meaningless.

They are the inheritors of Chinese piano, an indispensable screw.

Zhou Renguang looked at the gradually boiling atmosphere around him with satisfaction, looked at He Shen, leaned forward slightly, and said softly.

"If you can, please keep going, don't fall down here, and exert your strongest strength."

After that, she pulled back a little, just about to sit down, but suddenly remembered something, smiled and pointed at He Shen.

"I almost forgot that your prelude has a trend of going further, but there is no need to keep going forward. Sometimes, looking back may be of greater help to you."

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