"General, are you looking for me?"

After Hei Muke was taken away by the black cavalry, Ma Kui walked into the big tent and looked at Li Wenhao who was wiping the long knife on the main seat, his calf felt a little weak.

As a secret agent of the Jinwu Guard, how could he fail to discover what happened tonight? First of all, stuffing Hei and fleeing to Turkic with stolen goods, he didn't believe it.

Although he didn't disclose what the stolen goods were, he guessed that nine out of ten it was black iron, and there was a lot of it. How could it be simply stuffed with black belts and taken away.

If he was really taken away, Li Wenhao would not be so calm, he would have chased him overnight.

"Ma Kui, actually I admire you very much, but it's a pity that I don't have time!" Li Wenhao put the long knife flat on the table, staring at Ma Kui quietly.

"You have to make a choice now, either give me loyalty, the second-tier Xuanbing knife on the table, or this pack of pills, ten broken-rank pills, and one hundred Qi and blood pills are all your rewards.

Or, give me your head, and now I will give you a cup of tea, choose yourself! "

"General, I choose loyalty!"

Ma Kui knelt down with a "plop," is there any choice for this kind of choice? It's just an option, right?

On one side is a second-level Xuanbing sword, plus ten broken-level pills and a hundred Qi-blood pills, which he would not be able to get in his entire life as a Jinwu guard. On the other side, he lost his head and died!

His head was kicked by a donkey, and he knew how to choose!

Li Wenhao stared at the top of Ma Kui's head for a long time, but did not find the phantom of the three-legged Golden Crow. He shook his head regretfully, and stood up with a long knife in his hand.

"It's a pity, I didn't see your loyalty, you can't fool my eyes!"

Although these words are a bit pretentious, they are indeed true. He can really tell whether he is loyal or not, but others rely on experience to judge and analyze by looking at subtle expressions and movements!

He really sees with his eyes, without any adulteration!

"General, I'm sincere, I'm sincere!" Ma Kui cried out of fright. He was still young and wanted to start a career, so how could he want to die.

It was impossible to resist, and he couldn't escape. He had seen the speed of the black wolf before, so he could only kowtow desperately to beg for mercy.

He didn't realize it himself, he desperately shouted in his heart that I must be loyal, that I don't want to die.

Perhaps the influence of the subconscious really worked. When Li Wenhao had already raised the long knife, a black crow finally appeared above Ma Kui's head with a "swish".

"That's okay, scaring can also scare loyalty!"

Although Li Wenhao despised this guy's cowardice, he still put down his long knife and threw it in front of Ma Kui. Regardless of his character, Ma Kui still had talent.

"Get up, you have passed my test, this knife and the pill on the table are yours, remember, don't let Zhu Wen know a single word of what is going on here with me."

"General Xie, General Xie, I dare not divulge even a single word!"

Ma Kui kowtowed vigorously, turned around the gate of hell, was dripping with sweat, and felt more and more that Li Wenhao was unpredictable, playing with people's hearts and hands, he was simply inhuman!

"Okay, you go down, I allow you to choose personnel from the whole army at will, and set up Jinyiwei. The specific functions are the same as Jinwuwei!"

After Li Wenhao finished speaking, he thought for a while, and threw another Nawu Talisman to Ma Kui, which was an intermediate Nawu Talisman with a size of 100 cubic meters. It contained not only 3,000 Qi and Blood Pills, but also 10,000 taels of gold.

"Take these things and establish strongholds in all the surrounding cities of Langya Kingdom as soon as possible. I hope you won't let me down."

"Thank you, General, I have such a humble job, I have to repay the General for his kindness!"

Holding the Nawu Talisman in his hand, Ma Kui trembled with excitement. He is an ambitious person. Li Wenhao gave him trust, gave him support, and even gave him a chance that he would never get in Jinwuwei. .

Maybe the loyalty at the beginning was frightened, but the loyalty now is definitely gratitude!

A kind of gratitude for a Maxima meeting Bole!

"Wait a minute!" Li Wenhao frowned, and called Ma Kui back, he suddenly remembered another loophole, pondered for a while and said, "What do you think of Zhu Wen?

If I send someone to notify him overnight, I will say that I have found traces of the Turks and call in an outside team to help.

Then tell him that if his business is urgent, he can leave first.

You said he would take the risk of coming in with someone to rescue him, or would he just take the opportunity and leave? "

"This..." Ma Kui lowered his head and blinked his eyes. He didn't want Zhu Wen to take his position.

He made up his mind, raised his head and said seriously: "General, Zhu Wen is unreliable, as far as I know, he secretly has contacts with people from the Marquis of Qingyang.

If the general really sent someone to test him, I can be sure that he must be afraid of danger and dare not come! "

"Okay, I see, you go down, and call Li Rong here!" Li Wenhao waved his hands irritably, and he also reacted at this time, it seemed that it was inappropriate to ask Ma Kui this question.

Li Wenhao was busy here until midnight and couldn't rest. Similarly, there were people in a tent on the left side of the barracks who didn't rest.

Holding a long knife in his hand, Ma Yidao was so angry that he kicked Marin over in front of him.

"Marin, I treat you well, why did you betray me, do you know how many brothers you have killed!"

"You forced me to betray you. You agreed to betroth Linglong to me, but you backed down, and I refused to accept it!" At this time, Marin's hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and his face was ferocious like a ghost.

"You," Ma Yidao pointed at Marin, speechless because of heartache. Marin grew up in Ma's parents, so it can be said that he regarded him as his younger brother. He never thought that he would raise a white-eyed wolf.

"Kill it!" Wu Bai lay on the floppy bed, his eyes slightly closed, and two turbid tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Marin is the apprentice he personally taught. Although he was not as angry as Ma Yidao showed, the pain in his heart was even worse!

"Forget that Ma Yidao was blind and recognize you as a brother!" Without hesitation, Ma Yidao drew out the long knife in his hand and said "stab!", splitting Marin's head in half.

"It's a good thing I didn't marry Linglong to this guy, otherwise how would I explain to Huang Quanxia's parents!" Putting away the long knife, Ma Yidao sat on the soft bed with his buttocks, muttering to himself with lingering fear.

Although the voice was low, it was already late at night, and Wu Bai's quasi-fourth level strength, if he couldn't hear it, a look of shame would appear on his face.

Marrying Ma Linglong to Ma Lin was the one who made the best of his efforts. If Li Wenhao hadn't come to Tuke City suddenly and messed up the matter, it might have really happened!

Inexplicably, the two of them had a good impression of Li Wenhao, which really echoed the old saying, no comparison, no harm!

Although Li Wenhao doesn't look like a good person, he is better than Ma Lin!

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