The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 676: The Hidden Ancient Clan

Especially Qing Yiliu, who was very righteous and stood in the front: "Wu Huang, don't be presumptuous, the space crack can be completed today, and the support of our sect is coming!"


Wu Huangqi's face was ashen. Although his strength was strong, it was okay to kill one or two of the disciples of the eight major sects.

With so many people, he really didn't dare to do it.

What's more, his sect's support is coming soon, and he wants to ask him to help drive away the herd of starry sky beasts outside, so that he can contact the young master Wu Qiming as soon as possible.

"What's there to argue about? When the sect's support arrives, I don't believe that Li Wenhao dares not let him go?"

"It's only two or three days, why hurt your peace? It's just a joke by the natives!"

"I suspect that this is Li Wenhao's conspiracy to deliberately sow discord, we must not be fooled!"

"That's right, Li Wenhao is extremely cunning, we have to guard against him!"

"Hmph, Zhu Yingjun, if Commander Wuman can't be rescued within three days, I'll ask you for someone!"

The two sides quarreled for a while, and in the end, Wu Huang left angrily without saying anything.

"These people from the Four Emperors' Palace are too arrogant, and our Eight Great Sects are not their slaves, so why should we suffer this!"

"That is, the strength of our eight major sects is no worse than that of the Four Emperors Palace!"

Seeing Wu Huang's arrogance, the disciples of the sect were also very angry, and cursed in a low voice.


With a sullen face, Qingliu walked up to Zhu Yingjun: "How strong is the reinforcement sent by your Qing Yunzong this time? Can you suppress Li Wenhao?

If something really happened to Wu Man at that time, wouldn't Wu Qiming be a good kid? "

"Do not worry!"

Zhu Yingjun withdrew his gaze angrily: "This time it is a main army with war beasts, with a strength of 500,000 troops.

Not only that, Momo's second brother, Qiao Gang, also brought a spirit armor army of Wentianzong over.

This time, Li Wenhao, if he doesn't die, he will lose his skin! "

"Beast Legion, Spirit Armor Legion, I'm relieved!"

After hearing this, Qingliu nodded reassuringly: "Our Qingyun Sect also has two legions in the Western Continent, but recently a hermit ancient clan called the Wu Clan came out, and they made quite a fuss.

Otherwise, I must find a way to send an army over to help! "

"I appreciate your kindness!"

Zhu Yingjun patted Qing Yiliu on the shoulder: "I heard that you Qing Yunzong are planning to send your elder brother Qing Yilong to the seventh plane to preside over the overall situation?"

"Isn't it?" Qingliu said very depressed: "Recently, the tauren's offensive has become more and more fierce, and many medium-sized sects can't hold it anymore.

The higher-ups decided to speed up the transfer, not only the seventh continent, but also small planes like Dylan, where sects would settle in!

I even heard that there are plans to develop the dark side! "

"Hush!" Zhu Yingjun made a small gesture, looked up and looked around, and lowered his voice: "This information is confidential and must not be leaked out.

If the natives like Yan Clan and Barbarian Clan know about it, there will be a lot of trouble. "

"What are you afraid of?" Qingliu said indifferently: "The so-called eight major clans in the Dylan plane are similar to the ordinary medium-sized sects in our place.

When the space cracks in various places open, their strength is vulnerable! "

"Having said that, it's better to be cautious!"

Although Zhu Yingjun recognized it, he subconsciously looked towards the south bank of the Mohe River. He always felt that Langya Li Wenhao was a big variable.

Looking at Qiao's silently closed door, he felt even more irritable in his heart.

Did Li Wenhao do anything to Momo?

Why did you treat him so coldly after silently returning?

These questions are very tormenting, but they still linger in his mind.

"Let's go, let's go to the East Acropolis!"

Annoyed, Qiao Momo didn't show any signs of opening the door, so Zhu Yingjun simply went to the construction site with Qing Liuliu and others.

At this time, the Eastern Acropolis has completely become a military fortress, and no civilians live there.

There are defenders all over the tall city walls, a super-large city defense formation, and the light of a spar cannon, shining dazzlingly in the sun.

As soon as the convoy entered the city gate, they could see a 200-meter-high semicircular arch building, which was under construction.

It's like a door stands on the platform, there is no door panel, only the door frame, and countless dense black shadows are busy all around.

Unlike ordinary portal light doors, which only appear when they are opened, the door of the space crack needs a door frame, and it is always in a half-charged state.

Otherwise, it will take a day to condense enough energy, after all, its consumption is too great.

"Kachacha," a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the door frame, dozens of figures were burned into black charcoal, and there was a commotion at the construction site.

"Don't run, keep working, those who disobey the order will be killed!"

The soldiers guarding all around drew out their long knives, splashing blood, and quickly quelled the riot.

Another group of people tremblingly climbed up the door frame and continued the construction, while the smell of burnt human flesh still wafted in the air.

"Boom," a huge vortex with a diameter of tens of miles slowly rotated above the sky facing the giant arch, and thunder and lightning appeared continuously.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Zhu Yingjun couldn't help admiring when he got off the carriage.

"Yes, it is indeed beautiful. The discovery of space cracks is the first step for us humans to conquer the universe!"

Qingliu got out of the car with a wine bottle, and said to an official who rushed over to greet him, "How is the situation, how long will it take to open it?"

"My lord, everything is going well, and it will be opened before midnight tonight!" The official bowed and saluted.

"Very good!" Qing Liuliu nodded in satisfaction.

"Master Mo Cang, you made a great contribution this trip!"

After getting on the teleportation platform, Zhu Yingjun warmly greeted the master of the three-eyed formation: "When the work is finished, I will definitely reward you!"

"Your Highness, I don't want rewards for this old man, I just ask His Highness to keep his promise and set this old man free!"

Formation Master Mo Cang spoke calmly, staring at Zhu Yingjun closely.

"Well, it's easy to say, don't worry!" Zhu Yingjun smiled awkwardly.

In order to meet the deadline, I made a promise.

But this promise, he doesn't want to fulfill it, Mo Cang is not only proficient in space, he is also a master of formations, and he is only one step away from the realm of a master.

For such an important person, he paid a lot of money to come in Zongmen, so how could he let him go.

"I hope Your Highness, keep your promise!" Mo Cang slightly bowed his head and saluted, the third eye that had been sealed on his forehead actually glowed slightly red.


At dusk, there were no craftsmen working on the platform, and there was a giant vortex above the sky, and bolts of lightning struck the giant arch.

The electric light inside the arch became more and more dense, gradually forming a distorted plane.

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