The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 678 The Second Eighth Level

"Haha, good, great, He Sanniang should be credited first!"

On the command ship of the Mohe Fleet, Huang Quliang couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Send a signal to Heimucheng and Tianfengguan, they can cross the river now!

Leave a squadron to clean up the prisoners, and the other warships follow me to the Xingyao Fleet Base, and then occupy the Xingyao Shipyard, and become famous all over the world! "

"Langya Navy is invincible!"

Amidst the cheers of excitement, more than 20 medium-sized warships stayed behind, escorting the captured warships to the Blackwood City dock.

The remaining Mohe Fleet has 28 large warships, 66 medium warships, and 40 small warships, making a total of 134 ships.

Going forward along the Mohe River in a mighty way, they headed towards the base of the Xingyao Fleet hundreds of miles away.


The fleet had just traveled more than a hundred miles, when suddenly there was a flash of lightning and thunder, and a bolt of lightning struck the water, and a woman's figure was faintly visible, appearing and disappearing within the lightning!

"Look, what is that, Lei Jie!"

"It turned out to be Lei Jie, He Sanniang is going to be promoted to the eighth level of reincarnation!"

Huang Quliang and Lan Gull stood on the side of the boat, staring dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that after a hearty victory, He Sanniang would advance to the next level, becoming Langya's second eighth-rank powerhouse besides Li Wenhao!

It is also the seventh continent, the second existence to be promoted to the eighth-order reincarnation realm!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, destroy two enemy medium-sized warships, get a sea shark-class medium-sized warship, and two sea-shark-class medium-sized warship blueprints!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, destroy two large enemy warships, get a walrus-class large warship, and three walrus-class large warship blueprints!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a fifth-level blood monster, get a sixth-level special unit magma giant soldier talisman, three general training talismans, 1,000 quenching pills, and 1,000 intermediate-level broken-rank pills."

"Finally another explosion!"

At the head of Heimu City, Li Wenhao turned off the system prompt, and the explosion rate of the magma giant soldier charm was lower than he imagined.

In the past two days, the battlefields in various places have tried their best to let the giants take the heads, but they only exploded less than ten tokens. According to the summoning success rate of about 60%, there are only 60 giants.

He kept them all, intending to save more points, and go to the giant's hometown to summon meteorite fragments, to see if he can get a leader?

Taking a deep breath, looking at the team that was escorting the captured battleship into the port, Li Wenhao ordered: "Order all the ministries to board the boat and cross the river immediately. Before dawn, we must occupy Donglin City outside the capital city!"

Donglin City is the largest city outside the defensive circle of Kyoto City. Taking Donglin City as the command center is a long-planned strategy.

"Follow the order!" Yanxue Qingguang, Baimu Qinghuo, and dozens of high-ranking generals bowed to accept the order.

"Report, Commander Huang Quliang sent an urgent message. Deputy Commander He Sanniang was accidentally promoted to the eighth-level reincarnation realm. The fleet will be delayed for about an hour!"

"Promoted to the eighth rank?" Li Wenhao was carrying the rabbit down the city wall when a sentry came to report him, and he was stunned when he heard it.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, I, Langya, have another pillar!"

"Good omen, great auspicious omen, this is God bless Langya, Langya will prosper!"

"Congratulations to the king, congratulations to the king!"

All the generals congratulated behind him, and Li Wenhao laughed loudly: "The order will pass on, and He Sanniang will be named General Langya Zuo, and I will be rewarded with 100,000 points!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty is generous, can you also send us some, to cheer you up?"

"Fuck off, hurry up and go to work, and if you have the ability, you will be promoted to the eighth rank!"

Amidst the commotion, the generals surrounded Li Wenhao and boarded the battleship to cross the river.

With their strength, of course they can fly over directly, but how shameless is that?

With the continuous improvement of Langya's strength, it is no longer necessary for Li Wenhao to go to the front line to fight everything in person.

"Report, urgent military situation, my East China Sea Fleet was ambushed by the Langya navy in Mohe, and the entire army was wiped out!"

"Report, urgent military situation, hundreds of thousands of savages in Heimuguan, Langya army has crossed the river, has occupied Canghe City, and is marching towards Donglin City."

"Report, emergency military situation, Jiangnan County, Tianfengguan, have found a large number of Langya troops assembled, the total number is over one million, and the entire Mohe defense line is in a hurry!"

More than an hour later, Zhu Yingjun and his party were eagerly waiting for the final moment when the spatial rift opened in the Acropolis in the east of the capital city.

A series of three urgent reports made everyone feel dizzy and suspicious of life.

"The East China Sea Fleet has a total of 130 warships, including three large warships and more than 80 medium-sized warships!

The Langya fleet only has twenty or thirty ships, how could it be possible that the entire army was wiped out in a short period of time? "Qing Liu shouted in shock.

Everyone looked at each other, they also looked dumbfounded, someone shouted incomprehensibly: "There are only three counties left in Shangjingchuan, and there are no strange products.

Li Wenhao has already occupied a large area of ​​land, why is he always obsessed with the city of Kyoto?

The cold winter has not yet ended completely, and this launched an all-out attack? "

"Ahem, I guess Li Wenhao is worried that after the space rift is opened, reinforcements from our sect will come and it will be bad for him, that's why!"

Someone in the crowd muttered something in a low voice, and everyone suddenly realized that it seemed to make sense.

They were so negligent, it was only their fault, they believed too much in the strength of their own fleet.

"At this time, it's too late to say anything, we must stop Li Wenhao and wait for the sect's reinforcements!" At the critical moment, Qiao silently raised his voice, waking everyone up.

"Yes, what you said silently is right, hurry up and order the ministries to strengthen the defense and defend the city of Kyoto!"

Zhu Yingjun was startled, came back to his senses, turned his head and grabbed Wu Huang's arm: "Master Wu Huang, please launch your battleship into the air to intercept.

Then send someone to contact Young Master Wu, once the capital city falls, it will be over! "


Wu Huang snorted heavily with a gloomy face, and strode out: "I can intercept it, but as for contacting the young master, it depends on luck!"

"Handsome, you immediately send someone to ask for help from the Northern Turks, I will write to Tianzhu now, and ask them to send troops to Jiangnan County!

I want Li Wenhao to know that letting me back was his biggest mistake! "Joe gritted his teeth silently angrily, but the tone was a bit weird.

"Yes, you are right, I will send someone there!"

Zhu Yingjun nodded vigorously, just as he turned around, he turned back with a confused expression: "Momo, are you confused?

The Northern Turks have always been hostile to us. Is it okay to ask the Northern Turks for help at this time? "

Qiao silently stomped her feet angrily: "You idiot, although the Northern Turks are enemies, they don't want to see the Langya family dominate the entire Eastern Continent.

The North Turks were already very dissatisfied when the West Turks and Langya sent troops together! "

"Yes, yes, you are right. I will listen to you!"

Zhu Yingjun suddenly realized, he slapped his head and hurriedly greeted his subordinates, but he ran back after giving a few orders: "Momo, the Turkic Han courts have all moved, can't you find anyone?"

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