The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 698 It's spring, easy to get angry.

Kui Gang shook his head, no longer caring about Qiao Gang's mess, but suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Zhu Yingjun: "Handsome, I remember you said that the Shui clan's fleet was destroyed by a group of blood monsters. Could it be the one controlled by Langya?"

"Shouldn't it be?" Zhu Yingjun frowned and said, "The blood monster group that attacked the Aquarium Fleet was much larger than this, several million.

The leader was a super blood monster suspected of being a tenth-level blood monster, and a ninth-level blood monster named Xuekou. I had never heard of Chi You among the blood monster group. "

"It's good if it's not, otherwise Li Wenhao will get involved with the dark side, and it will be even more complicated!" Kui Gang seemed to have some understanding of the dark side, and after listening to it, he was obviously relieved.

"It's not too late. I'll arrange for people to go to Langya Camp to talk to Li Wenhao." Qiao Gang struck while the iron was hot, and wanted to take the opportunity of peace talks with Li Wenhao in his hands.

"Okay, can you arrange it?" Kui Gang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Although he also wanted to send someone to establish a relationship with Li Wenhao, after all, Li Wenhao was still a disciple of their Xuantianzong Li family.

But when I thought that this matter was too involved, I gave up.

"Brother, I'm going!"

At the end of the meeting, everyone had a big account, and Qiao silently chased his second brother tightly and didn't let go.

"Nonsense, you have been arrested once, why haven't you caught enough, and you still want to be Li Wenhao's maid?" Qiao Gang stared angrily.

Although he felt that Li Wenhao would not mess around, he would not let his own sister take risks.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case. If it's okay if you really sleep, you're afraid of being held hostage and asking for money.

"I don't, I'm going. If you don't let me go, I'll tell daddy that you hooked up with the demi-humans around the marshal." Qiao silently threatened fiercely.

She still didn't know what her brother was thinking, otherwise, she would explode in rage.

"No!" Qiao Gang refused with a straight face.

When I was a child, I was silly and cute, but why is it not cute when I grow up?

"Brother, you stole Daddy's Eight Treasures Map and sold it. It was you who made a secret report when Eldest Brother went to Ziyun Tower, which caused Eldest Brother to be beaten up."

Qiao silently took out a small notebook, and read one by one. Qiao just heard cold sweat on his forehead.

"Okay, just go if you want to go!"

A few minutes later, Qiao Gang nodded with a defeated expression, as expected, he was still too young.

Girls are all cheats, they are little spies hidden by parents!

"Momo, how can I let you go to the Langya army camp, I don't agree!"

In the early morning, when the envoy Langya's team left the city gate, Zhu Yingjun got the news from Qingliu and hurriedly chased him out.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs. If you are worried, you can follow." Qiao sat silently in the carriage with a proud face.

"Me!" Zhu Yingjun faltered for a long time, but finally he didn't have the guts to go to Langya Camp.

"Coward, let's go!"


Looking at the shadow of the team going away, Zhu Yingjun's face turned red, as a man's sixth sense.

April is here, and the wasteland in the wild is already light green.

"Handsome, you need to grow up!" Qingliu came up from behind and patted Zhu Yingjun on the shoulder.

It's strange to say that the two people who didn't like each other before have a surprisingly good relationship now.

A day ago, Nangong Meiqiao, Langya Xiaoxiao and others left the capital city, whereabouts are unknown.

"His Royal Highness has an order to take the capital city and the three acropolis today, and the whole army will triple their military exploits!"

"Long live, long live the king!"

The Langya army camp, just after dawn, gathered more than one million troops, including 800,000 savage troops as the vanguard, pushing a total of 500 cannons, and attacked the capital city aggressively.

Fortunately, Qiao Momo and his party came out of the East Acropolis, and they didn't run into each other head-on. They made a big circle and went straight to the Wang Banner in the middle of the army.

"Report, Qiao Momo, the envoy sent by the East Guard City, begged to see the King."

Li Wenhao was sitting on the back of his fire scorpion, checking the system information. In the battle last night, a lot of soldier symbols and earth dragon beast mounts exploded.

With the addition of the captured earth dragon beasts and the war horses of the Northern Turks, one hundred thousand earth dragon beast cavalry and two hundred thousand wildebeest cavalry can be added to the personal guard army.

He was in a good mood. When he heard the sentry report, he was a little surprised: "I just let them go last night, and they came early this morning?"

"Your Highness!"

The back of the fire scorpion is very big, Fu Baichuan sat on one side and cupped his fists: "Since we are here, let's listen to what they have to say."

"Okay, let them come, the little maid Qiao Momo is quite interesting." Li Wenhao nodded with a smile.

"Your Highness, could it be that you have done something to someone, and you are here?"

"Haha, how can there be a cat that doesn't steal? I saw that Qiao Momo when he was a maid beside the king. His figure is absolutely amazing!"

"Haha, it makes sense, the king must not be able to bear it!"

"I'm going, are you itchy? Get out of here." Li Wenhao was usually easy-going, and the soldiers and generals around him were very courageous. Angrily, he picked up a plate of spiritual fruits and smashed them one by one.

"Hey, thank you King for the spiritual fruit!"

"Haha, run quickly, the girl is here to ask for an explanation."

A group of bastards scattered, Li Wenhao's teeth itched in anger, and he decided in his heart that he must look like an emperor in the future, and he can't give these bastards any more good looks.

"Your Highness, what a shame this is, you can't be so used to it anymore!" Fu Baichuan blew on his beard angrily.

"Okay, I got it!" Li Wenhao's expression was Shanshan. He was just an arms dealer before, and he didn't study any books.

Although he has become a great king for more than a year, he has gained a strong momentum, but some habits cannot be changed in a short time.

Let him be serious and serious at all times. To be honest, I can't do it!

"Bah, you bastards!"

Qiao walked over silently from a distance. During the few days when she was a maid, she also knew the leaders of this group of soldiers. After listening to a few nasty words, her little face became more and more shy.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it seems that I have put on makeup.

"I said why I can't find two boxes of cosmetics. So this chick took them away?"

Li Wenhao rubbed his chin, the light in his eyes was a bit wolfish, the little butt was twisted, it was really round.

The last time I played it, it felt pretty good.

"Your Highness!"

Qiao Momo was flustered by Li Wenhao's stare, a feeling that he had never felt before spread all over his body, numb and numb.

"Your Highness, don't forget to taste the ice wine that Queen Irina made for you. It's spring and it's easy to get angry!"

Fu Baichuan saw that this couple had a tendency to develop into a dog, so he interrupted decisively.

"Oh, ice wine!" Li Wenhao slapped his forehead, suddenly said: "Don't tell me, I almost forgot, the weather is a bit hot, come and pour the wine!"

"Let me do it!"

Qiao Momo stepped forward very naturally, and took the wine bottle from the hand of the maid, just like when he was a maid before, he poured a glass and handed it over.

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