The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 711 Empathize with Joe Momo

"Get up, I know something about the ruthless way!"

Li Wenhao frowned: "I've been busy all day today, and I'm gone, so go tell Li Xiangxiang.

Ruthlessly put down the weapon and obediently accepted my Langya's reorganization. All those involved in the Sun City poisoning case must be severely punished.

As for her father and others, let's not pursue it, and work hard for Langya in the future. "

"Your Majesty is magnanimous!" Fan Sanjiang offered his flattery at the right time, and if he could become the commander of the Jinwu Guard, his flattering skills would naturally not be bad.

"Skip this matter, I have other important things to keep you!" Li Wenhao flipped his palm and took out a small Golden Crow Token: "Take this and sneak into the East Guard City to meet someone.

He will hand over a few craftsmen to you. Your task is to take those craftsmen out of the city safely. If you can't get out, find a safe place to hide temporarily in the city.

After dawn, my army entered the city!

Remember, these people are all treasures, so don't lose them! "

"How many craftsmen?" Fan Sanjiang's eyes froze, and he instantly remembered the accident in the previous space crack.

He originally thought that this time was a bit too coincidental, whether it was too early or too late, but it happened at the critical time of sending the soldiers. Now it seems that it is really tricky.

The Langya Army made preparations in many ways, both openly and secretly, and the defeat of the Zongmen Allied Forces was not wronged.

"Being a broken emperor is really tiring!"

After sending Fan Sanjiang away, Li Wenhao stretched vigorously, intending to go back to the apse to sleep for a while, but unfortunately he couldn't.

With more than one million enemy troops, the East Guard City just outside the city has not yet left, so how could he feel at ease?

Reluctantly, he pulled out the big-eared rabbit from under the table, went up to the roof of the main hall, and meditated cross-legged.

One person and one rabbit, while cultivating, stared at the East Acropolis in the east, waiting for the moment of dawn.

This emperor is a bit miserable.

I felt a little regretful in my heart, I should have left Li Xiangxiang just now, and it would be good to relieve my boredom at night.

For the sake of her family, she dared not refuse.

Similarly, this night, Qiao Gang and the others in the East Guard City could not sleep, and gathered in the big tent.

Excitedly came to the seventh continent, originally thought it would be a waste of time, and shoveled all the way, but he didn't expect to be disheartened and driven to the north.

Even the space cracks that cost a huge amount of money to build have to be given away, how can I not feel aggrieved.

"Qiao Gang!" Xuantian Zongkui just put down a secret letter in his hand, and looked at Qiao Gang on the opposite side with a solemn expression: "Langya Army has another lieutenant general, Chi Man, who is quasi-ninth rank, what do you do about this?" Let's see, will there be fakes?"

"It must be fake!"

Before Qiao Gang could speak, Zhu Yingjun, who was sitting at the bottom, said with a livid face first: "Langya, a small one, is just an indigenous force, except for the general Chi You, who can prove to have quasi-ninth-level strength.

The other generals, He Sanniang, the left general, and Wang Liao, the rear general, were just promoted to the eighth rank.

Now there is another Chi Man, Chi You's younger brother, who is still a quasi-ninth rank, this is simply a joke.

If the five generals in Langya's front, back, left and right are all quasi-ninth-rank forces, wouldn't they be as powerful as any of my eight major sects? "

"Youngjun is right!" Qingliu followed up and said: "My Qingyun Sect has a history of tens of thousands of years, and the ninth-level combat power in that year is only five or six people.

He, Li Wenhao, has just risen for less than two years. Why does he have so many top combat powers? "

"Hmph, ignorance!"

Qiao Gang snorted angrily, and sat up straight: "He Sanniang's water system bloodline is fully awakened, and she has the ability to control water. In the water, even a veteran ninth-level powerhouse can do nothing to her. Who dares to say that she has no power?" Quasi-ninth level strength?

General Zuo Wang Liao, this person's reputation is not obvious, but he seems to have something to do with the Yanguang Zuomu Jihun of the Yan Clan.

If it was true that Yanguang Zuomu had failed to send his soul, and Wang Liao had absorbed all the power of his soul, it would not be surprising that he had quasi-ninth-level combat power.

The Lieutenant General Chi Man who appeared now is only behind the top general in terms of ranking.

If there is no real strength, how could Li Wenhao be ranked like this? Are you not afraid of being hard to convince?

Front, back, left, and center, there are already four quasi-ninth-level combat power.

In addition, Langya's prince, Hanwa, has awakened a bloodline suspected of being a demon, and his strength is even more terrifying.

Li Wenhao's own strength is not weak. It is said that there have been ninth-level magma giants in Sun City.

Calculated in this way, Langya is not only a quasi-ninth rank with only four or five ranks, but seven or eight ranks, and there are even hidden ones. Compared with our eight major sects, none of them are weaker.

That's why I propose to make friends with Langya, and at a suitable opportunity, pull Langya into our sect alliance. "

"No way, Langya is so strong?"

After Qiao just finished speaking, everyone was dumbfounded for a moment. They calmed down and counted carefully with their fingers. What they said was true.

It's not like I don't know, but I'm surprised, Langya's quasi-ninth-rank combat power is close to double digits, his strength is in a mess, and he doesn't complain about losing this battle.

He even secretly rejoiced in his heart that thanks to the peace talks, if the fight continues, it is not impossible to wipe out the entire army.

"But Li Wenhao is just a disciple of Xuantianzong, a concubine from the Li family branch, how can he be so strong? It's only been less than two years, where did he find these strong people!" Zhu Yingjun's eyes were unwilling, and he rushed Growl.

He's not stupid. From Qiao Momo's changes in this period of time, how about Li Wenhao being mentioned every now and then, he feels a lot of pressure in his heart, and a strong sour smell spreads all over his body.

"What kind of concubine? Who cares about this in this troubled world?" Qiao Momo was unhappy, and the people in the big tent kept silent, and you were the only one who provoked trouble, and said angrily: "I think Li Wenhao is better than us." Those Tianjiao on the first plane are strong.

Why Wu Qiming, Qing Yilong, Bing Shao, etc., are thrown on the Seventh Continent, so they are not as good as others?

Besides, how can you be sure that Li Wenhao is really the Li family?

Don't forget, he is a high-level fire bloodline, so maybe he really has something to do with Wudi Palace? "

"Impossible, if Li Wenhao really has the blood of Wudigong, how could he do anything to Wuman and others?

I think you just fell in love with Li Wenhao, don't forget, he already has five wives, and you used to be a child." Zhu Yingjun's mind became hot, and he blurted out the words in his heart.

"Zhu Yingjun, you bastard!" Qiao Momo's face flushed with anger, and he yelled regardless: "I just like Li Wenhao, you are a wimp, he is better than you!"

"You!" Zhu Yingjun stood up fiercely, with a ferocious expression, and a pair of blood-red eyes, as if he was about to eat people.

"Enough, don't say a few words, sit down!"

Qiao Gang couldn't sit still sitting on the left, first he yelled at Zhu Yingjun, and then glared at his sister, the girl is not too shameful.

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