The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 714 Changes in Elena

"Understood!" Qiao Gang took the secret letter expressionlessly and glanced at it before continuing to walk forward without saying a word.

What can he say, his sister let go of herself and went to find a man, so why can't he lead soldiers to catch her back?

The most important thing is that even if he leads troops to catch him, he must be able to win.

The Zongmen allied forces left in disgrace, and the people in the capital city cheered. Li Erkui led his subordinates and entered the East Acropolis first.

"Long live Langya, long live the Langya army!"

"Get rid of the foreigners, the Seventh Continent is up to us, the Seventh Continent!"

"Langya rises up to rule the East!"

Although the East Guard City is a fortified city, there are 70,000 to 80,000 people who flocked to the streets, beating gongs and drums, and lining the streets to welcome them.

For outsiders like Zongmen Allied Forces, in the hearts of the Central Plains people, they are invaders. Even after the Youwu Dynasty exposed Xuantianzong's identity, they lost their hearts. Where is Langya Li Wenhao?

Those who are not of our race must have a different heart, this sentence prevails everywhere.

"Brothers, keep your chest up, cheer up, don't embarrass Your Majesty, and stand on the last post of our new second battalion!"

In the front row of the team, Li Erkui was wearing black armor, shouting at the top of his voice, feeling extraordinarily excited.

After the reorganization of the Langya Army, only ten large armies remained, and the four directly subordinate battalions, including the New First Battalion and the New Second Battalion, will also gradually cancel their formation and be included in the major armies.

Li Erkui is very rare this opportunity, this may be his last appearance as the commander of the new second battalion, and he will be included in Li Wenhao's personal guards.

There is no way around this. With the continuous expansion of Langya's military power, many of the earliest generals gradually retreated to the second line due to their talents and commanding abilities.

Li Erkui was quite talented, he could vaguely touch the cultivation level of the quasi-sixth level, and he could continue to lead troops.

People like Zhang Wenhe, Ehu and others have left the army in sequence and entered local or military positions.

"Langya Army, swear to die for the people, and win every battle!"

More than 100,000 soldiers of the Second Battalion of the New Battalion lined up in neat steps, raised their arms and shouted, which aroused the applause of the surrounding people.

"Look at these soldiers, as expected of our Zhongyuan brothers, shouting that they are swearing to die for the people, much better than those outsiders."

"Hey, it's just a pity that my son was taken away by foreigners, and I don't know when he will come back!"

"Look, it's His Majesty's chariot arriving, the three-legged Golden Crow Emperor Banner!"

"Boom," as Li Erkui's new second battalion entered the city, quickly occupying important places such as the city wall and the teleportation platform.

The mighty three-thousand-armored warrior, the magma giant more than 120 meters high, strode forward.

In the middle, the golden three-legged Golden Crow Emperor Flag fluttered in the wind, and on top of a giant fire scorpion that was more than thirty long, was moving its long legs, ferocious and mighty.

After feeding several beast spirit pills, the fifth-level fire scorpion has finally been cultivated to the sixth level. Let alone how much the strength has skyrocketed, at least it looks extraordinarily respectable.

Li Wenhao was dressed in a black dragon robe, sitting on the back of the fire scorpion, waving to the people on the side of the road, and accompanied by Yi Lianna who had just arrived.

"Your Majesty, Li Xiangxiang is a rare beauty, and we are old acquaintances, why don't we see each other?

Don't worry, I don't mind at all! "

Yi Lianna has a semi-circular belly, one hand is holding her man's arm, and a pair of big colorful eyes are blinking, looking extraordinarily cute and cute.

"I believe you ghost, you bitch is full of tricks!"

Li Wenhao was disappointed in his heart, but his face was serious: "What are you talking about, what beauty can compare to you?

Since I have you, I am content! "

"Hmph, be honest!" Yi Lianna nodded triumphantly, retracted her little hand that was about to pinch someone, and gently touched her stomach: "I don't know what's wrong these days, I always dream at night, and in the morning Wake up and don't remember what you dreamed about?

On two nights, the maid also said that she saw me standing alone in the yard, looking at the stars, but I didn't remember it at all. Could it be that I was sleepwalking? "

"Is there such a thing?"

Li Wenhao was looking around, wondering if it was the young boy next to him who leaked the matter about Li Xiangxiang, when he heard his wife's words, he immediately looked away and his expression became serious.

With Yi Lianna's sixth-level cultivation base, how powerful her soul is, even though she is pregnant with a child, her strength has declined, but she can't even forget her dreams.

As for sleepwalking, that is even more impossible.

"Put your hand out and let me check."

"Oh!" Yi Lianna stretched out her left hand obediently. Apart from representing the girls, she came this time to join the Langya Army in taking over the last city in the Central Plains, and also meant for her husband to take a look.

Although the IQ of pregnant women has plummeted, they are still very concerned about their bodies, for fear that it will affect the unborn child.

"Oh, the child is protected by innate qi, and his spirit is healthy and fine!" Li Wenhao let out his mental strength and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't ask you to check on the child. How can I not know if the child is okay?" Elena gritted her teeth angrily. Sure enough, the man said it nicely, and he cared most about his own seed.

"I made a mistake, I looked at the wrong place!" Li Wenhao smiled awkwardly, and quickly moved his mental power along the meridians to Elena's spiritual sea.

There is no way to check the child's situation at the first time, it is completely subconscious and involuntary.

"It seems to be a problem, but it seems to be no problem?"

After checking for a long time, Li Wenhao frowned and muttered, a little confused.

Yi Lianna's spiritual sea is full of spiritual power, and her soul is shining with colorful light, and there is still a faint flame-like red light.

She is not as dispirited as she imagined a pregnant woman should be. She is very healthy, and the health is a bit too much. It feels like she is about to be promoted to the eighth level.

"What does it mean that there seems to be a problem, but it's not a problem?" Yi Lianna stared unhappily, feeling that she was an unreliable man.

"I don't know much about the way of the soul, so it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Li Wenhao withdrew his mental power, thought for a while and said: "How about this, I will send someone to contact the Soul Clan immediately, and bring Madam Nangong to you to have a look.

People who specialize in Soul Dao should have already broken through the ninth level, so your little problem can definitely be solved.

After you go back, don't sleep alone these few nights, let Qing Yuan accompany you. "

"Oh, that's the only way to go!"

Yi Lianna nodded silently, and leaned her head on Li Wenhao's arm. In fact, there were some things that she didn't say.

She felt more and more that she gradually became another person, a complete stranger.

But for some reason, whenever she wanted to speak out, it seemed that there was a force in her subconscious that was stopping her.

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