The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 717 Strange nurse and housekeeper


Wang Liao nodded. Although he was the commander of the fleet, it was obvious that Chi You was in charge of this trip, and he could do whatever he told him to do.

"Listen, give up resistance and get checked immediately, we are hunting for a fugitive.

If you resist, don't blame us for being merciless, wipe them all out! "

"Miss, what should we do? The opponent is Fen Tianzong's fleet, and there are so many of them, there is no way we can beat it!"

"The opponent also released the space shock in advance, and the space jump can't be used, so why don't you just accept the inspection?"

"According to our agreement with Fen Tianzong, as long as the other party doesn't find someone with us, they shouldn't embarrass us, right?"

Hearing Wang Liao's reply, several middle-aged women surrounded Wu Jiaojiao in the command ship of Wudi Palace, and there was chaos.

"Stop arguing, have you ever thought about it, if people from the Burning Heaven Sect discover the secret on the meteorite planet, can you still keep it?"

Wu Jiaojiao was very entangled with her stern face. She definitely couldn't win the fight, and she couldn't escape, so she could only accept the so-called inspection by the other party.

For the secrets on the meteorite, the second brother went back to find help in person. If her place was snatched by the Fentian Palace, wouldn't it be a waste of money?

"Fire and give them a warning!"

Langya commanded the ship, and the overlord golden body frowned. The space shock has a time limit and cannot be delayed.

"Follow the order!"

Wang Liao took the order excitedly, and shouted at the operator in charge of delivering the order: "Order the third team to attack the enemy's battleship on the left!"

"Boom," in the pitch-black starry sky, hundreds of beams of light gathered together, and a starship on the left side of Wudi Palace couldn't even dodge it in time, and was turned into dazzling fireworks.

The remaining Wudigong starships fled in all directions, facing the suspected Fentianzong fleet, they didn't even have the courage to fight back.

"Miss, I can't wait any longer, the people from Fentian Palace opened fire!"

The command cabin became chaotic. These women were all in charge of taking care of Miss Wu Jiaojiao. They usually took care of food and clothes. They had never experienced this before.

"Send them a message and we'll get checked,"

Wu Jiaojiao looked at the housekeepers and nurses around her, feeling very helpless. She came out this time just to have fun, not to fight.

In fact, she herself was also very flustered. Well, in the words of her father, she was only sixteen years old, and she was just a child.

"If I knew it would happen, I wouldn't come out!"

Wu Jiaojiao gritted her teeth angrily, feeling a little regretful in her heart. She originally thought that the Seventh Continent was not a threat.

But I didn't expect that people from the Burning Heaven Sect actually infiltrated here, and I must tell my father when I go back.

And the second brother, Wu Qiming, even left himself to guard the base, so he has to sue.


After the starship of Wudi Palace sent the message of agreeing to accept the inspection, the phase sequence was turned off, and it was quietly suspended in space.

On the other side, the Langya army starships were not polite, two ships surrounded one, and quickly leaned on it, a large number of masters boarded the ship, and controlled all the warships in Wudi Palace.

"Let's go too!"

The command ship where the Overlord's golden body was located flew towards Wu Jiaojiao's flagship. The huge Sea Whale class was more than twice the size of Wu Jiaojiao's battleship.

Just like an adult grabbing a child, grab it firmly.

As the coach of the Overlord Golden Body, it is naturally impossible to personally go to the enemy ship to arrest people, so he just waited in place.

Not long after, several high-ranking fire spirits escorted Wu Jiaojiao, who was dressed in men's clothes, with an angry and slightly frightened expression, and two middle-aged women into the command cabin.

These two middle-aged women are not of low rank, they both have the aura of the eighth rank, and their cultivation has been imprisoned.

"What's your name, who are you from Wudi Palace?"

Overlord Golden Body glanced over, a little dazed, the aura of this little girl was very similar to his.

This feeling is like brothers and sisters, inexplicably kind.

Before he knew it, his tone became a lot gentler.

"I'm Wu Jiaojiao, the youngest daughter of Emperor Wu. Who are you? Your bloodline should be from the direct line, but the old patriarch of the Burning Heaven Sect gave birth to six daughters, and the six daughters gave birth to daughters. I haven't heard of any boys. ?”

Wu Jiaojiao frowned, she also felt the same way as Li Wenhao.

Subconsciously not afraid.

"I'll go, how many immoral things did this old head of the Burning Heaven Sect do to be so unlucky?"

Overlord's golden body couldn't hold back, almost laughed, and silently mourned for the unlucky Sect Master Fentian for three seconds, and said with a straight face: "Don't care who I am, you stay in the Wudi Palace honestly, run here What are you here for?"

"Staying at home is boring, can't you go out and wander around?" Wu Jiaojiao rolled her eyes.

Bawang Jinshen wanted to laugh, but this little girl was not afraid of herself, and said viciously: "If you don't say anything, you will execute them all. Don't think that you are Wudi's daughter, so I dare not do it."

"You, villain!" Wu Jiaojiao's eyes were red, and she was obviously frightened, but she still bit her lip stubbornly, as if resolutely refusing to speak.

"Young master, don't get angry, we have some connections between the big and small Golden Crows!"

Wu Jiaojiao could stand it, the nanny standing on her left was terrified, and hurriedly said: "It's Wu Qiming, Young Master Wu, who said he was going to the ancient battlefield to investigate the cause of death of his fiancée Xuan Tianguo.

My lady was bored at home, so I followed her out for a walk.

Later, something unexpected happened, and I came here. "

Overlord Golden Body nodded, without getting angry with the little girl, he asked the middle-aged woman, "Who are you from Wu Jiaojiao, this meteorite is very close to the seventh plane, if you don't go to the seventh plane, But stay here, why?

Is there some ulterior conspiracy hidden, tell me honestly? "

With the last sentence, the overlord's golden body roared, and a strong ninth-level power firmly suppressed the two middle-aged women.

"You are the ninth rank, so young?" The nurse was taken aback by the breath of the ninth rank, and almost forgot the question, seeing the overlord's golden body getting angry, she hurriedly said again: "I am Miss's nurse, and my name is Cui Niang.

Our lady doesn't know anything, so don't embarrass her, there seems to be something buried on the meteorite, if you want, just take it! "

This is so beautiful, the nanny was scared and said everything.

In fact, she didn't say anything, and it was impossible to hide it. The Overlord's Golden Body would naturally conduct a comprehensive inspection.

"Aunt Cui!"

Wu Jiao stomped her feet coquettishly. Apart from her big breasts, her nanny didn't have any guts.

"Miss, I'm also doing it for your own good. This young master comes from the direct line of the Burning Heaven Sect and is so young. You should get to know him well!"

"I'm convinced of you! Shut up!"

Wu Jiaojiao's face was flushed, she really wanted to dig a hole to get in, what was going on in her nurse's mind?

"Miss, in fact, this young master looks very kind!" The housekeeper on the right also spoke at the right time, agreeing with the nurse's suggestion.

I have something in my heart, it's hard to say it clearly.

In fact, Emperor Wu also wanted to marry Fen Tianzong in his early years, so that he could hug his thigh.

However, the lord of the Fentian Sect had only one girl in his life, and gave birth to six in a row, and the conditions did not allow it!

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