The World’s Strongest Legion System

Chapter 720 The Temptation of Trading

"Buried so deep, I don't know how it got in at the beginning?"

Li Wenhao had a toothache, so he took out an eighth-level Xuanbing giant axe, and smashed it hard. No, it only smashed a piece of gravel the size of a washbasin.

This is still based on his ninth-level strength, according to this progress, digging a kilometer, who knows how many years it will take.

No wonder, Wu Qiming gave up and ran back to find another way.

"Try digging and see how much you can dig in an hour!"

The Overlord Golden Body commanded his subordinates to do something, picked up a few pieces of black gravel from the ground, and held them in his hands.

It is warm, highly radioactive, and the material is as jade-like as iron, so it is not easy to judge.

"System, check, what is this black stone, even if it is the core of a meteorite star, it can't be so hard?"

"Ding, warning, after systematic testing, this substance is called a sealing stone, which can continuously dilute high-level energy.

It is formed by condensing the power of the strongest god-level powerhouse, and it is mostly used to seal the terrifying existence that cannot be killed directly.

With the current level of the host, it is too dangerous to contact this level, it is recommended not to dig easily! "

"I'll go, you mean that thing below is not necessarily dead?" Overlord Golden Body was so frightened that he almost dropped the stone in his hand.

If the thing below that has been buried for tens of thousands of years is alive, once it wakes up, will it be okay?

"Ding, the distance is too far to judge!"

"Stop, stop!"

Although the system couldn't confirm that the thing was alive, the Overlord Golden Body hurriedly stopped his men: "Don't dig, there is danger down here."

"Hoho, there seems to be some voice calling me down here!"

"Ho Ho, I heard it too, it's the voice of our ancestors, it's calling us!"

"Hoho, dig, we're going to dig here!"

After receiving the order, more than a dozen of the seventh rank stopped the weapons in their hands, and the fire spirit did not speak, but the magma giant, who was usually relatively quiet, showed some restlessness, swinging its huge fists, faintly showing resistance.

"You heard a voice calling you? Why didn't I hear it?" Overlord Golden Body was very surprised, with a bewildered expression on his face.

With his cultivation base, if there is a certain sound, it doesn't make sense that the giant can hear it, but he can't.

"Hoho, it's true, there is a voice calling us, save him!"

"Hoho, he's buried right here, he's in pain, he wants to come out!"

A total of eight seventh-order giants all nodded their heads in unison, without any trace of fraud.

"Is there really a sound?"

Overlord's golden body turned his head and looked at several high-ranking fire spirits at the scene: "What about you, did you hear the sound?"

"It's useless!"

"General, we haven't heard a sound!"

"I'm going. Could it be that only giants can hear it?" Bawang Jinshen felt that his forehead was about to break out in cold sweat. Of course, this could only be an illusion, he couldn't sweat.

But the key point is that the things below are suspected to be ancient god giants, and now the magma giants can hear the call, but they cannot.

It is very likely that the thing below is really alive, and still has a certain degree of consciousness, calling for its kind to rescue it.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

The Overlord's Golden Body is very straightforward, he turns around and takes everyone away, no matter how big the baby is, he has to live to enjoy it.

People who are not of our race must have a different heart. The things that have survived for countless tens of thousands of years are probably hostile to humans.

If it really gets out, let alone the Seventh Continent, which is so close, it will definitely be unlucky.

The risks and benefits are out of proportion, not worth the risk!

"Hoho!" The giants seemed reluctant, but under the support of the system members who would never betray, they resisted the call from their hearts and followed reluctantly.


The Overlord Golden Body glanced back and heaved a sigh of relief.

These magma giants came from Sun City, and they were not summoned by the system. If they really resisted the order, he would rather kill them all.

In matters of life and death, he will not show mercy.

"Hoho, human, what power is it that stops the call of the giant's bloodline?"

Just after rushing out less than 100 meters, a strange mental wave suddenly appeared in the mind of Overlord Golden Body.

At the same time, his body sank, as if the whole space was pressing on him, his legs were so weak that he almost fell to his knees.

This feeling is like Sun Houzi being suppressed by Tathagata's Five Fingers Mountain. Every step forward is very difficult.

"Rage of the Red Lotus!"

The Overlord Golden Body didn't reply, he was worried that his mental fluctuations would be controlled by the other party, so the flames all over his body exploded, mobilizing all the energy in his body, and rushed forward.

Anyway, this is his avatar, and he tried his best to burn it, but he couldn't let the underground things get entangled.

"General, what's wrong with you?"

"What's going on, there are no enemies!"

The sudden change of the Overlord's golden body shocked the surrounding men at a loss, looking around to find the enemy.

"Don't worry about me, you guys go!"

The Overlord's golden body roared, maybe the underground things had been locked up for a long time, and the energy was limited, so he was the only one trapped.

It is more likely that the other party realized that he was the leader, and it was useless to catch other people. The other fire spirits, including the giant, had no effect.

Without thinking too much, the Overlord's golden body has already started to burn his body as the price, rushing forward.

"Human, maybe we can make a deal!"

Something underground, the sound became urgent.

Overlord's golden body still tightly sealed his mental power fluctuations, and did not respond in any way, and the pressure around him became even greater.

It even gave him the illusion that this world, this space is breaking and collapsing, all putting pressure on his body.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, rushing outward with difficulty.

"Let's go, back to camp!"

The subordinates also noticed that something was wrong, and the system members resolutely obeyed the order. Seven or eight high-level fire spirits led the magma giant and left quickly.

"Hoho!" Five hundred meters away, the Overlord's golden body roared like a beast, and the flames on his body were reduced by half, from more than 30 meters before, to more than ten meters.

"Human, I have no malicious intentions!" The strange voice became more anxious.


There was a crisp sound on the hard body, and cracks appeared one after another.

"Damn it, how strong is this guy?"

The overlord's golden body looked extremely ugly, and his mind was already wounded, so he planned to give up this clone.

The underground existence is far more terrifying than he imagined!

With his full-strength ninth-level strength, even a tenth-level powerhouse, it is impossible to crush his body to pieces with just coercion from such a long distance.

This feeling of being irresistible and weak is really too hateful and unacceptable!

"Hey, it turned out to be a clone, such an exquisite clone technique, remember my promise, you can talk to me about any request, even if you can directly upgrade to the tenth rank, it's not impossible!"

Just when half of the Overlord's golden body was about to be shattered, his body was suddenly lightened, and the pressure around him disappeared.

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