The two hatches of the Thunder Overlord slowly opened. Ning Chuan moved quickly and jumped in. The next moment, the hatch closed, blocking the pouring sunlight. "Neural connection is successful!" With a cold mechanical synthesized sound, Ning Chuan's sight was re-lit, with no blind spots in 360 degrees. His mind flashed, and the Thunder Overlord immediately took action according to his idea. The driving method of the sky mecha is the same as that of ordinary mecha. They are all controlled by the mecha master's mind. Ordinary mechas are the Federation's replica of sky mechas. It's just that the technological level is not enough. Bang, bang, bang. The Thunder Lord performed various simple movements.

Swinging his arms, taking steps, jumping, and spinning.

The pressure inside the cabin continued to fall, which was far more severe than the load generated by ordinary mechas.

However, for Ning Chuan now.

It was not a problem at all.

He could easily bear it.

After a simple test, Ning Chuan spread his consciousness and clearly sensed the thunderstorm secret of the Thunder Lord.

It was the same as the absolute defense secret he sensed before.

He could not understand it at all.

However, this time it was a little different.

Ning Chuan could sense the characteristics of the thunderstorm secret.

Violent! Cold! Destruction!

Suddenly, a dense prompt sound rang in Ning Chuan's mind.

"The Thunder of Heaven sensed the same secret, entered the state of enlightenment, and the speed of cultivation increased dramatically!"

"Progress increased by 30%!"

"Progress increased by 14%!"

"The Thunder of Heaven has accumulated enough, and has gained some insights, and has been promoted to the expert level!"

"Progress increased by 20%!"


Ning Chuan blinked, somewhat surprised.

The secret of the Thunder of Heaven is actually the same as that of the Thunder Lord.

Moreover, it can also be enlightened through it.

If there is a chance in the future.

He can try other sky mechas.

"Progress increased by 20%!"

"The Thunder of Heaven has accumulated enough, and has gained some insights, and has been promoted to the perfect level!"

"The Thunder of Heaven in the perfect level can no longer be enlightened through the secret, and the speed of cultivation has returned to normal."

The mind returned to calm.

Ning Chuan thought secretly.

The upper limit of martial arts through the secret is perfection.

The complete power of the Dragon King does not have this limit.

It should be a higher level than the secret, or more.

At this time, Mu Kai looked at the stationary sky mecha and teased: "Major General Ning, driving a mecha stably is not just about jumping around, at least you have to break through the sound barrier!"

"If you can't do it, give up. You can't get an epiphany when driving a mecha!"

"Don't worry, we don't limit the type of that first-class sky mecha, just return it within 50 years!"

A burst of laughter rang out.

The officers on the scene were in a good mood.

Not only did the 27th Army lose face.

And they got a first-class sky mecha for nothing!

Ning Chuan came back to his senses, glanced at them, and without saying a word, he directly controlled the Thunder Lord to fly high into the sky.


The dark purple fuselage cut through the air at an amazing speed, dragging a long purple afterimage, like a thunder shooting into the sky.

The Thunder Lord rose rapidly into the air.

When it reached an altitude of about 100 meters, there was a loud bang, deafening.

A large piece of white mist burst out from the surface of the fuselage, turning into a radial sonic boom cloud, appearing in multiple sights.


Except for Bai Xiuxiu and Luo Qin, all the officers seemed to be strangled by the neck and could not make a sound.

I just felt dizzy.

You know, breaking the speed of sound in about a hundred meters.

Many senior ace mecha masters can't do it!

Luo Qin smiled like a flower, no longer hiding, and said: "Everyone, are you surprised?!"

"Are you surprised?!"

Bai Xiuxiu rarely agreed with Luo Qin.


In the sky, the wind roared like a beast, sharp and piercing.

The Thunder Lord continued to accelerate.

1.1 times the speed of sound!

1.2 times the speed of sound!

1.3 times the speed of sound...

It was not until 1.5 times the speed of sound that the Thunder Lord reached the limit.

Of course.

This is just the basic limit speed of the mecha.

With the blessing of martial arts and secrets, it can be even faster!


Ning Chuan drove the Thunder Lord at 1.5 times the speed of sound, performing various difficult maneuvers over the airport.

He has received air training.

Not proficient.

But not unfamiliar either.

"It's much faster than the Wind Hunter!"

Ning Chuan was excited.

The Wind Hunter can also fly, but compared with the Thunder Lord, it can only be regarded as floating.


"Don't... don't worry!"

Looking at the Thunder Lord in the sky, Mu Kai's voice trembled, and said: "According to the agreement between us and the 27th Army, only when you exert 10% of the power of the mystery can you be considered to have successfully driven!"

In general, the stronger the mystery of the sky mecha, the higher the mental power required of the mecha master.

Driving a third-class sky mecha can exert 10% of the power of the mystery.

It is difficult to switch to a first-class sky mecha.

Wu Ya shook her head and whispered: "From the speed, Ning Chuan is already a senior ace mecha master..."

She didn't continue.

"No... not necessarily, fast speed can only mean that Ning Chuan's body is strong!"

Mu Kai took a deep breath and said calmly.

"That's right, mental power and physical body are two different things, they can't be compared!"

"Ning Chuan has just been promoted to an ace mecha master, his mental power won't be too strong!"

Many officers echoed, looking for a basis to make themselves feel at ease.

Bai Xiuxiu curled her red lips and said, "Tell me the communication code of the Thunder Lord, I will contact Ningchuan."

After she finished speaking, she took out a tablet and clicked it quickly.

"Ningchuan, come down to test the power of the mystery."


The Thunder Lord swooped down rapidly, came to a low altitude of more than ten meters above the ground, and hovered.


The Thunder Lord spun his right palm and grasped a purple narrow sword, which was sharp and aggressive.

There was no weapon mounting point on its fuselage.

However, each of his left and right hands was inlaid with a space stone, storing more than ten kinds of weapons.

When he wanted to use it, the mecha master only needed to move his mind.

It was much more convenient than the weapon mounting point.


The Thunder Lord swung the purple sword, and in an instant, it tore the sound barrier. The brilliant purple electric light surrounded the blade, and the power was terrifying, as if it was going to explode the void.

This knife fell into the air.

But the weeds and vines below were all broken, and the ground was covered with charred ashes.

Seeing this, the officers on the scene gave up completely.

No one asked Ning Chuan for data.

Because such an amazing power must exceed 10% of the power of the secret.

"I can activate about 30% of the thunderstorm secret."

Ning Chuan glanced at the light screen projected on the cabin.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Thunder Lord kept swinging his sword, and a large area of ​​lightning flashed, dazzling and almost drowning the void.

Ning Chuan was testing the blessing of the thunderstorm secret on martial arts.

"The power of the Lightning Thunder Slash and the Thirty-Six Slashes of the Heavy Rain has increased to a certain extent, but the former is much higher than the latter."

Ning Chuan analyzed in his heart.

The secret of the Lightning Thunder Slash should be similar to the Thunderstorm Secret to a certain extent.

"The closer the secret is to martial arts, the higher the degree of blessing. If the martial arts contain the same secret, the degree of blessing is the highest, which is equivalent to a Dharma image!"

Ning Chuan recalled the information he saw in the book.

Ace mecha masters have terrifyingly high mecha driving skills, and no one is much stronger than the other.

The gap is mainly reflected in three aspects.

Mental power, physical strength, and the martial arts realm with the same secret of the mecha.

Needless to say about the first two.

It is crucial.

Mental power is related to how much secret power can be exerted.

Physical strength is the basis for driving any mecha.

The last point, the improvement of the combat power of the mecha, should not be underestimated.

Many ace mecha masters major in multiple martial arts, which contain the same secret, so as to better fit with the sky mecha.

"When I get to Xinghe University, in addition to weapon martial arts, I will also learn a few more martial arts containing the secret of thunderstorms."

Ning Chuan said in his heart.

The Thunder Punishment of Heaven is just a flying spear technique, and it has many limitations in combat.

The most important thing is.

With the Thunder God, he inherited the martial arts containing the mysteries of thunderstorms, which can be directly enlightened and form immediate combat power.

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