The old man was very angry.

"Warriors need the original force to practice martial arts, but unfortunately, I can't practice the ultimate weapon."

Ning Chuan muttered in his heart.

That day, although he decisively rejected Bai Xiuxiu.

However, he still couldn't forget the martial arts of Wanbing Shenzang.


Suddenly, Ning Chuan stopped, his ears moved slightly, and he noticed a sound of footsteps coming from a distance.

In his direction at 3:15.

The distance is 2054 meters.

The target is not a person, because judging from the sound, it weighs more than 10 tons and has four legs.

It should be some kind of huge beast.

After reaching the peak of the ninth stage of awakening, Ning Chuan's five senses were greatly enhanced again, and they were amazingly sharp.

Looking at the direction where the sound came from, Ning Chuan's eyes were cold, and he slowly tightened his war spear, and was about to use the Thunder Punishment of Heaven.

However, the next moment.

Ning Chuan put away the war spear.

It's not that the Thunder Punishment of Heaven can't fly two thousand meters.

The range of the monitor is only 800 meters. After exceeding it, the killing of the beast will not be recorded.

Ning Chuan ran towards the beast, and when he felt the distance was right, he swung his right arm and threw a gun into the sky.

A few seconds later.

A cold light fell, wrapped in a strong wind, splashing a large amount of blood, scaring the nearby birds to fly away.

Ning Chuan's footsteps did not stop.

Soon, he arrived at the place where the gun fell.

I saw that the war spear pierced the head of an elephant beast, standing upright on the ground, and blood flowed like a spring.

If an outsider saw this scene, he would be so shocked that he could not speak.

That beast, named the Blade-toothed Elephant, was only at the beginning of the third level, but was killed by Ning Chuan's blind shot.

Ning Chuan was very calm, drew his war spear, and left quickly.

The beast hunting ground will be closed at midnight tonight.

He must seize the time to hunt beasts.

It will be difficult to have such a good opportunity to earn tens of millions a day in the future.

In the early hours of the morning.

Ning Chuan returned to the base in the moonlight, washed up, and slept a rare late sleep.

He did not wake up until nine o'clock the next morning.

After that, Ning Chuan went to the library, found a few books, and read them on the sofa.

Martial arts practice requires relaxation.

Being too tense is not a good thing.

In the past month, except for the few nights used to restore energy, the rest of the time was spent hunting beasts, and the mental fatigue was very heavy.

He needs to relax properly and restore his condition to the best in order to meet the upcoming college entrance examination.

The Federal Education Administration has issued a college entrance examination announcement.

The cultural course examination will be on June 7.

The martial arts examination will start on the 8th of the next day, and the duration is uncertain.

The martial arts examination methods of each region are different.

Some can be completed on the same day, and some can last for a week.

Near noon, Ning Chuan walked towards the cafeteria and stopped when he passed an open space.

There, a large number of students and staff gathered and talked.

In front of them, there was a heavy truck.

In the open carriage, there was a humanoid mecha parked, more than five meters high, with sharp edges and corners. Under the pouring sunlight, the metallic luster was cold, and there was a beauty of violence and killing.

Ning Chuan walked towards the crowd.

He was also interested in mechas.


The humanoid mecha started, jumped out of the carriage, and stirred up some smoke and dust when it landed on the ground.

But the sound was not loud, and the ground barely shook.

Ning Chuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

This humanoid mecha weighed at least more than ten tons, but the sound of landing was so slight.

The mecha master who was driving it must be very skilled.


The hatch on the abdomen began to vibrate and spread to both sides.

A young man got out of the mecha, with a strong figure, wearing a military uniform, and in his twenties.

He walked in front of Bai Xiuxiu, greeted familiarly, and said: "Captain Bai, I sent you the mecha."

Bai Xiuxiu nodded, then looked around at the students, and paused on Ning Chuan, saying: "I asked the military to send this mecha to test whether any of you have the talent to become a mecha master."

The words fell.

The crowd was in an uproar, and their eyes were eager.

Mecha masters enjoy a high status in the Federation and are respected.

But the selection conditions are extremely harsh.

The number is less than that of the ninth-grade warriors.

Bai Xiuxiu said: "You should have heard a little about the power of the mecha, but as for the specific details, I don't think you are too clear."

Then, Bai Xiuxiu pointed to Yan Zhuang and others on the side and said: "These three instructors are all ninth-grade peak warriors!

I am only a sixth-grade warrior.

In a normal battle, they are not even a match.

But, as long as I can drive this mecha.

It only takes me half an hour to kill three of them by myself!"

There was a sensation at the scene.

"Fuck! Instructor Bai is definitely the ace mecha master in the army!"

Song Shiyu exclaimed, and seeing Ning Chuan's puzzled expression, he explained: "This mecha is called the Miewu Type III, and it is just an ordinary mecha.

The upper limit of combat power is the peak warrior of the ninth rank.

Instructor Bai can drive it to kill three, and her level is definitely terrifying.

The mecha she really drives, I am sure, is the sky mecha! "

Song Shiyu then explained to Ning Chuan that mechas are roughly divided into three levels.

Ordinary mechas correspond to warriors.

Sky mechas can fly and have strong combat power, comparable to knights.

Truth mechas are terrifying and can fight against gods.

The name of truth comes from this.

This level of mechas, wherever they go, are truth!

"Then how do we test whether we have the talent of mecha masters?"

A student asked curiously.

Bai Xiuxiu smiled slightly, pointed at the mecha, and said: "It's very simple!

As long as you can drive this Wu-killing Type III mecha and walk a few steps normally, you are qualified to become a mecha master. "

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

It doesn't seem that difficult?

"Instructor Bai, I'll go first!"

Jiang Moyu strode forward. After these days, he has recovered from his injuries.

"Okay. "

Bai Xiuxiu agreed, looked at the sturdy young man beside him, and said: "Xu Shanyi, teach him how to drive the mecha."

"Okay, Captain Bai."

The two came to the front of the Miewu III mecha.

Xu Shanyi pointed to a helmet-like device in the belly compartment and said: "This is the control unit of the mecha, you just put it on, it will connect to your neurons!"

"After that, you can control the mecha with your mind. "

Xu Shanyi briefly explained, and then let Jiang Moyu enter the belly compartment.


The hatch closed.

In the eyes of many people, Jiang Moyu controlled the Wu-Mie III mecha, raised his right leg, and was about to take the first step.


With a thump, the sound was deafening.

The Wu-Mie III mecha fell face first and hit the ground hard, bursting out a large number of sparks.

That is to say, the mecha was strong, so it was not damaged.

The Wu-Mie III mecha used its hands to support the ground and tried to get up.

However, it was like a baby who had just learned to roll. No matter how he tried, he failed and fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

A few minutes later.

This Miewu III mecha lay on the ground, motionless.


The two hatches opened.

However, Jiang Moyu did not come out for a long time.

Xu Shanyi walked over, reached inside with his strong arms, and lifted Jiang Moyu out.

Everyone exclaimed.

Jiang Moyu was pale at this moment, sweating all over, his clothes were soaked, and he was so tired that he couldn't say a word.

"What happened?"

"Jiang Moyu is a high-level warrior of the second rank. This state is terrible!"

Many students were surprised.

Although Jiang Moyu was defeated by Ning Chuan, his own strength was still there.

Few people in the training camp were his opponents.

"This is normal."

Bai Xiuxiu said calmly: "The energy that drives the mecha comes from the Force array in it.

The strength of the driver's Force has no effect on it. "

"If you want to drive a mecha, you need to meet three conditions!"

Xu Shanyi put Jiang Moyu down, raised three fingers in turn, and said to the students: "First, the body must be strong enough!

Only with great strength and fast speed can the mecha burst out with stronger power!

The second point is that the level of horizontal training martial arts must be high.

When the mecha moves, it puts a great load on the body, especially for some difficult movements. If the body's defense is not enough, it will be seriously injured by the strong load.

The third point is that the nerve reaction speed must be fast.

It can better fit the mecha and make it handy!"

Xu Shanyi thought for a while, and added: "Of course, the last one is actually similar to the first one.

If the body is strong, the nerve reaction speed will naturally not be slow. The two complement each other!"

Ning Chuan looked at the mecha, thinking.

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